What I'm supposed to do


It's what I do every day. It's the thing that keeps me excited and busy. It's what I love. It's what I'm supposed to do. It's what I've always done. 

In middle school, I already had my own blog. In high school, I started created blogs for artists I LOVED. I created my first proper music blog with two of my best friends many many years ago. We would review artists and records we loved. In 2013 I created the Music LIFT, via Tumblr. It's where it all started. A lot of things happened between 2013 and today and a lot of things did not happen. But I somehow knew this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I just needed to really commit. So I did. Years later. I put it all together and created thread. in October 2019.

I've been building my audience/my community and I've been discovering new incredible talents on a daily basis. I’ve made new friends. I’ve been travelling to freaking Los Angeles and met artists in person. I got to make documentaries. I’ve been sharing incredible stories from incredible human beings. I’ve been using this platform to talk about causes I care about.

Despite all of that, I’ve struggled a lot and wanted to give up way too many times. Things may seem perfect on social media, but in reality, things are messy and complicated. I often have doubts and it’s sometimes difficult to believe in myself and in what I do. I get upset when artists don’t share our interviews and I’m annoyed when people said they’d do something but then ended up not doing it at all. I hate saying “no” to artists and PRs. Social media in 2020 is consuming, frustrating, tiring and overwhelming. It all takes so much time, sacrifice and work. But those things are part of the process.

Something always brings me back to what I love. So I keep going, even during through my worst days.

thread. is allowing me to express who I really am, which is the best part of it all. Being myself is something I've been struggling with for so long. I guess that's why this whole project makes me so happy. And that's what I love what I do. I mean, I get to do whatever the fuck I want every day. I get to support music and artists and I get to support causes I care about, and I get to be ME. How awesome is that?

Today I managed to create the community and platform I've always dreamed of. I always find myself thinking “I’m a French girl interviewing international artists”, “I’M A FRENCH GIRL INTERVIEWING INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS?!“, “damn is this is what I do every day?!” “people actually like what I do?” “some people actually say that thread. is their favorite blog?!” WHAT THE FUCK. It’s blowing my mind every day.

It’s now time for me to treat it as a “business”, and not just as something I love to do. I've been learning a lot these past few weeks. And I'm very very excited about the future.

thread. is going to evolve. It won't be easy but I can’t wait to create big things with you all :)

Thank you so much to everyone who's been supporting me and this project. It can be a very lonely journey. But knowing I have people supporting me only keeps me going. I am forever grateful for all of you. Love you all. 

ps: if you'd like to support my blog, you can donate a little something if you want :)

But overall, just be kind :)

Thank youuu xx

- Virginie

