Dani Le Rose

Canadian singer/songwriter Dani Le Rose is back with a brand new single entitled “SHELLSHOCK”, written by Dani Le Rose & Shay Zaid, and produced by Julian Feifel.

The Vancouver-based artist revealed the visuals for the song on January 25th. Directed by Bruna Arbex, the video illustrates women’s inner sexual desires in a very unique and powerful way.

“I hope when people watch this, they first of all don’t take it too seriously and second of all are inspired to create art, laugh a bit about ridiculousness and also let their inner sexual desires be heard,” says Le Rose.

“SHELLSHOCK” is the first single off her upcoming EP, to be released in 2019.

Photo credit: @zeustate

Introduce yourself - where are you from? 

My name is Dani Le Rose. I’m from Vancouver Canada.

Could you describe us your childhood?

Growing up I was into arts/music/dance and laughing, making up games and such. My sister and I loved playing pranks on each other. I’d hang her underwear all over her room before her friends would come over or she would pretend she was me on the phone with my boyfriends and tell them really embarrassing things LOL. I think we may have gotten some of these trickster habits from my dad, he LOVED playing pranks on people.. He used to hide firecrackers in his friends cowboy hats so when they’d go to put it on it would explode on their head. Basically, if you don’t have a sense of humor we can’t be friends.


What did you grow up listening to? 

Mostly sexual R&B music, then got into really cheesy pop and grunge music.. Boyz II Men, Janet Jackson and Michael Jackson, Usher, Fiona Apple, Mariah Carey, Amy Winehouse, Spice Girls, Radiohead.. Then Supertramp, Fleetwood Mac, Doobie Brothers, Pink Floyd, U2 because my parents forced us to listen to those albums repetively on 14 hour road trips to Manitoba. Now I have PTSD thinking about those long trips.…..


What or who introduced you to the musical path? 

My mom was a piano teacher so I got forced into it at a young age. At the time I hated piano lessons; I used to cry at the piano LOL. I grew up in a VERY small town (not one traffic light) and every summer the neighbors had a massive festival in their backyard called the “Western Party”.  The cops would be called for noise complaints cause the jam sessions were so loud. The jam outs mostly included country music (my mom hated country) but she ended up jamming with them anyway cause really there was nothing else to do in the town but jam and drink. These summer parties became one of the most memorable past times. They always brought out the acoustic guitars and my mom would bring her keyboard over, it was something that made me feel really comfortable and safe. 


Do you remember a specific moment where music made a huge difference in your life? 

I think it really made a difference when I wrote my first song. I would have been around 11 years old.… I remember playing the piano and making some lyrics, from then on that become my life’s mission.    


What gave you the confidence to become an artist and release your original music? 

Um, nothing.  Haha. My parents were never the type to push me into music. As much as they loved the jam outs and western parties they didn’t believe that music was a very lucrative career path. For as many people who liked my music and supported what I was doing, there were always those people who were never that sure about it. I think the only thing that kept me going was my passion and inner desire to do it. It just feels like something I HAVE to do. 


How would you define Dani Le Rose, the artist?  

Dani Le Rose is the closest thing to my authentic self. I love fashion, art, music and being silly. I feel like it is a combination of all those things.  


You recently released your latest single "SHELLSHOCK". What's the story behind this song? Who did you work with?

 Julian Feifel produced the song. It was my first session with Julian and songwriter Shay Zaid. To be honest, I was feeling pretty down on my writing abilities at the time and really just defeated musically. I had recently been rejected for a music grant I had applied for, wasn’t doing many shows and was doubting everything in my life. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do music anymore because it just seemed too hard and I didn’t know if I was good enough. When I walked into the session and started talking about my project there was this evil voice in my head saying I was bullshitting them.  Negative self-talk was flooding my mind telling me “you suck, you're just lying to them that you can do this, you're not a good musician, you can’t sing, you’re wasting everyone’s time”....but even with all this negativity in my mind, something was also telling me to get my ass to this session and just see what happens. Julian and Shay greeted me with open hearts and we had the most amazing conversation about my previous body of work including topics of tragic love stories, pain and how it possibly didn’t reflect who I was as a person anymore. We discussed how this new project should reflect who I am now, what inspires me, drives me, turns me on and pisses me off.  Shay said to me, “you’re actually a very positive and pleasant energy to be around, although you still have this mysteriousness about you...  Once we got started on "Shellshock", it flowed out of us very fast. The experience for me was healing and beautiful. ; we talked about feminism and how although we are believers in feminist movement, it’s also not fair to completely out men who love and support women, men who give them jobs, respect and care for them. I am more of a believer in people.  Sometimes the sexes are just misunderstood more than anything and we are slowly filling the gap with openness, understanding and love. The more I continued to work with these amazing souls; Julian and Shay, the more I started to believe in myself again and my musical journey unfolded as it should. It was so important for me to write these songs because it signifies my inner truth, overcoming my negative mind and sharing to others that we need to create regardless of the fears that we have.  



What made you want to release this particular song as a single? 

Well I have a whole EP that is coming out this year and this is the first song we wrote together so I thought it was only appropriate to release this one first!

What can you tell us about the music video? What's the inspiration behind it?

It’s so interesting to see how far women have come even from the 90s to now and seeing the celebration of sexuality become a more prevalent public celebration rather than a suppressed mystery. As we’ve come into the this new age of sexual expression it’s really providing freedom to the women to experience these fantasies in real life rather than in their dreams. This video and song is a representation of sexual expression of women and the significant breakthrough we’ve seen throughout the last 20 years. I feel so lucky and blessed to be able to express my sexuality and my creative freedom with the world with this work of art and I wanted to inspire others to do the same. Fear of truth only creates depression. When we choose to open the doors and let our truth shine through, we can begin to accept ourselves and see that we’re not alone. When one gay man has the courage to speak up for his truth, it only inspires another to do the same. This is such a beautiful thing. We need to support each other and help inspire these truths. We are only human and all along for the ride together. I am proud to see where women have arrived and how many hurdles we’ve jumped through to get the rights we now have. In the video the main character is so desperate to escape her daily boring life that she would rather destroy her husband than speak her truth. People carry so much shame and guilt when it comes to sex and fantasy and the secrets people keep from their spouses is sometimes mind blowing. I literally spent the last month listening to this new show on Sirius xm called ‘Sex with Emily’, it really got me thinking about the typical roles of a marriage, what sex looks like and how it’s defined by gender roles. The confines of the typical marriage especially set in the 90s leave little to no room for sexual exploration and I would be extremely curious to learn how many people are searching either inside their minds or even secretly outside of their marriages to seek these sexual fantasies, and how desperate they are to keep these fantasies hidden. Marriage is a safe, loving, fulfilling, secure place a little predictable at times but its a way for people to function in society and marriage has been a staple in human history. Around the time I was writing my EP I was heavily listening to therapist Esther Perel’s podcast where she interviews married couples who have gone through traumatizing experiences with affairs. I really learnt a lot about affairs and why people reach outside of the confines of their marriage to search for that feeling of adventure they once had, to evidently find that missing piece of themselves that they once had. I am a seeker of the human mind, intrigued by human psychology and the reason we do the things we do. I’ve always been so afraid to talk about these subjects for fear that people will interview me about them and I’ll have to give really intellectual answers but I’ve reached a point in my life where I just don’t care anymore LOL. These are things I heavily study for fun and because I suppose I am passionate about. I find these topics inspiring to write songs about and I love learning about people. 

I have so much respect for people who have the courage to be honest about their inner fantasies. The whole EP is very sexually driven and playful. The songs have a positive but still dark vibe. I want to explore this world with all of you. I’d love to hear stories about your exploration, about what turned you on, turned you off. What were you possibly thinking about doing but are too afraid to do. Why will you keep it a secret? I want this journey to be epic and inclusive. I want to hear your stories of love, lust, heartbreak, breaking free, and adventure I want to talk about what is real. I want to have fun with you guys. I want to know your dark secrets; I want to know why?? So I can write more songs about it. 

FYI:  I hope when people watch this, they first of all don’t take it too seriously and second of all are inspired to create art, laugh a bit about ridiculousness and also let their inner sexual desires be heard.  

Notes from the director from the "Shellshock" video (Bruna Arbex):

“On the video side, I think I can only add: Its purpose is to emphasize we, as women, shouldn't be apologetic or hide our sexual desires despite what the norm insinuates. Audiovisual content is my form of artistic expression, and that's why I think it's so important to use the platform to bring to the surface important and relevant stories. I'm so happy for Dani given me the opportunity to illustrate her story and help her send her message across.”

Photo credit: @zeustate

What does it mean for you to be an artist? 

Being an artist is definitely not an easy task but for me it has always been a necessary one. It takes a lot of willpower to keep yourself balanced and consistent with practicing the art, feeding yourself with inspiration and giving yourself space to re-charge the battery. 


Where is one place you feel most like yourself? 

Lately I’ve been having so many synchronistic moments telling me that I am in the right place. I don’t have a specific place where I would say I feel like myself, it’s more like a state of mind for me. I could be anywhere in the world and feel at home if I’m around good people. I believe so strongly in community and artists coming together.  It’s kind of a hidden secret that us artists actually like each other and do want to support each other. We need to ask for help and opinions sometimes to know that our stuff isn’t shit. I think without that support I would fail miserably.  


What do you want to accomplish in 2019? 

Release my new EP, Tour, meet some really cool people, maybe have a hit song…


What advices would you give to anyone who'd like to pursue music as a career?   

Take advice from the ones you look up to.  If someone believes in you and is investing time into you and your project, really apply yourself and appreciate what they are doing for you.  Listen to your intuition and don’t be afraid to take risks.


What biggest lessons have you learned as a human being and as an artist? 

The older I get the more I realize that life is so precious and short. Don’t let fear hold you back from anything. Fear will always be there but that doesn’t mean you should let it stop you. Listen to your soul, if there is something you keep thinking about everyday JUST DO IT.  ( haha so Nike of me). But honestly, if you’re thinking about learning guitar every day and keep putting it off; eventually you’re going to have regret about it. If you think you’re too old, too fat, too ugly, too whatever, tell that voice to literally shut up.  It is not serving you, you are amazing and beautiful and you are your own true power because NO ONE ELSE IS YOU!  That is your power. Being unique is our greatest gift and we need to embrace these things.. Don’t try to impress anyone, there will always be people who judge and hate you for whatever stupid reasons even if you’re the coolest smartest most amazing sexy person in the world. For the people who hate and dislike you, there will be far more who love and support you. For all your supporters and lovers, show them love back. Be genuine….acting like you're too cool for school is just so lame and never works….unless that's genuinely who you are (I’m def not that cool). Form your own collective group because what you are searching for is searching for you back. And remember, if you’re talking to someone and you think they're judging you….remember that they are probably just worried about you judging them…. 

Connect with Dani:

Official website




