Sebastian Hex

EDM artist Sebastian Hex released his new single “Bulls and Bears” on May 7th. 

New Jersey-based artist and producer revealed his first project “Dark Side of the Moon” in February 2018. The new single “Bulls and Bears” showcases an electronic-pop instrumental record describing Hex’s life story. Along with the record, the American musician released a music video. 

“Growing up, film was my hobby, so I was really pumped about being able to make a video for the song. It’s influenced by JJ Abrams in a way that the plot isn’t really spoon-fed to the audience but rather you need to pay attention to certain hidden details or easter eggs, or even pause, rewind, and rewatch, in order to fully understand the story. The trick in this case is to read the newspaper clippings towards the end of the video”, explains Hex. 
The “Bulls and Bears” video is now available. 

Introduce yourself.

Hey! My name is Ralph and I create music under the name Sebastian Hex.

What’s your story?

I’m a banker turned electronic musician.

What/who introduced you to the musical path? 

My earliest exposure to making music was probably when I was very young and my grandma let me play with her piano and just press random keys. The fact that you could make such beautiful sounds with just your fingers was truly amazing to me. But it wasn’t until Miami Music Week in 2017 at a particular show where I had an epiphany and realized that I could actually go ahead and make music and share that with others.

How long have you been making music? 

I currently make music electronically, and I didn’t really start learning how to do that until the end of 2017. I released my first song in February 2018.

Do you remember the first track you’ve ever worked on? 

Very much so, especially since it just came out less than three months ago! It’s called “Dark Side of the Moon” and it’s the first ever song that I’ve ever made and released.

How would you define your sound? 

Genre-wise, it’s somewhere between pop and EDM. I’m still trying to find my sound.

You recently released your new single “Bulls and Bears”. What was the inspiration behind this record? 

Before I started making music, I had a full-time career on Wall Street as a banker. While the money and other perks were good, it ultimately left me feeling empty. “Bulls and Bears” was a way for me to express the ups and downs that came with doing something that wasn’t making me truly happy. The song has got pretty mellow piano and guitar sections but then the choruses are reminiscent of blaring alarms–totally chaotic–and that to me is just a sonic representation of that whole experience.

Watch the “Bulls and Bears” video here.

In your opinion, what makes a good production?

For songs, or video? Either way, I love art because it’s all subjective. To me, as long as a production is enjoyed by someone, even if that someone is yourself, then it’s good. I don’t like when people say things like “real music,” and totally dismiss a whole genre just because they’re not into it. I’m not a fan of the color orange, but I wouldn’t go around saying that it’s not a “real color” just because I don’t like it, you know?

What makes music so special?

Its ability to make you feel. You can listen to a song you haven’t heard in years then suddenly get a flashback of memories and feelings associated with that song.

How do you listen to music? Do you listen to the lyrics first, production first or melodies?

That’s a hard one. I think I subconsciously listen to a little bit of all those elements right away. I probably would put production last only because a song can still send a great message or make you feel good even if it’s not made “professionally” in a traditional sense.

Who are your biggest influences, in music and in life? 

Another hard one! When it comes to music, I would say Anton (Zedd) because his songs are just so well-made and he is honestly one of the nicest guys out there. 

When it comes to life influences, my boss’ boss on Wall Street was and still is someone I look up to a lot. I won’t say his full name just for his privacy but Neil is probably one of the smartest people I have ever had the pleasure of working for. I’m just amazed by how he approaches problems. I find myself thinking sometimes, “What would Neil do?”

What’s the hardest thing about being an artist? 

I think it’s the uncertainty. There’s no paved road or blueprint that you can just follow, unlike working for a corporation where there’s a defined structure or ladder you can climb. But at the same time, it’s this uncertainty that I love.

What keeps you motivated? 

One is creativity, because I feel fulfilled when I create and share art. Second would be representation, because growing up I did not see people who were like me in the media. The very few were often reduced to stereotypes or comic relief. I want to be the role model I never had as a kid.

How does NYC impact your creativity? 

It fuels it. I wrote almost the entirety of “Dark Side of the Moon” in New York City; a few parts were written on the train.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

I think the world would be a better place if we were less scared to pursue certain passions just because society expects you to do something more traditional.

What are you currently working on?

I promised myself to take a break after the release of the video, but alas, I’m working on a new song.

What’s your purpose? 

Woah! I’ll have to come back to you on this one!

Connect with Sebastian:

Official website



