Clara Park

Photo credit: Tray Allison

I fell in love with the Nashville music scene last year. Sometimes I think I discovered every independent artist out there, but there is always another one I haven’t heard of. Clara Park is one of them. She has just released her debut single “In Control” and I couldn’t be more excited for this release. It’s an instant banger. I knew it would be one of these records I would listen to on repeat after hearing the first few seconds. I love GOOD pop music with big melodies and this song is exactly it. Clara’s vocals are brilliant, and I can’t get enough of this hook melody.

“In Control” is promising, catchy and perfectly crafted. I’m sure this debut single is going to do well and I’m proud to feature her on my blog before the whole world talks about her. So make sure to keep an eye on her :)

“In Control” is now available on major streaming platforms.

Photo credit: Tray Allison

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

My name is Clara Park and I am a pop artist in Nashville, TN. Music has always been a part of my life from a very young age. The first memory I have of music is my dad playing “More Than a Feeling,” by Boston, on the guitar in our living room. We used to have these jam sessions sometimes when we were younger in Seattle, WA, and it definitely sparked something in me. Our family ended up moving from Seattle to Charleston, SC when I was seven years old, where I was exposed to a lot of country music. I picked up the guitar in seventh grade and began writing my own songs around that time as well. I knew I had a love for writing and performing, but had no idea that I could turn it into a career until high school when I saw how one of my songs really impacted people.

In my junior year at high school, one of my sister’s best friends passed away. I knew him as well, and my sister asked me to write a song for him. I ended up writing a song called “Free,” and sung it at his student mass and funeral. Seeing how it impacted my friends made me realize I had to do this for the rest of my life. That same year, I found out about Belmont University. My first year in college was such a growing opportunity for me as I started to co-write, and experiment writing in a ton of different genres. I started out writing and performing country music, and then moved into the pop realm two years later. This past year especially has been a huge growing year to find myself as a pop artist, and I am stoked to show everyone what I’ve been creating. I am now going on my fourth year in Nashville, and could not be more excited for the years to come!

What did you grow up listening to?

I grew up listening to a lot of country music, rock music, and pop music.

When did you start writing songs? What made you want to write in the first place?

I started writing songs in the seventh grade. I always had such an attraction to creativity, and it was definitely heightened when I started chorus class in middle school.

What gave you the confidence to be an artist and release your original music?

From about 2017 to 2019, I thought I just wanted to be a songwriter. I was still writing country music at this time—which I still love to write— but it never really felt like me. When I moved into writing pop music this past year, a new spark was lit in me and I found a whole new passion for being an artist. I would say for me, my confidence as an artist to release my original music comes from finally feeling like the songs I have set to release are 100% me. These songs are songs I believe in, and songs that I’ve stayed honest to myself in!

Who was the first person to ever believe in you?

The first person to ever believe in me was my older sister, Molly. She has listened to every song I have written since I have started out, and has always given me honest feedback to make me better.

How would you define Clara Park, the artist?

Artist/writer Clara Park has already started to pave her way by bringing a unique blend of her story-telling songwriting & her unique artistry to the music industry. Drawing from personal & honest experiences, Clara draws inspiration & reaches a wide audience on a deeper level. Her stories embody who she is as not only a songwriter & artist, but as a human with the hope of connecting with others through her lyrics. Clara started her career songwriting in Nashville with many other artists in the town. Having written hundreds of songs, Clara has found her unique sound & stories that connect with her fans. Clara’s sultry tone, fluid vocals, intriguing melodies, & advanced production melt perfectly together to create a distinctive & new Pop sound.
Some of Clara’s musical influences include Lennon Stella, Emily Weisband, Selena Gomez, & Taylor Swift.
Coming from Charleston, SC, Clara now resides in Nashville, TN. This is just the start of Clara’s journey, as she has a number of songs and collaborations coming out in the near future. When asked to sum up her aspirations, her response is that she wants to “connect with her fans on a personal, emotional, and vulnerable level with true & honest stories, making music that is authentic & true to her life.”

"In Control" is your new single. What's the story/inspiration behind this song?

“In Control” is an empowering anthem about knowing what you can give and take in a relationship. This song was inspired by a crazy, chaotic, and unhealthy relationship between two emotionally unstable individuals. I brought in the idea of this song to Olivia Nicholson and Tony Chetta at the beginning of this year. I was seeing a guy at the time who was another writer/artist, and I felt like I was dating myself! Sometimes it can be a little too much with two creative and emotional people in a relationship. That is how this song was born, and I couldn’t be more pumped to have it out there!

Listen to In Control on Spotify. Clara Park · Song · 2020.

When did you start writing this single? Who helped you create it?

I wrote “In Control” with Olivia Nicholson and Tony Chetta. This song was written on February 28th, 2020. By the end of our session, we ended up having most of the vocals we needed from the demo that we made writing the song, and Tony killed the production. We only needed to meet one more time to add some vocal adlibs and make a couple changes!

What made you want to release "In Control" as a single?

“In Control” was one of the first songs that I actually felt was me. Olivia and Tony were so good with letting me tell my story through this fun song, while really helping me piece together the emotions that were floating around my head. Im excited to release this song as my first single, and hope people can relate and connect to it like we do!

What do you like the most about this song?

I think my favorite thing about this song is the production, specifically in the bridge. This song gets really big in the choruses, and we really wanted something to drop out to give it a rest. What Tony did with the production is awesome in this spot, it’s definitely my favorite part!

How would you define pop music?

I would define pop music as music that is popular and experimental. One of the things I love most about pop music is that there aren’t a lot of boundaries. I love being able to travel outside the box and experiment with sounds and lyrics that I wouldn’t have before venturing into this genre.

In your opinion, what makes a good song?

I think that a good song is made of unique lyrics, and a melody that is different but easy to get stuck in your head. I also think honestly plays a big role in a good song. I try to be as transparent and honest as I can when I write, that way someone will sense that and connect to the song as well.

What does it mean for you to be an artist?

To me, being an artist means to push myself to create better music than I ever have. I want to exceed my own limits and create honest material that I truly believe in and love! Being an artist to me means connecting with others on a deeper level through creativity, and I hope to do so with “In Control,” and my other releases to come.

How did your life change since your move to Nashville?

My life has changed a good bit since I’ve moved to Nashville. I have had the opportunity to meet and work with so many amazing people here. I have learned so much about the music business that I would have never known without being around other creatives. It is both crazy and humbling to look back on the growth of these past three years, and I can’t wait to see where the next couple years take me!

What biggest life lesson have you learned so far?

Really get to know every person you meet. I have met so many people in the past three years that have changed my life! Often times, we take people for granted. It’s human nature and we are all guilty of it. The biggest life lesson I have learned is to soak up your time with the people around you, because life is too too short.

What are your thoughts on today's global situation and on the Black Lives Matter movement?

Black Lives Matter has brought to light many racial injustices that unfortunately our culture was ignoring. I think that everything going on right now is a huge learning opportunity for many, including me. I have been listening, learning, and reading a lot of information on what I can do to help the cause. Our world is not anywhere near perfect, but more people are becoming aware of this situation and hopefully this will lead to more progress.

What message do you want to give to the world?

To love everyone and become even closer to those around you. Don’t be afraid to speak up for what is right, because each one of us can make a change!

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

An emphasis on mental health in today’s society and breaking down the stigma of talking about depression and anxiety would make the world a better place.

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