Juno Francis

Photo credit: Arnaud Ele

Following their latest single single “Queen’s Anthem”, Juno Francis is now revealing their debut EP titled Oyster Love.

Inspired by the 60’s and the 80’s, the indie rock record explores subjects like love, heartbreak, mental health and lust.

Describing their music as psychedelic and glamorous, Juno Francis is introducing a very promising debut EP all the way from Berlin, Germany.

Oyster Love is now available worldwide.

Photo credit: Arnaud Ele

Introduce the band - what's your story? 

We met in the hazy lights in a big city. Many dinners, wine bottles and jams later “ Juno Francis “ was born.

How would you define Juno Francis, the band? 

It’s a romantic love story about the fascination for glamour, the dark smokey and psychedelic 60s and pumpy well dressed 80s vouge dancer.

Oyster Love is your debut EP. How's it like to release your first EP as a band? 

It’s very exciting! We have been working on these songs for a long long time so it’s nice they finally get to see the light, they are a lot about our experiences last years! Heartbreak, depression and a strong will and lust for traveling and meeting new lovers.

Could you describe the songwriting/recording/production process? Who helped you create this EP? 

So we did most ourselves, Jacob usually writes the songs and produces them and then we work on the vocals and concept together in the studio. When finished we send it for mastering. We usually master with the fantastic Salka Valsdóttir.

What are the different topics you are talking about on this EP? 

It begins with “ follow the stars “  the introduction to a life filled with oysters, passion and a love for living life to the fullest, ups and downs. Feeling everything, a romanticization of the edge. And moves to the dangerous and more fierce persona and the dark side of this life. The evil side you can say, a smoke within who pushes to come up to the surface to make some trouble. Then over to “fight” the third song where we are in a hazy love story, a drag and pull game and about losing yourself in someone else not seeing clear. Ends with “ I wanna run away “ about wanting to leave everything and everyone behind when it gets too much but also the cost of that and how it affects you emotionally doing these changes. 

What was the hardest part about making this EP? And what was your favorite part? 

Hardest part is always to know when it’s ready, to be able to let it go! Favorite part is seeing how the songs changes character in the process - also doing photo shoots and styling. 

Listen to Oyster Love on Spotify. Juno Francis · Single · 2020 · 4 songs.

What made you want to name your EP Oyster Love?

We always knew “ oyster love “ was the only name we wanted for the EP. It was already written in the stars. It’s a tribute to glamour and chaos. 

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

The artwork symbolize that there’s a lot under the surface, not seeing the whole picture at once. The artwork was made here in Berlin by Matthias Leton and Arnaud Ele. artists we really loved to work with! We are so extremely grateful to Leandro Pitz who helped us do our logo! 

What did you learn about yourselves after finishing this project?

Every project we do together makes us dare to dream bigger and we both grow so much in the process.  

As a band, what do you want to accomplish? 

We are constantly working towards getting out more songs, it all takes more time than we expect haha .. our biggest hope is to be able to play more live. That is what we love. And soon get some groovy disco singles out! 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

We would like to see more female artists on stage, in all genres and line ups! 

Who's helping you build your career? 

We have a great team, a great booker “ Pøj Pøj “ ! We also worked with Finnish label “ Solina Records “  who were a very very nice label treating their artist with a lot of respect and love! We have also been working with a French label called “ Get the sound “ who helped us a lot in the “ Queen’s Anthem “ release! We have the privilege to work with fantastic photographers as Skye Sobejko, Matthias Leton, Arnaud Ele. For this release we also have been working with artist “ Amanda Bodell “ who helped us film a lot for the EP ! 

What major life lesson have you learned so far? 

Kill em’ with kindness.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 


What message do you want to give to the world?

Don’t let anybody else decide how to live your life! Take almost everything with a pinch of salt.

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