Kate Lynn

Photo credit: Trevor Roberts

Kate Lynn is a singer/songwriter based in Nashville, Tennessee.

The 22 year old artist started her musical journey in 2019 with the release of her debut single “Summer 09”.

Released in August, her latest single “Professional” garnered over 31K streams on Spotify. Co-written with Josh Alltop and Daniella Mason, the single is about feeling unworthy in relationships.

“I love that this song represents what most of us feel. That feeling of wanting to give someone all you have, even if it means losing yourself. I feel like we’ve all been there and we all know how empty that can feel,” says Lynn.

With a brand new single on the way titled “Sorry For Being Sorry”, the Texas-native continues to create her own path in the music industry.

Stream her latest single “Professional” on all digital platforms.

Photo credit: Trevor Roberts

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

My story is a long one, but we’ll make it short. I’m a 22 year old born and raised in Texas. I grew up in surrounded by music. My mom was a gospel singer and she really instilled in me that I could do anything I put my mind to. Once I was 16 I started performing in schools for my non-profit that I started with my family called Debully. That really prepared me for my own artist journey. I was able to gain the experience that I needed to really find out who I am as an artist. In 2019 I began my journey in music and instantly knew that I wanted to do this for the rest of my life.

What did you grow up listening to?

One of the first artists I can remember myself listening to was Britney Spears. We had a karaoke machine when I was around 2 or 3 and I would just sit there for hours and belt out ‘Stronger’. I grew up in Texas, so I listened to a lot of country too. Rascal Flats and Carrie Underwood were some of my biggest influences when I was younger. Then the Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Bieber stage hit and it was game over from there.

When did you realize you could sing?

I always kind of knew I could sing, but never had the confidence to do it in front of anyone. For years and years I would just sing in my room to myself and pretend I was on a stage singing to thousands of people. It wasn’t until I was 16 years old that I really sang in front of anyone.

Do you remember a specific time in your life where music made a huge difference?

Oh absolutely. I went through a pretty rough time when I was about 16-18 years old and I suffered with extreme anxiety and depression. I turned to music during those dark times and honestly it saved me. That’s when I started writing and really figuring out what I loved. I discovered how much lyrics meant to me and that’s what sparked the writing bug in me.

When did you start writing songs? What made you want to start writing in the first place?

I started writing when I was about 16 years old. Taylor Swift really inspired me with her lyrics, she never held anything back and I loved that. My songs were probably horrible because I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew that i was called to write. It wasn’t until last year that I actually started writing legit songs and collaborating with people. I had no idea about how the structure of a song worked but I did have a lot that I knew I wanted to say.

What gave you the confidence to be an artist and release your original music?

Honestly God… I don’t think I would’ve ever stepped out of my comfort zone if it wasn’t for the push that I felt from the Lord to step out and share my gifts with the world. It took many years of battling with it in my head and then in March of 2019 I just knew it was time.

Who was the first person to ever believe in you?

Most definitely my mom and my dad. They are my biggest supporters… they’ve always encouraged me to follow my dreams, even when they look impossible. They’ve been there every step of the way cheering me on and believing in me.

How would you define Kate Lynn, the artist?

Kate Lynn to me is the most confident, raw, honest version of myself. She’s someone who I hope people can relate to and walk away feeling less alone in whatever they are facing.

"Professional" is your latest single - what did you learn about yourself after releasing this song?

Releasing Professional was such a huge moment for me. I kept that song so close to my heart, it was like my baby. That was such a hard song to write and record… but I knew it needed to be out in the world. It’s has such and important meaning to me. Through writing that song, I learned so much about myself. I had no idea the patterns that I had allowed in my life and the things that I had accepted for so long. I really learned my worth through that process. I’m so grateful for that song and what it gave to me and hopefully gave to others.

What's the story/inspiration behind the single?

The story behind ‘Professional’ is ultimately feeling unworthy in all of my relationships. Constantly letting myself get walked over and taken advantage of. Professional kind of exuded the cycle in my life and believing the lie that I am unworthy. Obviously I know my worth and understand the truth now, but I kind of wrote that song from the perspective of giving in to that lie.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process? Who helped you create it?

The songwriting and production process was like butter. I worked with the two most amazing people on this song, Josh Alltop and Daniella Mason. They made it so easy for me to access those emotions and pull the words out of me. Josh got my vision so well on the production, our inspiration for the song was ‘Listen Before I Go” by Billie Eilish. That dark eerie tone is exactly what I wanted, even before I knew what I wanted to say. I sat and talked with Daniella and Josh for quite a bit before we even wrote. Just letting them in on the pain that I was experiencing in that moment. I had said “I’m just a professional at keeping it together all the time” and Daniella looked at me and said “Cool, we’re using that.” I’m so grateful for that experience

What can you tell us about the music video?

The music video was so fun to create. Me and my best friend Jacqueline Day had the best time coming up with ideas and planning out exactly what we wanted from this video. I really wanted the video to capture that brokenness that I felt.

What made you want to release "Professional" as a single?

I knew Professional was so different from everything else that I had put out and I wanted to put out something that really represented what I was feeling at the time. I knew it was such an important song to me and really just wanted to get it out for other people to also listen and relate to it.

What do you like the most about this song?

I would say this is my most ‘feeling’ driven song and I absolutely love that. My favorite thing about a songwriter is when they can lay it all out there for the listener. I love the rawness and vulnerability that this song represents.

What does singing make you feel?

Singing makes me feel like I’m home. It’s a way of escaping for me and transferring what I’m feeling into my voice. It’s like a therapy for me… and it reminds me of my mom. When I’m feeling overwhelmed, anxious, sad, confused, lost, or happy I just sing and somehow it makes me feel like I can breakaway or accentuate what I am already feeling.

What do you want to accomplish professionally and personally?

Professionally, I would just love to be able to do this for a living. It’s what I love and what i’ve always felt called to do and I would just love to be able to do it for the rest of my life. Personally I just want to continue to create and continue to pour out my feelings whether this goes anywhere or not, just continue to do it for the love of it.

What major life lesson have you learned so far?

Oh wow so many. Probably the biggest one that I learned recently is that if you let it, fear can paralyze you. It can keep you from doing what you’re meant to do, who you’re meant to be with, an opportunity you’re supposed to take. Fear is a liar and it can distort the truth.

What advice would you give to anyone struggling with self-love?

Oh man, first I wish I could just give them a hug. I feel like I’m still on that journey of self-love, it’s taken me a long time to get where I am today. Recently I just got a tattoo on my arm that says “I am enough.” And I think that’s what I would tell someone struggling with self-love right now, you are enough. Just where you are, you are enough.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

I think if we all had kindness and grace for one another, the world would be such a better place. There’s so much division going on in our world. Especially right now. We all believe different things and see the world differently, but if we could all learn to love one another and accept each other as we are, there would be so much peace.

What message do you want to deliver to the world?

I think just to be authentically yourself. There’s so many people striving to be like someone else, or the world’s view of what they should be that they lose who they really are. We all have something to offer to this world and you can’t do that unless you truly dive into who you are and what you are called to be.

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