Mariya Stokes

Photo credit: @notyourdesigner

Canadian singer/songwriter Mariya Stokes has just released her new single titled “Rebound”.

Produced by Spencer Cheyne and Justin Kudding, the country ballad explores the complexity of falling for someone who is emotionally unavailable and still in love with their ex. “Recording this song was terrifying and freeing at the same time; I’ve never released a song as raw and honest as “Rebound”. To me, the vulnerability of the lyrics are its core - I have rebounded and been the rebound. This song explores both sides of that situation without judgement, and it’s very close to my heart. I hope when you listen to it, you know that if you’ve been in a relationship like this you’re not alone,” says Stokes.

The Calgary-based artist released her debut single "Hands on My Body" in 2019. With over 143K streams on Spotify, the single debuted in the Top 10 of the iTunes Canadian Country Chart. Stokes has opened for some heavy-hitting acts including Trixie Mattel, Jann Arden, Doc Walker, and Jocelyn Alice. 

While continuing to release music, Mariya Stokes is an artist in Residence at the Women’s Centre of Calgary for 2020 which aims to empower women.

“Rebound” is now available worldwide.

Photo credit: Luke Lee-Knight & @notyourdesigner

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

My name is Mariya Stokes and I am a country artist and songwriter from Stavely, Alberta which is a small town about an hour south of Calgary. When I was growing up, my parents owned the local bar - I used to sit on the stairs right outside the lounge and watch bands come through town. Tim Hus, Washboard Hank, and a ton of other touring artists captivated me and made me realize that I wanted to spend my life doing what they did: telling stories through music. When I was eight, my parents snuck me into the bar to sing during a jam and when I was on stage, I felt like I’d found what I was supposed to do with my life. After that I picked up a guitar and started writing songs. At 18, I moved to Calgary and have been pursuing music ever since.

How would you define Mariya Stokes, the artist?

Mariya Stokes the artist is the same person as Mariya Stokes the human. The only difference is that the artist writes songs, is inspired by 70s fashion, plays electric guitar, and is a little more flamboyant in her storytelling. Kacey Musgraves is one of my favourite songwriters and I’m inspired by artists like her and Maren Morris because of they are so unabashedly themselves in everything they do.

"Rebound" is your new single - what's the story/inspiration behind this song?

“Rebound” is a ballad that explores the complexity of falling for someone who is emotionally unavailable and still in love with their ex. I was in a relationship like this and it inspired this song. It’s sang in third person and delves into both sides without judgement or anger, which is the core of the song.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process? Who helped you create this single?

I showed up to a co-write with Aaron Pollock with the first line of the chorus: “She’s the one that you get when the one that got away is already gone.” After I pitched that line, the song came to life quickly because it was a story both of us really felt needed to be told. Spencer Cheyne and Justin Kudding produced “Rebound”. Together, we decided to keep the musical arrangement simple and acoustic to support the vocals and make sure the focus of the track was the story. While we were recording vocals, I drank a little tequila and emotionally dove into the relationship that inspired this song. By the end of the session, I had cried my glue-on lashes off my face and my whole body felt like a raw, exposed nerve. The recording session helped me process the relationship and was very cathartic.

What did you feel when writing this new single?

It was a healing process. In the past, the songs I wrote about the relationship “Rebound” was inspired by were angry and resentful. It was therapeutic to relive the situation with a little more life experience and hindsight. "Rebound” was written from a place of compassion for myself and for the struggles the person I was in love with as well.

Listen to Rebound on Spotify. Mariya Stokes · Song · 2020.

What is your goal for this new song?

If this song connects with a listener who is or has gone through a relationship like this and lets them know that they’re not alone, that would be pretty amazing. Most of us has been in this situation (some of us more than once - ha!) and that’s okay - it’s part of living, learning, and loving.

What can you tell us about the artwork?

The cover art was shot by Luke Lee-Knight and Not Your Designer. My past music releases have been upbeat and fun so the accompanying artwork was colourful, theatrical, and covered in glitter. “Rebound” is honest and vulnerable, so we shot the cover on a cold, snowy day and kept it raw and simple to match the mood of the song.

Releasing personal songs to the world can sometimes be a "scary" thing. What gives you the motivation to do that?

We’re all human. The specifics of the experiences I sing and write about are unique to me but the emotions we all feel as humans living and breathing on planet earth are the same. My favourite songs are ones that dive into the gritty parts of life and make me feel less alone. Being uncomfortable with vulnerability is totally worth it if I can make people feel seen and heard through music and shared experience.

What do you like the most about songwriting?

Songwriting feels like putting my heart on a platter and taking time to delve into why it feels the way it does. Finding a way to explain that emotion in a way that moves people through music is a challenge that I love. There is really no better feeling than connecting with people through shared experience and emotion. Songwriting allows me to do that every day.

What does it mean for you to be an artist?

Cesar A. Cruz said it best: “Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” Art exists to explore and question the human experience, and that is what I try to do. Life doesn’t always make sense, but music and paintings and sculptures and photos let us all know that we are all in it together.

As an artist, what do you want to accomplish?

I’d like to write songs, play shows, and release music that helps make life make a little more sense to myself and anyone who’s listening. As a country artist, I’d also like to create space for everyone - I want you to know no matter who you are or where you're from, as long as you're kind, a little weird, and come with an open mind you’re always welcome at the show.

Besides art and music, what are you passionate about?

I am passionate about empowering women. I'm an Artist in Residence at the Women’s Centre of Calgary for 2020 and am thankful for the opportunity to hang out with women who challenge and inspire me every time I am there.

What advice would you give to women around the world?

Don’t make yourself small to make others comfortable. You are more than enough exactly as you are, so shine baby! The world needs you exactly as you are right now.

What major life lesson have you learned so far?

I’ve learned that whether I believe I can do something or think I can’t, I am probably right.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

More one on one conversation could change the world. Most people are afraid of what they don’t understand and I think if we could all sit down with one another over a cup of coffee and share our stories, there would be so much less fear and hate. We all want to be loved and accepted as who we are, crave connection, and a have a desire to live a good life - whatever that means to each of us individually. If we could share a cup of coffee and remember that, I think this planet would be a better place.

What message do you want to give to the world?

Fully feeling emotions is actually pretty cool. Humans are pretty rad. Bell bottom jeans are back in style. Women are powerful. We should be compassionate towards one another. Vegetables are good for you, unless you're allergic. Do stuff that makes you proud. Even if you feel like a walking trash can like I do sometimes, you shine. And, don’t listen to anything I say unless it resonates because you know what’s best for you. Unless it’s my music - definitely listen to that. ;)

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