Samara Yung

Canadian country artist Samara Yung has released her fifth record titled Things I Can't Turn Off .

Produced by Danick Dupelle (Tebey, Emerson Drive), the country record is about the ups and downs of falling in love.

As these songs came in from publishers, I couldn’t turn them off. I loved each of these melodies, stories & songs for each a separate reason. If you listen to these songs front to back, it tells a story. These are the feelings we all feel and we shouldn’t have to turn them off. It’s life & a part of the journey. I hope each of these songs speak to you, as they spoke to me and that you can’t turn them off, too,” explains Yung.

This release follows Yung's latest single "In Case You Missed Me," released in May. With this new project, Yung delivers another great record made of big melodies and powerful vocals.

Things I Can’t Turn Off is now available worldwide.

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

I grew up with a musical father and spent most of my early years at band practice. By the time I was 3 I knew all the words to "Fishing in the Dark" and asked my parents to play "Black Velvet" on repeat. When I was 8 my dad figured out I could carry a tune and started getting me up on stage with him. What started as one song with my dad as a "guest appearance" turned into 4-6 songs at weekend shows with his band; turned into 1-2 sets, turned into my own band. And now, eventually into a partial career. With many trips to Nashville, radio tours and shows all over Canada, countless radio singles, one top 30 song and 5 albums to date. 

How would you define Samara Yung, the artist? 

Bubbly, fun, energetic and real.

Things I Can't Turn Off is your new EP. How does it feel like to release this new project? 

To be honest a bit anti-climactic.  It's a very different world now and it’s hard for me to adapt.  Change is difficult for me and having no control is even worse.  I'm lucky to have so many amazing people in my corner to help navigate these difficult times and so lucky to have the support I do.  Although, I am still extremely excited to share this little album baby with world -  I am definitely missing my travels to promote it.  I can only hope the music on this album brings people joy and happiness and takes them away from the world, if only for a few minutes.  It's also ready crazy to me that we are releasing my 5th album. #5, wow!!

When did you start working on this EP? Who helped you create it? 

Wow, when did we start working on this?  I think it was the fall of 2018 when we recorded the first batch of songs.  So, it's been a long time coming.  With the help of my awesome manager Casadie finding the best songs for me to choose from, and my amazing producer Danick - we narrowed them all down with a few opinions in between. I think we nailed the songs and as always, Danick killed the production. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process? 

Well, I actually didn't write any of the songs on this album.  Being a wife, mother, full time pharmacy assistant, spin motivator and artist there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do EVERYTHING.  So, we reached out to publishing companies we are in contact with often to help us find some great songs and found some gems we are so proud of. 

What different topics are you talking about on this EP? 

Unknowingly in the song selection process we ended up telling a story of a broken relationship with all of the feeling involved in a new relationship. This project goes through all of the ups and downs of falling in love. 

What was the hardest part about making this EP? And what was the best part?

The hardest part is always choosing the songs. But, the best part is the finished product and seeing all of the hard work coming together and listening to the first mixes. 

Any favorite memories from the making of the EP? 

My favourite part is always going to Nashville to record and spend time with my musical family down there. The last trip down was probably my favourite.  My manager lives there now and I got to crash their place for a week.  It was just before they closed the borders so I am so lucky and grateful to have made that trip.  

Listen to Things I Can't Turn Off on Spotify. Samara Yung · Single · 2020 · 6 songs.

What did you learn about yourself after finishing this project? 

I feel like I pushed myself farther vocally than I have ever before and I could not have done that without Danick and Casadie's help.  They believe in my ability even more than I do and it’s great to have that support behind you, pushing you to do your best.

What made you want to name your EP Things I Can't Turn Off

Naming an album is like naming a child. It's for life. You want the name to match the product. It really didn’t take us very long to choose the title.  It’s actually a line in the song "ICYMM" and it suited how I felt about the songs. I chose the songs because I loved them and didn’t want to turn them off… and we hope you don't want to either!

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

I LOVE the artwork. Brianne absolutely nailed these graphics and Emma-Lee took my most favourite photos I think I have ever done for a project. Having a great team that can read your mind has been the best part about creating the project.

What does it mean for you to be an artist? 

Being an artist is just an extension of who I am.  Performing and singing is where I feel at home and I can’t imagine my life without it in it. 

What's the best advice you've ever received? 

To never give up, believe in myself and to listen to my instincts.

What advice would you give to young artists? 

It's a long road and not an easy one but you need to persevere. Never give up if it’s something you truly want in your life. Always stay true to who you are and surround yourself with the right people who will pick you up when you feel like giving up and believe in you even when you don't. 

What do you want to accomplish, personally and professionally? 

Personally, I have everything I ever wanted. I have a beautiful daughter and amazing husband, the best parents and grandparents and in-laws too. I love living in my little town of Yorkton, which grounds me. 

Professionally, I have many more dreams and aspirations. Achieving one of those goals by achieving a Top 30 single after so many years has been a crazy ride.  I’m going to just keep on believing that anything is possible.  Here's to hoping I have the energy to do this for a few more years and hopefully achieve a few more of my goals.  

What major life lesson have you learned so far? 

I have learned I'm not always as strong as I think I am and that I can’t possibly do everything all of the time.  I need every single person in my life to help me get through most days and I also need to learn to take more time for me.  

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

The world needs more kindness, empathy and respect for each other and other’s well-being.  We need to try to understand everyone's story and understand that what we see on the outside, is not always how that person is truly feeling. We need to be there for each other and raise each other up. 

What message do you want to deliver to the world? 

Love, happiness and respect.

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