Joshua KYEOT

Joshua KYEOT is an English singer/songwriter from London. 

Inspired by the likes of Stevie Wonder, Sisqó, and Michael Jackson, the soulful singer/songwriter unveiled his debut single “Only One” in October 2017, introducing an artist with a great musicality and an unique tone. KYEOT (Keep Your Eyes, Ears On This ) has been sharing his incredible gift with the crowds in iconic venues, where his performances highlight his beautiful vulnerability and sincerity. 

His new single “Playground Sweethearts” produced by Max Marlow, is now available everywhere. 

Introduce yourself.

Hello, I am Joshua KYEOT. Singer, songwriter, entertainer, creative person.

Tell us a little bit about your childhood. Did you grow up in a musical family? 

I grew up in Ghana, raised by a mother who used to play piano when she was younger and a father who once purchased a saxophone. So ‘musical family’ is debatable but there was music around. My sister sang a lot when I was younger.

Was there anyone in your entourage who introduced you to the musical path?

Hmm, the answer is no. I kept it quiet for a good while. I think I dropped hints that I enjoyed singing. Mainly though, I think looking up to my older sister, when I was younger, certainly influenced me. She wrote songs, and introduced me to music, she sang and definitely made me curious to begin with.

When did you know you wanted to become a professional musician?

I knew probably at age 9 or 10. I was scared to pronounce myself a singer until 17. At about 14, I thought I might just be a keys player, or pianist for other musicians and arranger.

Do you remember the first song you’ve ever written? What was it about?

I definitely don’t remember the first song, but I am certain that it involved the word ‘baby.’ I’m sure it was about a girl, and or heartbreak. Subject matter I had no business writing about at my tender age. Nevertheless, it was a banger!

Could you tell us about your upcoming record “Playground Sweethearts”. What’s the story behind it?

It is about a dude who had a crush on a girl he grew up with. She had a crush on him too but they never addressed it. Being the dude that he is, he feels that he needs to say something, at least now that he is older and has realised that life is too short to not say anything. So the song is addressing his feelings now that they are older.

Listen to “Playground Sweethearts” here.

What gave you confidence to create the music you’re making right now? 

I think I just started to develop confidence in myself, first in my music and then in myself. Looking at those who came before me gave me confidence too. I can and will call myself tall because I stand on the shoulders of giants! 

What do you like the most about the music industry?

I like the fact that it lets musicians make money from what they love.

You are living in London. How does this city impact your creativity and musicality?

Honestly, it’s just nice to be where others are being creative too. There is a lot to think about in London and simply living in this city or any big city really puts you in touch with a lot of people. Those interactions and the stories that come out fuel creativity.

You are Ghanaian. Did your roots influence the music you’re making today?

Of course. But who knows when? We create and it comes from a massive vault of semi-forgotten memories and experiences.

What do you want people to feel when they listen to your music? 

I want them to feel something.
That’s it, I don’t want them being indifferent. I hope my music is stirring enough to whoever hears it to understand me and whatever it is that I am talking about. Whatever it is that they do feel is what I want them to feel I suppose.

Being an artist can be difficult at times. What makes it difficult? What keeps you going?

Life is difficult. It just gets in the way of your greatness if you let it. It is difficult to keep the blinders on. Sometimes there is no point in having them at all because the problems jump in your face. Just got to power through and know that both good and bad occurrences are inevitable.

Tell us about your upcoming projects. What are you working on? 

Currently working on releasing my very first project. My EP She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not. It is a little story of love and turmoil.

Who’s helping you shape your career and achieve your dreams? When and how did you meet him (them)?
When did you know you had to work together?

Other than God? My brother, my manager. We have a good relationship and very similar goals - he understands me and I understand him, and we compliment each other artistically. He is definitely my manager for a reason, as he is very good at things I might be lacking…

What are your goals as an artist, and as a human being?

To be great. That’s it. To define and explain further though is difficult. You’ll have to ask me later if I have achieved it though. Also to inspire and live a life worth emulating. I have a song called ‘a Space on Your Wall’ which I think does a good job of explaining that sentiment.

Watch Joshua KYEOT performing “Hooked On You” at Sofar. 

What would be your definition of happiness?

Not being sad and enjoing the important things consistently food, music, with loved ones?

What makes you happy?

Happy people, music, love… FOOD.

What do you want to accomplish in 2018?

Release my EP and write more songs this year than I currently have in total.

I asked the last artist I interviewed to ask you a question. Here’s a question from the German producer, Aside:
What are your tricks against uncreative times?

Focus! If nothing comes of that, go and do something. Anything. The more spontaneous the better, and then focus again. You have to summon creativity sometimes.

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