St. Humain

St. Humain is a singer/songwriter/producer from Singapore.

St. Humain introduced his music with the single “Make a Move” released in 2017. Followed by “Free Fall” and “The Thought of You”, the musician is telling his story by painting honest songs taken from his personal life experiences. 

“My songs are always about something in my personal life and I don’t write what I can’t relate to, because I think that at the end of the day we’re all human and are in need of some real authentic connections. Honesty is the motto here,” expresses St. Humain
The Sydney-based artist is now revealing the self-written/produced pop-electro single entitled “Fever Vibe”, released on September 21st. 

“That spark in the early days of a relationship is highly romantic and being the incredibly idealistic person I am, I tried to distill it to a three minute song,” says St. Humain.

“Fever Vibe” is now available worldwide.

Introduce yourself. 

Hi! I’m St. Humain and I’m a singer, songwriter and producer. I may be a little weird sometimes but I promise that I’ll be as honest as I can in telling my story in songs.

What’s your story? 

I was born in Singapore and moved to Sydney, Australia shortly after high school. Music has always been in me from young, but I think it took me writing a song that I simply had to release myself to realise that I wanted to do this music thing. That song actually is my debut single “Make a Move”! And four singles later with “Fever Vibe”… I’m still telling my story.

Tell us a little bit about your childhood. What were the things you were passionate about? 

Actually, I was a big sports fan and tried my hardest to become a professional soccer player. Or football, if you’re reading this in Europe! But I never made the cut and turned to art instead, which then morphed into music… One thing I knew was that I never wanted to be normal. When thinking about who I wanted to be in the future, desk jobs were pretty much taboo.

When did you know music was more than just a hobby? 

It’s been an interesting journey. I mean, the love for music has always been there and I thought – why not finally do something with the songs I’ve been creating? I decided to put one out, which was “Make a Move” that I talked about earlier, and I think it was when it started to really gain traction online, with serious interest from the music industry, that I started to realise this is something I can actually pursue. 

When did you start making music? 

So I basically grew up listening to the top 40 on the radio, and picked up my first instrument around the age of 10… It was the cassette tape recorder. I ran around the house recording random sounds and speech, and even made a parody album and burned it to a CD. I then picked up the guitar at 14, started writing songs and singing at 17… And have been doing that ever since. 

What gave you the confidence to become an artist? 

Oh man. Confidence is a funny thing. I’m still learning, but I think a lot of the confidence I have comes from believing in the story I’m telling. If you ask me, the stuff I’m writing has to mean something to me. If not there’s no point. I think it came to a point where I felt like I had things to say, and wanted to use music to do so. On top of that though, many friends have come along the way and provided encouragement that I am so thankful for. They’ve definitely helped me stand my ground and say, yes – I guess I’m an artist now!

How would you define St. Humain, the artist? 

Musically? Pop… But not. I think having the backbone of pop sensibilities is something that’s embedded in me. That said, I love so many other genres and try to fuse them with the pop thing, so I guess I’m eclectic too. Lyrically I’m just trying to be as honest as I can and hopefully the messages come out clear and that they relate to people out there, to make their lives better.

“Fever Vibe” is your new single. When did you start working on this song? What’s the story behind it? 

The writing process actually began a month after I released my debut single. So this was back in May 2017… And it’s about young love. I was thinking about that feeling when you’re in the early stages of a relationship and everything’s gold and glitter. 

Could you describe us the songwriting/recording/production process for this particular song? 

I pretty much had the whole song written in one or two sittings I believe, with a bridge that I later scrapped. I produced it myself too, so after that it was me going over the track, trying to express that emotion with the right musicality. While that was going, I kept refining lyrics and melodies and it was basically on the day I had to record vocals for it that they were set in stone. I know, I’m obsessive right?

Listen to “Fever Vibe” here. 

As a producer, what equipments and softwares do you usually use? 

Not many people ask me that! I’m on a MacBook Pro using Logic Pro X, and use a blend of Native Instrument plugins as well as a bunch of free instruments I found on the Internet. 

What advices would you give to young producers? 

Keep making tracks, even if they never get heard by anyone but you. I think it’s so tempting to give up especially in our day and age where everything is so instant. Maybe we start to think that we instantly get good at producing too. But it doesn’t work that way, you need to put in the hours and devote yourself to the craft. Also, listen to and analyse a ton of music. Your ears are more important than your plugins.

What would be your definition of pop music? 

That’s a very good question. For me it has to be catchy. I mean, it’s debatable what “catchy” is, but I think good pop sticks in your head and doesn’t let go.

You are originally from Singapore. Does Singapore inspire your music? If yes, in what way? 

There’s this phrase “melting pot of cultures” that’s used a lot in Singapore, because it’s very international and made up of a fusion of many cultures. I think my music is kinda like that as well, because I get inspired by many different styles and somehow try to blend them together. 

You are now based in Sydney, Australia. What do you think of the music scene in Australia? Any artist(s) you’d like to recommend? 

The Australian scene is quite diverse and there are such electronic and organic heavyweights. I think it’s unique in its sound as well simply Australia is so far away from everyone geographically if you know what I mean. Pop is strong here and I think there’s some sort of resurgence! I’m a big fan of CXLOE, G Flip and I sort of know the band Glades, who are absolutely killing it right now! Oh and Troy Sivan is Australian! 

What do you want people to feel when listening to your music? 

Life. I want people to feel that connection in their life, and hopefully I sing about things that relate to people. I want my music to make people’s lives better.

What’s the hardest thing about being an artist? And what is the best thing? 

Oh the best thing is definitely getting free drinks at bars… Just kidding I don’t actually get that at all. I think what’s awesome is having an outlet to express myself creatively on my terms, and that how I do so can actually affect people in a powerful way. And that’s also the hardest thing because then I’m in studios trying to craft these ideas the best way I know how, and it’s not always easy! 

What defines you? 

Honesty. I’m not perfect at it but I would like to say honesty. I want to be as honest as possible in my songs because I think the truth is really powerful.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

I feel like everybody needs to eat a spoolful of Nutella daily. Maybe we’d be less stressed and more forgiving of one another… Love is always the answer. 

What’s your purpose? 

I really want to make art that means something to people. At the end of the day it might just be music, a song on your playlist. But I want the music I make to make your life better and give you more reasons to enjoy it. 

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