"Dear Music", an open letter by Matthew S.

Dear Music,

My name is Matthew S (aka Matteo Scapin) and I’m an Italian artist and music producer.

If someone asked me what music means to me, I could go on talking about it for hours...

According to me, music has a fundamental role in everyday life, it is impossible for me to imagine a world without it: it would be a boring existence, without any harmony. Music creates the basis of every action we make.
Music has become a necessity for the human being. That’s because it is a loyal friend in the saddest and happiest moments. It is a form of entertainment that we use to feel connected in harmony with the world. You can identify and understand better a person according to the music he or she listens. In fact, through music we can express our feelings and all the emotional parts that we are too shy to show in public.

There are also many songs that remind me of a lot of memories. Sometimes it seems that the words are deeply connected with my thoughts and it seems that they were written just for me.

Some scholars say that music is strictly connected to math, because of the arithmetic rhythm of symphonies. But honestly, I believe that math engages only the brain, it is only logic, while music engages also our hearts. Nowadays music is even more threatened. Too much artists meet obstacles when it comes to expression. Every artist who cultivates expectations dreaming of a prolific career in the field of music will necessarily face a lot of obstacles.

That’s the reason why there are some rules to follow in order to face those difficulties in an easier way. It is also true that every person has its preferences and experiences with music. The musical baggage you have will help you to give some sense to your music. This for every genre you want to offer. Maybe it’s utopic to think that everyone could be an artist but let me believe that something so beautiful could happen.

- Matthew S

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