LIZ LOKRE is a singer/songwriter from Toronto, Canada. 

Lokre unveiled her debut single “Rise Up!” in 2016 followed by “Buh Bye” and “Believe” released in 2017. 

The empowering artist is now revealing a new single entitled “Stop Runnin”, which was penned for the romantic comedy film “Little Italy”, starring Emma Roberts and Hayden Christensen

Written by Lokre, and produced by Adrian X (DrakeThe WeekndPARTYNEXTDOOR), “Stop Runnin” offers an emotional and heartfelt ballad showcasing Lokre’s soulful and effortless vocals. 

"When I was approached to write a song for "Little Italy” I knew it had to evoke a certain romantic comedy worthy emotion. “Stop Runnin” is about a girl who could have the world if she wanted it, but she discovers everything she’s wanted has been there all along.. it captures that moment when Emma’s character Nikki finally lets her guard down. I rarely finish a song in one night - if I do it’s by some miracle, and “Stop Runnin” was one of those rarities,” says Lokre.

The Toronto-based artist has created the #RiseUp movement, which encourages the young generations to create a positive impact in their communities through their unique and beautiful strengths. 

Lokre’s debut album is set to be released in 2019.  

“Stop Runnin” is now available worldwide. 

Introduce yourself. 

Hi - Im LIZ. A singer-songwriter from Toronto. Music is what get’s me out of bed in the morning and it’s through the lens of songwriting that I found my voice and a platform to share it. 

What’s your story?

My heritage is Irish Trinidadian. I’ve been been writing and performing since I was 12. Growing up I was singing in church and competing across North America. My dad booked live rock music in Dublin and my mom travelled the world as an Indian dancer. It was my grandmother who actually pioneered a popular pre-Bollywood style of dance. I believe it’s that rich heritage that plays into my artistry today. 

What or who introduced you to the musical path? 

My mom. From an early age she took me to music lessons and I gravitated to them instantly. 

When did you know you could sing? 

When I was 9 I won my first singing competition - I think that’s when people started to take notice. 

Growing up, what were your favorite records to sing along to? 

Just like any other little girl in the 90s - the Spice Girls, Britney Spears & Shania Twain. Those were good pop songs. 

At what point did you know you wanted to become an artist? 

There are singers… and then there are artists. It took me some time to understand what it meant to embody my artistry - I’d say that started happening when I wrote my first song at 12 years old. 

How did your sound and artistry evolve since your very first release? 

It’s always evolving - I would say since the release of “Rise Up!” I’ve come to understand the power of my voice even more. Not just musically but also as an activist.. the more deeply rooted in that understanding I become - the more true my music starts to sound. I’m excited to share what I’ve been working on lately. 

You recently released your new single “Stop Runnin”. What’s the story behind this song? 

When I was approached to write a song for the film “Little Italy” I knew it had to evoke a certain rom-com kind of emotion. I knew the story - so I tried to tap into what Emma Roberts’ character would have been feeling at the time. There’s always an element of personal experience in my writing too though. 

Can you describe us the songwriting/recording/production process of this particular song? When did you start working on it? 

I started writing it while the movie was still in production. Finding out it would actually be in the film was really exciting. I rarely write a song in one day but “Stop Runnin” was one of those rarities. It came together really quickly. 

Adrian X produced the single. How was it like to work with him? How did you guys meet? 

Adrian has been my main collaborator for years, so at this point we’ve almost got our own language in the studio. It consists of very few words and an understanding of the vibe we’re going for. He’s got an incredible ear for production and it’s always in the details. We met through my vocal coach Brandon Brophy here in Toronto. 

How do you approach a song for a movie like “Little Italy”? What inspired you the most about the movie? 

I love that it was shot in Toronto and that the story is actually based here too. You rarely see that.

Watch the music video for “Stop Runnin” here.

What can you tell us about your upcoming album? Who’s helping you build this debut album? 

I’m keeping the details under wraps for now - but I can tell you there will be new some new music leading up the album starting in January. 

What does singing make you feel? 


As an artist, do you think it is a must to use your platform to speak up about the things you care about? Do you feel like you have some kind of “responsibility” towards people who are listening to your music? 

I would replace the word “responsibility” with “opportunity.” If I, as an artist have the opportunity to empower listeners with a positive message, why wouldn’t I? Everyone makes music for a different reasons and everyone listens to music for a different reason… I think that’s beautiful, but I do believe that my music has the ability to reflect the times we are facing in our world today. 

What can you tell us about your #RiseUpMovement? What inspired you to create this movement? 

I used to think that I had to reach a certain level of fame before I could make an impact. That changed when I founded the #RiseUpMovement and started speaking to students about this idea that we each have a gift that we can give back with. It’s a message that spans generations too, regardless of who we are or where we come from - we can make a difference with what we already have around and within us. It’s about making that personal commitment to engaging in our communities. 

What message do you want to deliver to young generations? 

That it starts with them. That they have a huge role to play in creating the change we so desperately need to see in the world. 

What defines you? 

I’m not defined by any one thing or person. I’m the sum of all my inspirations and all those who came before me. To know who you are, you have to first know where you came from. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

Each and every person making a commitment to seeing a better world in our lifetime… living in a state of awareness at all times. 

What’s your purpose? 

I’ll let you know when I find out :) For now I’m enjoying being here and sharing as I grow. 

Connect with Liz: 

Official website




