Kimmie Devereux

New Jersey pop artist Kimmie Devereux unveiled her debut single “Normal” on September 6th.

Written by Devereux and produced by Alex Wilhelm, “Normal” is a letter to her 16-year-old self who was struggling to come to terms with her sexuality.

Directed by Devereux, the music video was revealed on September 9th. Starring Beada Briglia and Eloise Gordon, the visuals were inspired by Devereux’s story.

The 23 year old singer/songwriter introduces herself as an empowering artist with a message to offer: “I want you to know that you are never alone. Whatever you may be going through is normal, and there are people all around you that accept you for who you are, me being one of them,” says Devereux.

With this debut single, Kimmie Devereux creates a safe place for the LGBTQ+ community and allows herself to embrace her true-self through an honest songwriting.

“Normal” is now available worldwide.

Photo credit: James Barker

Introduce yourself - where are you from? 

Hi :) I’m Kimmie Devereux, and I’m from Parsippany, New Jersey. I am a 23 year old pop singer/songwriter that is currently bouncing back and forth every week between Jersey and NYC. 

What's your story? 

That’s a tough one because I feel like my story hasn’t really started yet. All I know is that the journey I’m currently on feels like the right path. 

Could you tell us a little bit about your childhood? 

I’m so privileged to have grown up the way I did, where I did, and with the people I did. My parents got divorced when I was about 4 years old. Although divorce is looked at as a negative thing to many, I see it differently because I gained some of the most important people in my life. I have 4 incredible parents (mom, dad, stepmom and stepdad), 3 sisters and a brother. Three of them in which are step-siblings, but I tend to leave that part out because I don’t really remember my life before them. My 3 sisters are my best friends, and I feel so grateful saying that because I don’t think a lot of people are as lucky as I am when it comes to family. I have had the privilege to travel to over 20 countries all over the world in my 23 years, and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon. A lot of people think I live this perfect life, and although I feel so grateful for my childhood and the experiences I’ve had, no one’s life is perfect. Most people only show the world the good stuff. 

How would you describe yourself today? 

I would say I’m a work in progress, because I think we all should be. To be honest, I am one big mess. I overthink pretty much everything, I care about other people’s opinions way too much (who doesn’t), I struggle with anxiety, and most of my days are spent inside my head trying to figure out this whole “life” thing. But with all that mess going on, I am working every day to become a better version of myself.

When did you realize you could sing? 

You should ask my mom that! She tells everyone that I came out of the womb singing. A little dramatic, but I guess that’s where I get it from! I grew up doing musical theater and going to acting camps. It wasn’t until high school when I realized I fit more in the coffee shop singer/songwriter type category rather than musical theater. 

When did you start writing songs? What made you want to write songs in the first place? 

I have a home video of me at the age of around 7 where I just start singing random lyrics into the camera, so I guess you could say I started songwriting pretty young haha. I think I wrote my first “song” when I was 13 and it was called “Who Am I” (clearly I was a very confused teenager). I don’t really know what made me start writing. It just kind of happened. They were never the best songs, but I loved it enough to keep writing and improving. 

"Normal" is your new single - could you describe us the songwriting process? 

‘Normal’ is a song I wrote in my bedroom, where I was writing to my 16-year-old self, reflecting on a difficult time in my life when I was first discovering I was attracted to girls. I wrote the song in about 30 minutes and just knew it was something special. 

What did you feel when writing this song? 

It was actually such a strange feeling because while writing, I started to realize how far I’ve come over the past few years. I probably cried a couple times during it, but that’s typical for me because I am one very emotional girl. I try to be as honest and vulnerable as possible in my music because that’s what people need. Plus, I don’t really know how to not be vulnerable. 

Who helped you create this single? 

I brought ‘Normal’ (along with a few other songs) to Nashville where I worked with such a talented producer, Alex Wilhelm. I randomly found him on Instagram and met him for the first time in Nashville and we instantly clicked. He knew the exact sound I was going for and took this song to an entirely new level. 

What made you want to release "Normal" as a single? 

I have a couple of released songs that are pop edm collaborations with other producers, but haven’t released anything as a solo artist. This song was always the song I knew I wanted to release as my first single, because it not only embodies such a huge part of who I am and what I stand for, but it represents the type of story I want to leave behind.

What can you tell us about the music video? What was the inspiration behind it? 

The music video is inspired by true events. I had a crush on a girl in high school that I always felt had the same feelings for me, but I just wasn’t ready to come to terms with that and neither was she. I think a lot of people in the LGBTQ+ community have gone through something similar where they couldn’t be open about their feelings because it wasn’t necessarily “normal” in society. The music video follows the narrative of a girl who is struggling to come to terms with her sexuality. I think the ending is really the most important part of the whole video. People might want the typical “happy ending,” but in reality that doesn’t always happen. I want teens, or anyone going through these emotions to know that everything will be okay - even if it’s not right now, or even a year from now. The message is for people to understand that just because they might not be ready now, doesn’t mean they never will be. 

As an artist, what do you want to accomplish?

There are a lot of things I want to accomplish, but I think the most important one is that I never want to give up. I know that I have a huge dream, and although at times it might be hell to get there, there is nothing else in the world that makes me as happy as writing songs does. 

Oh, and once we all learn to stop making money the end goal, and start making happiness the end goal, people will start living the lives they actually want to live. 

What does music make you feel? 

Everything. Music has made me feel the happiest I’ve ever felt and the saddest I’ve ever felt. But, the sad still always feels good if that makes any sense. Music helps me to better understand life, love, and everything in between. Sometimes it’s hard for me to really put my emotions and feelings into words, but with music and songwriting, it just comes naturally. 

In your opinion, what makes a "good" songwriting? 

In my opinion, if you can make people feel something, you’re doing it right. 

Do you remember a specific moment in your life where music made a huge impact?

Fall of 2016 while listening to Bon Iver’s 2011 album ‘Bon Iver’ in my college dorm room to fall asleep every night. I was at the lowest point I had ever been. I was struggling with some deep depression where I wouldn’t get out of bed to go to class. It was a time in my life where I felt like I lost who I was and wasn’t sure who I was supposed to be anymore. His music took me outside of my body and into a whole other world. It made me cry a lot, but it also allowed me to heal.  

What do you want to say to anyone who feels like they're not "normal"? 

I’ve been where you are. A lot of people you look up to have been where you are. Shouldn’t that in itself make you feel normal? Even if it doesn’t seem like it, everyone has their insecurities, doubts, and dark days - it IS normal.

What message do you want to give to LGTBQ+ communities? 

I love you. You are some of the bravest people in the world. Thank you for allowing me to feel apart of something so great with so much love. Let’s keep fighting for those who never got the chance, and for those who don’t yet have the courage to. 

What are you most proud of? 

I think I am most proud of my decision to not take that 9-5 job that I got my college degree for, and to just follow my heart. It’s a lot harder than it seems at times; A lot of people don’t understand or agree with my path, and there are a lot of days that I question it myself. But, I know what I want in the end, and the only way to get there is to keep going. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

Damn, I mean there’s a long list of things that we can go on and on about, but for me I think is all starts with self-love. People tend to project hate on others and the world for the lack of love they have for themselves. Once we learn how to love ourselves and who we are, there’s no room for hate. 

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

I wish I could tell you the biggest ones I’ve learned, but I am knowingly  the most indecisive person there is, so that would be pretty hard for me to do haha. I will, however, share one that I use almost every day and one that I try to instill in everyone around me; “You either control your mind, or you let it control you.” Controlling your mind is the first step in controlling your life, and I think a lot of people don’t really understand that. I struggle every day with anxiety, just like a lot of people do, and what has helped me the most was realizing I have all the control in what goes on inside my head. Once you realize this, and learn how to control your mind and thoughts, life becomes so much better. 

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