Lo Lind
Lo Lind is a singer/songwriter/producer based in Nashville, Tennessee.
Originally known as Lo, the artist recently rebranded herself as Lo Lind.
“I wanted to choose something different from my actual last name so I could maintain some level of anonymity, but also wanted something that I felt connected to. Lind is my mom's maiden name & it felt like the perfect choice- I actually got my first taste of music listening to my extremely talented uncle Mike Lind play piano, & thought it was a cool way to tie in where my love for music originated,” explains Lo Lind.
Lo Lind is currently working on numerous songs for pitch and production for some other artists and is also working on her new project, to be released very soon. But for now, you can now listen to her music like her latest single “Mosaic” on major streaming platforms.
Photo credit: Mackenzie Maroney
Hi Lo, how are you? What have you been up to since our first interview?
Hi! I'm honestly so busy, but SO great. I just got done writing & producing for a Warner Records writing camp this last week! The last few months I have been writing a lot for other artists while working on new music for a soon to be released EP. I've also been working on a ton of hip hop tracks for some various artists & doing a lot of production in the studio. It's been an insane but awesome year, collaborating with different types of writers/artist/producers under the sun.
How would you describe Lo Lind, the artist?
Lo Lind is quirky, fun, blunt, confident, & unique. (or, at least that's what I aspire to be in this new phase of music!).
What made you want to use Lo Lind as your new artist name? How did it come about?
To be honest, my team had brought to my attention that no one on the internet could find me under my original artist name of Lo! This was a BIG problem so we decided we needed to add a last name. I wanted to choose something different from my actual last name so I could maintain some level of anonymity, but also wanted something that I felt connected to. Lind is my mom's maiden name & it felt like the perfect choice- I actually got my first taste of music listening to my extremely talented uncle Mike Lind play piano, & thought it was a cool way to tie in where my love for music originated.
When did you start making beats? What made you want to create music in the first place?
I've been making beats since the beginning of my songwriting career- mostly out of necessity because I couldn't afford to hire out anyone to create demos. I was trained in piano & knew I could learn a DAW- so I sat down & just started putting in my ten thousand hours. I honestly don't know where the need to create music came from, because it’s been with me since I was a small child. It's always felt like an extension of who I am, and when I wasn't pursuing it during college, a voice in my head would nag me literally every day until I started aligning my life with what I knew my purpose was.
What was the biggest challenge when you first started as a producer?
All of it- haha! I didn't have anyone to teach me at first, so I was just sitting at home watching youtube videos every morning. I would get really frustrated initially when I would think of a way to design sounds or could perfectly picture certain effects I wanted, but then wasn't sure which tools to use to achieve it. Just like anything else, there was a learning curve. I think once I learned the basics & could actually create everything I heard, the most challenging part, and one I probably will continue to improve on until the day I die, was learning how to mix.
What equipments and softwares do you usually use?
I produce in Logic & record all of my vocals through an LA-610 & AKG mic. I love everything Native instruments makes, am a big fan of Sylenth, and usually find drums from sample packs or will create my own out of foley sounds (camera's clicking, lockers slamming, etc) just because I love everything to be super unique. I also have been really into this free plugin I found for synths- TAL-Noisemaker!
How many instruments do you play?
I play piano & guitar- but am a much better pianist since I've been playing keys since I was five!
In your opinion, what makes a "good" production?
Everything is subjective, BUT, what makes production stand out to me is using custom made or unique tones, having percussion that really punches, and creatively using dynamics to build the song. I am a sucker for attention to detail & love when other producers create 'moments' in songs or take risks with their sound design.
What do you like the most about creating music?
I love the feeling of creating something from absolutely nothing! An idea in your head can become a whole song, a whole piece, a whole moment. What was once a melody you sang into a voice memo, can become something a whole stadium of people dance/cry/feel too. That's pretty amazing.
What advices would you give to new producers?
Don't give up when it gets frustrating! It can be difficult at first, but slowly you will continue to level up. I also would advise them to not be afraid to collaborate with other producers- this is one of the best way to learn and form a community of like minded creatives & you can all grow and come up together!
What does songwriting make you feel?
Songwriting makes me feel like the universe makes a little more sense. It makes me feel my most alive & authentic version of myself!
You recently hosted a show Poptimistic in Nashville, any favorite moments from that show?
Yes! Wow, this show was SO FUN! I absolutely loved performing with all of my guest performers and dancers, but my favorite moment was probably right after the show when this random husky dog jumped on stage, and gave me a full body hug & kisses. I cannot make this up. Check out my instagram (@lolindonthebeat) for the video! I watch it whenever I'm having a bad day!
What have you been working on lately? Any upcoming projects?
Aside from working on a ton of songs for pitch and production for some other artists, I've been working really hard on writing & producing a Lo Lind project for you all! I'm beyond excited.
How's it like to be a woman in the music industry?
It's been great! In many ways I'm fortunate to be a woman at this time when females are making so many leaps and bounds in the industry! It's exciting to get to be a part of that momentum. I can't lie & say there haven't been moments where, especially as a producer, I've felt underestimated or not taken seriously because I am also an artist, who also happens to be a girl. It really bothered me at first when little comments where made, and when it occasionally happens now, I've come to think its funny. The difference between now and then is that I've learned my worth. And it's not something I will ever let someone else assign to me anymore. I will say that I have found that once I push play and share my production work with people, attitudes will shift in the room & from then on out, the respect is there. Do I wish it was always there & not something I had to work a little harder to prove then say a male colleague? Sure! But, I also have the advantage of surprise working on my side. And I kind of love that. I know I'm a creative badass & I don't need anyone's stamp of approval or permission to be so. I used to play small because it was so hard for people to wrap their minds around a female artist who also produced who also wrote?! People in the industry tend to like being able to put people neatly into boxes and I felt that pressure myself. But now, I'm just trying to do my thing, keep my head down & focus on the work- if the music is good, no one can deny that ultimately.
What message would you give to women around the world?
You can be anything you want. You can do anything you want. You are powerful, worthy, and capable. GO GIRL GO.
What is the ultimate goal for Lo Lind?
My ultimate goal is to be an artist, writer, and producer that leaves a lasting impact on music. I want to move women forward in music and shatter any remaining ceilings. I would love to tour the world and make records that have a life that extends beyond my own.
Most of all, I want to be a light. To encourage people, to be a positive force in the world, and to make music in every shade of emotion that allows people to feel and dance and connect to their most authentic selves.
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