Flashback to November 2019. Los Angeles. We're at the Hotel Café, my favorite venue, surrounded by some of my favorite people. The room is packed and KTJ & CARLY are delivering one of the best shows I’ve ever been to. The atmosphere in the room was something I will never forget. It was electrical, inspiring, beautiful and emotional. I already knew they were great after watching some live videos on Youtube but this show made me realize how big they are going to be. 

I love the fact they know who they are as artists and have a true vision for everything they do. I love how unique their sound is. Each single release gets better each time. "Almost True" was a game changer, but this new release "Enable Me" proves even more how mature they are as artists, singers, songwriters, musicians and producers. It's soulful, edgy, powerful and pop. They brought so much color and character to their vocals on this one, and it’s incredible.

“Enable Me is the classic story of being the one in the relationship who loves harder, who gets enwrapped by the allurement of an idea of what love is. Sometimes, people make it so easy... they enable them to the idea of love, even if they don’t reciprocate it. This is the story of someone who becomes influenced by a lover; someone who they know is bad for them in the long run, but the passion and amazing moments hide the fact that all of these red flags are clearly going off in the relationship,” says the duo.

Click on the artwork to stream “Enable Me”

“Enable Me” is my new favorite KTJ & CARLY’s song and I’m sure the next release will be my new favorite. As they keep on getting better each day, I hope more people will get to know them and their music, but I also really hope everyone will get to watch them perform live (either in person or through a live stream) to see/hear how amazing they are and how huge they are going to be. I strongly believe in them. It’s still the beginning and they have so much more to offer, so make sure to keep an eye on them.

Go stream “Enable Me”, out now :)

Connect with KTJ & CARLY:




