HARIZ is a 23 year old singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist based in Los Angeles.

In 2017, he introduced his pop signature with the hit single “OVRBRD” which garnered over 1M streams on Spotify.

Released in May, his latest single “I Got You” was co-written with Chris Wallace, Keith Varon and Josh Golden. The uplifting pop single is about the ups and downs of life and having people who keep us going no matter what. With over 250K streams on Spotify, “I Got You” will be followed by more single releases and a debut EP on the way.

HARIZ continues to grow his audience while creating his path in the pop music scene.

“I Got You” is now available on major streaming platforms.

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

I’m Hariz and I’m a 23 year old pop artist from LA. I started writing music around 11, when I started to feel that just talking about my thoughts, feelings, and experiences wasn’t enough. I wanted to share what I’d gone through so that people know you are never truly alone.

When did you start feeling connected to music and art in general? 

I’ve always felt this strong pull to music. It would always fill in the gaps that words would leave empty and when I realized that not everybody felt that way I knew what I had was special.


Do you remember your early musical memories? 

Of course! And I hold them dear- one of my earliest memories was my mom sitting me down at an electric piano at my grandmother's house, and teaching me how to play “heart and soul.” 

What did you grow up listening to? 

Pretty much everything! My family always had music on, the range of music went from The animals, to Lionel Richie, to Maroon 5, Rihanna, Blink 182- basically you name it, we played it. It swept from every genre through the years, and I love that my family was really diverse like that. 

When did you know you had to be an artist and release your original music? 

It was definitely at 11 and “She Will Be Loved” was my go to song. The way that song made me feel, I just thought “If I could do that to one person out there, I would feel complete.” So that started me on my journey.

Who was the first person to ever believe in you?

My parents for sure. I know I wouldn’t have what I have now without them!


What lessons did you learn since the beginning of your career? 

All the lessons I’ve learned always boil down to one main one- be patient. I always give this out as advice, but even I have trouble listening to it haha.


How would you define Hariz, the artist? 

Simply put, your friend haha. Seriously though- I wanna be the shoulder you cry on, or the person to chill with, or that someone you have around while doing stupid shit! I just want you to know that you’re never alone, no matter what you’re going through.

"I Got You" is your latest single. What's the story/Inspiration behind this song? 

“I Got You” was written with the idea that life is full of ups and downs and it doesn’t always turn out the way you want it to, and in those times you turn to the people in your life that are always there to support you—your ‘I got you.’ Sometimes it’s not always a person, it could also be your pet! Basically that one special being who always knows how to keep you going if you get down, or make you smile.

How was it like to collaborate with Chris Wallace, Keith Varon and Josh Golden on this single? 

They’re all great guys and talented writers. It’s really funny actually cuz we all met for the very first time in the writing session for “I Got You”, and our styles just clicked! I remember we wrote the song super-fast, I think in less than an hour. Then we laid down a rough vocal and we knew it was a bop!

How do people respond to this record so far? 

So far I’ve been getting a lot of love for it! Doing pretty well on radio too, getting some billboard action which is awesome! 

What do you like the most about this single? 

How lighthearted it is, but at the same time kinda deep with its message. It’s a huge appreciation song for those that mean a lot to us!

Any upcoming projects?

Yeah! Got another couple singles already in the works, as well as an EP almost ready to go!


As an artist, what do you want to accomplish? 

I’ll split the answer in two parts; personally and professionally. As an artist professionally, I want to be able to tour internationally, and get to the biggest stages I can. I don’t ever want to stop until I know I’ve spread my love and message to everyone I possibly can. As an artist personally, I just want to write as much as I can write. I wanna find my best way to say things to share my experiences, and I think this is the best “unachievable” goal, cuz no matter how many songs I write, or how many melodies I create, I’ll always feel like I got a better one right around the corner.


What major life lesson have you learned so far? 

Patience- which as I said, I’m still learning haha. Nothing great comes easy, so I keep my head down, keep working, and sooner or later it’ll come.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

If everyone just listened more, and had more of an open mind. These days it feels like everyone is just closed off, and you’re either attacking or defending your position, rather than having an open dialogue, and understanding each other as human beings. We’re all in this world together, so we need more love and care for each other.

What message do you want to give to the world? 

You’re never alone. No matter how lonely you feel, there’s always gonna be someone who understands what you’re going through. And I know it’s always hard to see the light when you’re surrounded by darkness, but I swear on my life, there’s always a light- you just have to look for it.

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