
Photo credit: Jenn curtis

Mokita is one of these artists I’ve been listening to for quite some time even before interviewing him. I first heard of him in 2018 through a remix he did. After hearing his song “Colorblind” last year, I knew he would become one of my favorite songwriters. As you know, mental health is something I really care about and “Colorblind” is probably one of the best songs about mental health and overall one of the best songs ever made.

But today he has another song about that same topic. It’s called “down” and it’s a love letter to anyone struggling with mental health. It’s so important to have songs like these. Mental health is still a very hard subject to discuss in our society, but “down” is going to make it easier for people to talk about their struggles and ask for help. But most of all, it will make people feel less alone. It’s a hopeful song, and we all need that right now. Thank you Mokita for sharing this record with the world.

Mokita’s writing is pure and honest, real and emotional. His production is just as his writing but add to that some true authenticity. I support people with real stories to share, the ones who are not afraid to express their struggles and emotions through their art. Mokita is one of them.

Now go stream “down” and if you are struggling, please, ask for help :)

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

My name’s John-Luke Carter, I grew up in North Carolina. My dad’s a pastor so I grew up in the church, which is where I was introduced to music at a young age. I started singing in the choir and taking piano lessons around age six. Started playing guitar at age 12 and writing around the same time. From about that age I was hooked and I don’t remember ever really wanting to do anything else besides make music. 

How would you define Mokita, the artist? 

I think everything I do with my artist project is just an extension of my thoughts and feelings. Just writing about things I don’t understand or feelings I’m grappling with. 

"down" is your new single - what's the story/inspiration behind this song? 

A few of my close friends have had really tough years, whether it be with depression and anxiety, marriage, or feelings of worthlessness and wrestling with purpose etc. I think the theme of this song was really just a letter to those friends who are going through those things, and to anyone who is having a hard time. Everybody needs a friend to walk with them through the hard seasons and sometimes just being present, being available to listen, and being faithful, is the best way to love someone through those times. Be selfless. Invest in your friendships. Love people that aren’t easy to love. You never know who’s hurting. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this specific single?

I felt like I was kinda creatively drained when I started this song. I was just playing around on guitar and was playing this chord progression that kinda inspired the whole song. I wrote the lyrics really quickly. It was just what I had been thinking about the past few days. This was one of those songs that just spilled out and the same happened with the production. It was like two takes of the vocal, 1 take of the piano, and then a beat, a bass, and a guitar part. The simplicity of it felt right and I didn’t over think it. 

What did you feel when writing "down"?

I think I was trying to write it from a place of hope, so that’s what headspace I was trying to get into while writing it. 

What made you want to release "down" as a single? 

I think it just felt current, for me and people I’ve talked to. With the state of how things are right now in the world, it just feels like people need hope. 

What advice would you give to anyone struggling with mental illness? 

Well I think the first thing is realize there is hope, and that you can’t walk through it alone. There is help out there and there are people in your life that want to be there for you. We weren’t meant to do life alone and that's what this song is about. 

And what would you say to anyone who doesn't understand mental illness?

If you haven’t experienced it or dealt with it then I don’t think you can truly understand it. I think to people that haven’t experienced it, I would just say you don’t need to give advice to people that are struggling. You just need to show up and be there. Be present and be a friend. Be quick to listen, not to give counsel. 

What major life lesson have you learned so far? 

Wow, where to start. I think one of the biggest things I’ve learned so far is to have people in your life that know you. That know your secrets and know your scars. It’s hard to be open, like really open, about your life, but from my own experience, it’s been so worth it. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

Less judgment. Open mindedness and kindness. There is such a lack of it in our culture. 

What message do you want to deliver to the world?

I think everyone is a seeker. And I don’t necessarily want to deliver the answers (because I don’t have them), but I’d love to ask the questions that push people to seek answers for themselves.  

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