Tyler Parks

Tyler Parks is a singer/songwriter, and actor from Atlanta.

Parks released his debut EP “Rehab” on January 26th 2018 which features the first single “Bleed”.

Along with the single, Parks recently released a music video directed by Gavin Millette and produced/choreographed by Parks & Danella Dutton.

“ I wrote “Bleed” to help myself accept my lowest low. Being walked out on by someone I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with. “Bleed” is about that moment when you realize you’d do anything, even put yourself through absolute hell, to keep the one you love,” explains Parks.

As an actor, Parks has appeared in multiple television series such as “Dear White People”, “NCIS”, “Glee”, “The Goldbergs”, “Shake It Up”, and the Golden Globe-nominated HBO series "Westworld". 

The debut EP “Rehab” is now available on major streaming platforms.

Introduce yourself. What's your story? 

Hi, I’m Tyler Parks. I’m an actor, singer/songwriter, and guitarist. I’m originally from Atlanta, Ga where I grew up playing classical violin and guitar before moving to Los Angeles nearly 8 years ago to pursue acting. 

Tell us a little bit about your childhood. When did you start feeling connected to acting and music? 

I’ve always felt connected to acting and music. According to my parents, I’ve always been performing; even before I “knew” how. Then they enrolled me in dance classes at age 6 and during my teenage years - I bridged the gap between dancing and acting. 

What was your first experience as a singer/songwriter? 

Well I used to write songs in high school; I even created my first ever EP (that no one but my father and mother have heard haha). But the first time I ever performed an original song was at the House Of Blues. It was nerve-racking but the positive feedback I received from my music-peers pushed me into writing more.

What gave you the confidence to be an artist and release your original music? 

Honestly, I was kind of forced to haha. I had been performing live a lot, which is my favorite part of music, but eventually word got around to an artist management company/label and they brought me in for a meeting. They said they loved my sound, but needed studio quality recordings to be able to push me. So, I worked hard to create what turned into “Rehab”. Now I have the recordings, just need the management haha. 

You recently released your debut EP "Rehab". Could you describe us the songwriting/recording process of this first project? When did you start working on it? 

Well “Rehab” is about my recovery after loosing who I thought was, the “love of my life” in such an unexpected and immediate way. Like with any breakup - we need time to heal. “Rehab” came as a bunch of random writings and iPhone notes where I just kind of needed to release my frustration and emotion. After I had written about 12 songs, I realized that this was something that I needed to share with other people who might be experiencing the same thing. I’d say it took about 2 years to write. 

What are the different topics you are talking about on this EP? 

I talk about depression, fighting so hard for someone who refuses to acknowledge it, bad habits/patterns we fall into after a breakup (like continuing to talk to that person), frustration/anger, and ultimately realizing how much time you’ve wasted chasing someone that doesn’t want to be chased. The EP ends with finding myself again, who I truly am, and what I want/deserve. 

Who did you work with? 

I wrote the song solo, and Donnie Troy and I co-produced the record. The Video for “Bleed” was directed by Gavin Millette and Produced/Choreographed by myself & Danella Dutton. It also features Lawrence Keli’i Ranada. I also have to mention my amazing team of creatives that help me look way less disheveled than I normally do haha.

What lessons did you learn after finishing this EP?

Never. Give. Up. 

What does this EP mean to you? 

That no matter what - follow your instincts, write about what you know & love, and even if people don’t like it (which will happen), love what you’ve created and love who you are for it.

You've just released the visual for your single "Bleed". Where did you get the inspiration from? 

I was listening to the song while driving home from the Westside one day, and I knew we were scheduling the shoot  and I needed a concept that felt true to my intention for the song. I realized the more I listened to Bleed that I sounded tortured - like I had allowed myself to be put in that position but also, that I wanted to be there. It just kind of poured out of me at that point. 

What's the story behind "Bleed"?

I wrote “Bleed” to help myself accept my lowest low - being walked out on by someone I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with. “Bleed” is about that moment when you realize you’d do anything, even put yourself through absolute hell, to keep the one you love.  The video shows me being held captive and tortured by an unknown masked figure that ultimately offers me a solution to escape. After I refuse, we learn that my tormenter knows me better than I think. 

You are also an actor. How does your acting skills help build your musicality/artistry?

I’m a storyteller. I love embodying the lives of others even if just for a short time; Learning different mindsets and keeping myself open to things I may not necessarily believe. It’s what really helped me learn to be true to my inner voice, learn who I am, and to stay open to what I truly feel & believe. 

You are originally from Atlanta. How would describe this city? 

Passionate. I think there’s a lot of experiences that create the framework and perception of Atlanta. Atlanta is growing in every way and I’m excited to see what will come out of it. 

What do you like the most about Los Angeles? 

The opportunity. I moved to Los Angeles to work in the industry. Plus, there’s so much you can do here, its just about finding the right people to do them with. 

As an artist, what do you want to accomplish? 

I’d love to perform at coachella one day Haha. I love performing live. I want more of that. 

What are the things you are the most proud of? 

A few of the films I’ve done and my EP “Rehab”. I fought though so much to get it finished. It took 2 years, but it’s out and it’s way better than I originally thought it’d be haha. 

Any advice to anyone who'd like to be an actor and an artist at the same time? 

You will only succeed in what you love. If you love both, you’ll excel. I see so many people in LA “TRYING” to do so much, but never truly ‘sitting-in’ their truth. They get frustrated and quit. I don’t believe people quit on things they truly love. (Yes, there are detours, but true passion never really leaves.)

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?


What's your purpose? 

To create and share experiences & truths with anyone who will watch/listen; and I hope I can bring them some type of peace and/or understanding even if for a few mins.  

Connect with Tyler:

Official website




