Abigail Rose

Nashville-based artist Abigail Rose recently released her latest single “out of my hands”. Co-written with friends and collaborators Ryan Harvey and Chelsea Balan, the song is about letting go from things we cannot control.

Abigail Rose delivered an honest and vulnerable pop single that showcases her stunning vocals and a captivating production.

Splitting her time between Nashville and Los Angeles, Abigail Rose is continuing to develop her musical signature while writing for other artists as well.

“out of my hands” is now available worldwide.

Photo credit: Sophia Matinazad

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

I’m Abigail Rose, a songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and pop artist from Nashville. I got into music when I was really young. I know being from Nashville played a huge role in me pursuing music as a career. I feel most alive when I'm on stage performing in front of a packed crowd. I love diving into my emotions to write songs that connect with people. I go back and forth between Nashville and LA. I not only have my own artist project, but I also write for other artists as well!

What did you grow up listening to?

Everything! I’m so thankful my parents and siblings listened to a wide variety of music and never divided music into genres. If it was good, we listened to it. Some artists that really stick out to me from my childhood are Sheryl Crow, Tom Petty, Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac, The Temptations, and Norah Jones. Simultaneously, I was listening to music like Britney Spears, Ellie Goulding, Natasha Bedingfield, and Lily Allen. I have my older sister to thank for introducing me to pop female icons!

When did you start writing songs?

I think I was around 8 or 9 when I first started writing lyrics. Then I started playing guitar around 11 and was able to put music to my lyrics and I haven’t stopped since.

At what point did you decide to be an artist and release your original music?

I think I knew I wanted to be an entertainer from the day I was born. It's always felt like what I was meant to do. I really started to pursue being an artist when I was 13. I started performing my own songs around town. I even released a project when I was 16 (I erased it from the internet when I got a little older and realized I was going in a different direction stylistically). Then after a few years of finding my voice and working on my craft, I felt ready to release my first single in 2018.

How would you define Abigail Rose, the artist?

At my core, I'm a songwriter and I bring my storytelling to life in a minimalistic pop genre.

Who was the first person to ever believe in you?

My family. My amazing parents have always encouraged me to chase my dreams. My sister and brother have always been so supportive. I feel so lucky and know I wouldn’t be where I am today without them believing in me from the beginning.

"out of my hands" is your new single - what's the story/inspiration behind this song?

I tend to worry about things I can’t control, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve started to realize what a waste of time that is. I think I needed to write myself a reminder that sometimes things are out of my hands and that’s okay. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I think being a month into lockdown when we wrote the song had an impact on the lyrics and subject matter we ended up writing that day.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it?

I wrote “out of my hands” in one of my first zoom sessions at the beginning of the pandemic with my two collaborators Ryan Harvey and Chelsea Balan. Not only do I love to create with them, but they are also my good friends, so it made the write feel a little less weird being over zoom. Because we weren’t in person, I ended up building a make-shift vocal booth out of blanket and a clothing rack in my basement to track the vocals for the song.

What's your favorite thing about this song?

I love the message in the lyrics and the choir-like vocal ending. I can’t wait to perform it live!

What made you want to release "out of my hands" as a single?

Since I’m an independent artist I have the ability of hand-picking all my releases myself right now. It’s the best and the worst (I can be very indecisive). But as soon as we finished writing this song, I immediately knew I wanted to release it as a single. My favorite songs I write are the ones that capture the feeling I was going through and this song truly does.

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part?

The hardest part is that the journey of pursuing being an artist can feel lonely at times. The best part is getting to connect with strangers in an audience when performing. Seeing people relate to your art that comes from such a vulnerable place is the least lonely feeling in the world.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

The music industry has gone through pretty radical changes over the last decade or so and I think that all of the related parties in the creation, production, distribution of music are still adjusting to this new model. I want equal opportunities for women and men in every field of the music industry.

What is the proudest moment of your career so far?

Performing at the venue Mercy Lounge in Nashville. I grew up going to shows at Mercy Lounge, so getting to perform there felt really special. Also, I just hit my first million streams on a song and that felt pretty awesome!

What lessons have you learned since the beginning of your career?

SO many. One of the most important would be to know who you are or others will tell you who you are. ALWAYS be true to yourself. Don’t take rejection too personally. Obviously it can feel extremely personal, but maybe that opportunity wasn’t meant for you and there’s no point in dwelling over it. Pick yourself up and try again!

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

More compassion and less judgement.

What message do you want to deliver to the world?

Always be your authentic self.

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