Anna Shoemaker

Photo credit: Sophie Hur

Singer/songwriter Anna Shoemaker has released her new single “Silver Cowboy Boots” (Ft. Invisible Will).

Written by Shoemaker and produced by Will Baker, the new single is about getting over someone after a breakup.

“I wrote this song after my ex and I broke up for the second time. He seemed to be doing fine and I was still heartbroken. I was in the studio sad, hungover, and wearing these insane silver Fendi cowboy boots I had bought myself and was just like, you know what, maybe this is fine? All that guy did was mess with me, these boots can't mess with me. They match everything, they look sick, they never tell me not to work with a certain producer or rapper because they’re jealous, they never get in fights at bars and then bleed all over my apartment, they never block my number for no reason, they never laugh at me or tell me I need to be better on stage if I want to make it big. They just make me look good and stand tall and confident, and that’s really all you can ask for from a relationship.”

Following her latest single “Feels Like” released in November, the Brooklyn-based artist painted a captivating and soulful record with “Silver Cowboy Boots”.

Shoemaker opened for major artists like Julia Michaels and Bishop Briggs and sold out her own headlining show at Mercury Lounge.

“Silver Cowboy Boots” is now available worldwide.

Photo credit: Sophie Hur

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hi! I'm Anna Shoemaker and I’m a singer/songwriter. I’m originally from Philadelphia, PA but I now live in Brooklyn, NY! 

When did you start writing songs? What made you want to write in the first place?

I started writing poems when I was really young, probably as soon as I could write. I just really liked writing about the world around me, my diary was NOT normal. I was so dramatic and romanticized everything. Once I heard Taylor Swift though, it was all over. I was like oh, fuck a poem, I need to learn guitar and do THIS! 

When did you realize you could sing? 

I don't remember but my dad says he realized I could sing when I was  five years old and I knew every word to Lucky by Britney Spears. Also, fun fact, we had a cat that I renamed Lucky Star because I was so obsessed with Britney Spears. I don't even remember the cat's original name because she just became Lucky. 

At what point did you know you had to be an artist and release your original music? 

I always knew I wanted to put out my songs. It was just a matter of figuring out how to develop my music to make it sound the way it always did in my head. One of the first producers I worked with was my friend Ben Thomas in Philadelphia. That was the first time I felt very understood sonically and thought maybe I can actually do this.

Who was the first person to ever believe in you? 

My dad. Every night after work I would show him the songs I was working on. I don't know if I would've been as motivated without him.

How would you define Anna Shoemaker, the artist? 

A cooler, less socially awkward version of Anna Shoemaker, the person. 

What lessons have you learned since the beginning of your career? 

Surround yourself with people you trust and love. 

"Silver Cowboy Boots" is your new single - what's the story/inspiration behind this song? 

The song is about trying to get over someone when it feels like they're "winning" the breakup. When you go through a break-up you're obviously not talking to that person so it's easy to romanticize not only your relationship but to see their current life through rose colored glasses. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this particular song? Who helped you create it?

I wrote it with my producer/friend/collaborator Invisible Will. Sessions with him are the best because it's just a very safe space to say whatever I want. I knew the concept of a song about boots was weird and I probably would've just kept it to myself had it been anyone else in the room but when he fucked with it I was like okay hell yeah let's go! I just really trust him and his vision always. 

What made you want to release "Silver Cowboy Boots" as a single? 

I was actually supposed to be releasing a different song, but when Will and I made Silver Cowboy Boots I sent it to my manager, Steve, and was literally like STOP EVERYTHING this is the song that needs to come out! I just really love it. 

What do you like the most about this song? 

I love the beat, I think it's super haunting, different and a bit off-putting… but still a bop!

What can you tell us about the music video? 

My friend Eva Evans directed the music video, we really wanted it to bounce back and forth between this real life and fantasy version of myself, kind of like who I am as a person and who I am as an artist. We filmed it in a motel in Long Island. It was really fun to shoot. 

Why do you make music? What keeps you going? 

I've always made music, I don't really know what would happen if I stopped. It's just who I am.

What's the hardest part about being an artist? And what is the best part? 

I think sometimes it's really difficult for me when I have to talk about my music from a business perspective or what songs will "do well" or whatever. I don't make music with the intent of it being good, I just do what I am feeling so when I get unwanted or unwarranted feedback or have to commodify my emotions it can make me feel really weird. The best part is everything else. 

What is your proudest moment of your career so far? 

I think my proudest moments are all the shows I've done. When I first moved to New York I was playing house shows, bars, coffee shops etc. Playing the Mercury Lounge (even just opening for someone) was my dream and last spring I sold it out as a headliner so that was really surreal. Also, opening for Julia Micheals at the Bowery Ballroom was a huge moment. I remember there was a massive line outside and I was late for soundcheck (of course) and my mom and I were banging on the door of the venue to let us in. They thought we were just crazed Julia Michael's fans (which in fairness, I also am) until my manager came and was like "no SHE'S LITERALLY PERFORMING and needs to be let in right now.”

What advice would you give to young artists? 

Make your own opportunities and don't wait for people to tell you what to do. Find what you want and make it happen for yourself. 

What do you want to accomplish professionally and personally? 

I really want to go on tour, and put out new music! I have a couple of collaborations with friends in the works so hopefully I’ll be putting those out too!

What major life lesson have you learned this year? 

One of the lines in Silver Cowboy Boots is "I'm just tryna get better at being alone" — this year that's really just been my main focus. I'm just trying to build a better relationship with myself and do things for me that don't have to do with approval or validation from others. My sister and I always talk about how we need to speak to ourselves the way we speak to each other. It's easy to get in a cycle of talking down to yourself and it's so messed up. I'm focusing on being nicer to myself!

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

Long term: More love, kindness and empathy.

Short term: Gun control and defunding the police .

What message do you want to give to the world? 

Buying Fendi cowboy boots will not fix your broken heart and, honestly, I’m not sure what will!  

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