
Discovering Sabriel’s music was a beautiful and unexpected surprise. I’ve been trying to feature artists like her for quite some time and it finally happened. Her music is exactly what I was looking for. Soothing, captivating, magical and soulful. Her voice is what caught my attention in the first place. Absolutely incredible.

Her latest single “Love Again” is one of the best songs I’ve heard recently, and she wrote/recorded/produced it herself, which makes it even better.

“I’ve done a lot of self-work during the duration of the pandemic, with a huge focus on past and future relationships. I used to have a tendency to jump in quickly, ignoring any and all red flags. But moving forward, I refuse to lose myself in another person. So I’m carefully watching every step,” she says.

Sabriel is an artist to remember. So make sure to follow her, and stream “Love Again” , now available worldwide :)

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

Hi! I’m Sabriel, pronounced like shä brē el. I’m dying and being reborn every single day! Forever evolving and growing and learning and writing music about it!

How would you define Sabriel, the artist?

Good question! It’s so hard to define yourself. I always wonder how others define/perceive me. I would (try to) define myself and my art as fluid, vulnerable, continuous, curious, and unbound by rules.

"Love Again" is your new single - what's the story/inspiration behind this song?

“Love Again” is about hyper-awareness when entering a new relationship. It’s about not repeating the same mistakes you have in the past. The theme is self-preservation and magic. Respecting your wants and needs while also enjoying a new person’s company without tripping and falling into codependent tendencies. You feel yourself and your old habits creeping in, but you stay aware, watching every step.

You wrote and produced it yourself - could you describe the songwriting/production process?

My production process is all about layering! My beats are comprised of so many layers. I like to use sounds that usually wouldn’t fit together and then slap a D’Angelo amount of backup vocals on top. I am not trained and I didn’t go to school for music or production. I’m just playing with vibes and sounds and feeling what works, since I can’t rely on technicalities or theory.

What did you feel when writing this particular song?

When I was writing this song, I initially felt embarrassed. Love songs feel embarrassing when I could be writing about something more meaningful or important. But I really was feeling so corny and loving and excited and feminine. And I was truly watching out for myself. I was being PRESENT, which is something I have to work really hard at. I was like “Okay, here’s how I’m feeling right at this very moment. Let’s not get carried away.” And at the same time I was like “Oh my god oh my god oh my god did I just MANIFEST this person into my life?! IS THIS LOVE?!” Needless to say, no it was not. But thankfully, I was watching out for myself and kept a close eye on the situation. I’m learning how to protect my heart.

What's your favorite thing about writing and producing songs by yourself?

My favorite thing about writing and producing songs by myself is the freedom! The freedom to focus and to experiment and play. It feels like meditating and like writing in a diary. I get to vibe out in my room with incense and lighting in whatever clothing I choose to wear. I take on people’s emotions very easily. I think I have let a lot of bad energy into my creative space in the past, so it’s been nice to reconnect with myself and to build up the confidence that I had lost. Now I feel ready to invite good people into my process.

What do you like the most about this song?

Honestly, I think it’s fun. I think it’s badass and feminine. I think it’s strong and smart and also so vulnerable and exposed. I love that balance. It’s a relatable topic paired with good advice.

What made you want to release "Love Again" as a single?

I think it’s an energetic single to help intrigue a new audience before I release my album next year!

What can you tell us about the visuals for this single?

I created all of the visuals for the single, from the single artwork to the music video. I took the single artwork photo one night in my room after experimenting with makeup. I’ve been trying to embrace and love my bare face by turning it into art. Hence the minimalistic circles! I just felt it was a very powerful photo. Simple, yet powerful. Stoic, too, but there’s so much to be said in the eyes.

As for the music video, I went for something else. I honestly was just playing dress up. A lot of my cool clothes have been gathering dust since March, so I like to put on music and glam out. I put on my brand new Fashion Brand Company neon green dress and covered myself in glitter with the intention of taking a couple selfies. Impulsively, I decided to play the song and do an impromptu music video shoot, which I had to reshoot because I had zit cream on my face and was munching on potato chips in almost all of the shots.

I felt really really embarrassed about the video. It felt like a lot of my face. I wasn’t happy with the sensual aspects of it. I felt way too exposed. It felt like a 3 minute long selfie and by the end of editing the video, I couldn’t stand to look at my face anymore. I feel better about it now. I decide when I get to feel sexy and beautiful. What I don’t love is when others make that decision for me.

What biggest lesson have you learned as an artist since the beginning of your career?

Follow your gut. My intuition really does know best. Say no. Set boundaries. Even though it’s scary and uncomfortable, saying no and asking for what I want only gets me closer to my destination. I’m so thankful for the things I’ve put my foot down about, because it made room for what I truly align with.

Do you remember a specific moment where music made a huge impact in your life?

This might be the opposite of what you’re asking, but there was a long period of time where I was so depressed that I couldn’t even listen to music. It was painful. I was always comparing myself and felt so helpless. That all changed this year. I can’t stop surrounding myself with sound now. I guess I just feel so thankful that I am feeling better and that I can have music in my life again. I missed her.

What does music make you feel?

Connected. Music makes me feel empowered. Music makes me feel seen.

What do you want to accomplish professionally and personally?

Professionally, I want to find an audience that is just like me. I want to write and sing songs about really personal experiences so that I can connect to the people who are going through what I’m going through. Personally, I want to live my life looking for magic. I want my life to be art.

What advice would you give to young artists?

Be aware of when people are projecting their own insecurities onto you. When someone doubts you so intensely, they are doubting themselves. Do you. You can only get better.

What major life lesson have you learned this year?

Oh wow, it’s hard to pick one major life lesson as this year has been absolutely insane. I’ve really learned a lot about myself. I guess the main thing that I’ve learned is that I get to choose what my life looks like. I was always so suffocated by my anxiety that I thought it was all out of my control. I have a lot of work to do, but knowing that I have the option to choose positivity has been a game changer.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

I would love to live in a world that wasn’t run by money and that left room for emotional intelligence. Like damn, could you imagine if we were allowed to feel freely?

What message do you want to deliver to the world?

Feel all the feels. You are magic. Live your life as a caricature of yourself.

Connect with Sabriel:




