Sandtimer releases new single "Clouds"

After a successful tour in Canada, the English band is back with a brand new single entitled “Clouds”. 
Written by Rob Sword and produced by Sword and Simon Thomas, “Clouds” explores the heavy subject of depression.

“The song is about depression and the difficulties of seeing a friend struggle with it and feeling unable to help. It’s one of our bleaker songs, I guess, set against a sparse backdrop of acoustic guitar and soft banjo,” says Sword. 

“Clouds” is now available.

How are you? What have you been up to since our last interview? 

Hi Virginie, I’m well thanks! Since the last interview back in late June we’ve been on tour In Canada, played a few shows in the UK and spent some time preparing to release more new music. Simon’s also moved house and I’ve had to get a new car after my old one- which we often referred to as the 5th member of Sandtimer- gave up the ghost.

You recently did a tour in Canada. How was this experience? Any favorite memory from this tour? 

Touring Canada was awesome. It was so nice to meet so many new people as well as catch up with the people we met on our previous tour there. We went as far east as Saskatoon, Joni Mitchell’s hometown, and as far west as Vancouver Island. It’s hard to pick a favourite memory, but seeing some whales swim right under the boat we were on was probably a highlight, as well as all the epic scenery.

“Clouds” is your new single. What’s the story behind this song?

The song is about seeing a friend struggle with depression and feeling powerless to help them fight it. It’s about all the things you think you’d do if you were in their situation, combined with the awareness that, if you were in that situation, you most probably wouldn’t be able to.

What made you want to release this particular song now? 

I guess there’s been a lot of conversations about mental health in the media. It’s mostly been positive and progressive, but I’ve heard so many people fall into the callous ‘just get over it’ mentality, which doesn’t help anyone. There are also so many prominent thinkers in the media like Sinek and Peterson who offer very convoluted, generalised solutions which are often just veiled digs at younger generations. The song is about accepting that there’s not always an easy explanation or solution and that sometimes the best thing to do is just to be there for someone as much as you can.

What message do you want to deliver to anyone who’s suffering from depression? 

I had to think about this question for a very long time, as I don’t feel very well qualified to answer it. I think the main thing is not to be afraid or embarrassed to pick up the phone to your family, knock on your friend’s door, ask your housemate for a chat, or reach out online. It’s just so important to be able to talk, and to feel able to talk, about what you’re going through. Walking or running in sunlight and various small practical things like that seem to really help people too.

Any upcoming EP or album? 

We’ve got a full length album coming out! We don’t know quite when- probably quite soon- but we’re currently quite enjoying releasing songs from it one by one to give people a chance to absorb each track on its own merit.

Listen to “Clouds” here. 

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