Photo credit: Brittany Berggren

This song came at the right time in my life, and probably in someone else’s life. I often wished I could go back in time and tell my younger self “it’ll be okay”. BLÜ EYES created something so important and beautiful with her new single “Just Life”. I believe this song will resonate with a lot of people. We all need hope these days and this song does just that.

"I hope that if someone finds themselves in a dark place, this song can be a little guiding light to help them soldier on - like it was for me,” she says.

“Just Life” will appear on BLÜ EYES’ debut record, due next year, and I can’t wait :)

But for now, go support “Just Life” and stream it on repeat :)

Photo credit: Brittany Berggren

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hey, I’m BLÜ EYES! I grew up in Southern California in a super musical family and was writing songs pretty much as soon as I could form sentences. I started really falling in love with recording and performing in high school, and eventually ended up at USC in their Popular Music program. I met some super rad people, learned a lot, then graduated and had no clue what to do with myself. I started diving back into what I knew I was good at - songwriting - and for a few years, I thought I would just write for other people. Before too long, though, I started getting a taste of being an artist again and learned how to produce my own music. Once I got into a creative flow of being able to write, produce, and sing my own songs, there was no turning back.

When did you start singing? 

I don’t really remember exactly when, but I was super young. My family always sings tons of Christmas carols together during the holidays, and Beatles, James Taylor, or CSNY songs any other time we all get together, so I was always around it. My cousins and I would also put on these “concerts” for our parents, using my family’s karaoke machine and a bright blue folding office divider as a backdrop. But I didn’t really start seriously studying voice until I was 17.

Growing up, what were your favorite records to sing along to?

When I was about 10 or so, I was OBSESSED with the Shania Twain “Up!” record. My cousins and I would play it on repeat on all our car rides. We were also obsessed with the Lizzie McGuire soundtrack.

When did you start writing songs? What made you want to write in the first place? 

I started writing songs before I realized that’s what I was doing if that makes sense haha. My dad would always run around the house making up silly songs to chores, funny things we did, narrating our meals, etc, so I think my songwriting just happened as a natural extension of that, just this open expression. I really don’t know what made me “want to write.” It’s always just been this part of me that has just wanted to express itself on its own.

What gave you the confidence to be an artist and release your original music? 

Honestly, my family and support system growing up has been a huge part of my confidence as an artist. I know that they’re “supposed” to love everything I do, but I truly don’t know if I would have ever had the confidence to take that leap had they not shown their extreme support from day one. I respond very well to positive reinforcement, so the more they said they loved what I was making (even if they secretly didn’t), the more it made me want to get better.

Who was the first person to ever believe in you? 

My parents. For sure.

How would you define BLÜ EYES, the artist? 

I’d say BLÜ EYES is unafraid of exploring the beauty in broken situations. It’s an artistic exploration of the emotions that typically remain unspoken, and the celebration of the challenges and dark times in life that make us who we are.

"Just Life" is your new single - what's the story/inspiration behind this song? 

I wrote this song with my good friends Jonny Shorr and Haley Joelle about what you would say to your younger self if you had the chance. The idea is that when you’re in the middle of facing challenges in life, they seem monstrous and impossible to overcome. But, eventually, you find your way through them, and when you look back, you wish you could tell yourself it’s gonna be okay.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process? 

The day we wrote it, we weren’t there to write for my artist project - we were just trying to write the best song we could. After Haley and I left the studio, Jonny fleshed out the production on his own, and when he sent the demo the next day, I knew the second I heard it that it had to be something I put out. We sat on it for a while, tweaking every last lyric to make it exactly what I wanted to say (pretty sure we re-wrote the 2nd verse legitimately 6 times). Eventually, we finished the production up over FaceTime, and now it’s finally out for the world to hear! 

What do you like the most about this song? 

I love the arrangement so much. Jonny absolutely killed it. It’s so simple, clean, and warm. It feels like a comforting hug every time I listen to it.

Listen to Just Life on Spotify. BLÜ EYES · Song · 2020.

What made you want to release "Just Life" as a single? 

I’ve just always loved the song so much, and I feel like it’s a message so many people can relate to. I wanted to give it the spotlight it deserved.

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

A few months ago, my boyfriend and I were driving home to LA from Lake Tahoe, and there was just this beautiful sunset happening. I pulled out my phone and snagged a few pictures just because I thought it was beautiful, and then when I looked back at one of the photos I just thought it was perfect for the cover art for this song.

Who's helping you build your career?

I am completely independent right now, so a lot of it is just me trying stuff, but I truly wouldn’t be where I am now without my boyfriend Chris. He’s the marketing coordinator for his company, so he’s been hugely helpful in coming up with ideas for promotion of the new music, and he always patiently listens to me ramble on about what’s working, what’s not working, what single I should release next, etc. Sometimes it’s just helpful to have someone to bounce ideas off of and support you.

What do you like the most about being an artist? 

I love the idea that I can write something that I love today, and put it out next week if I really want to. I don’t have to depend on anyone to get my songs heard. If it’s something important to me that I want to say, I have the freedom and control to do that.

What's the hardest part about being an artist? 

GETTING PEOPLE TO CARE. Haha. Obviously, there is so much great music being made right now and so many wonderful distractions in our world of social media, that sometimes it’s hard to get people’s attention. Obviously making great music is step one, but from there, especially as an independent artist without a major label budget, it can be hard to get the eyes and ears on your content that you feel like it deserves. But, it’s all about perseverance.

What do you want to accomplish professionally and personally? 

In a tangible sense, I would LOVE to be able to make my full living just from my art. That would be incredible. But in the broader sense, I just want to make music that stays with people. Songs that latch onto their hearts and never let go, and be able to have something I’ve gone through and put into a song really have an effect on people I’ve never met.

Any upcoming project(s)?

Yes! I’m making an album, and it’s ALMOST done. I’m in the process of getting final mixes/masters done, so you’ll be seeing/hearing that early next year.

What major life lesson have you learned so far? 

Spending your life trying to please other people is a waste of time. At the end of the day, life is here for you to learn and grow and enjoy, so go hard at what you truly want, and the rest will follow. And, if you’re not sure what you want yet, just follow what your gut is telling you right now. If something feels good in the moment, trust it.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

Compassion. From all sides. ACTUAL compassion and empathy on a global scale would truly do wonders.

What message do you want to give to the world? 

Make enjoying life a priority. Follow your passions. Hug your loved ones. Help people you believe in. It all pays off.

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