ACORN went from Country music to Pop music and so far, so good. Her debut single “Bitch” did really well and her new single “Space” is probably going to receive a lot of love as well. I’ve said this before but I love guitar tracks. You really can’t go wrong with these tracks, so it was very easy for me to enjoy this new single.

With already two promising singles, I believe ACORN will achieve big things. I’m not going to lie to you, Nashville-based artists are some of the best soooo let’s keep an eye of her !

But for now, let’s support her new single “Space” now available - go stream it !! :)

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

This becomes the confusing part. I have two names LOL, some people know me as Alexandria Corn, and others know me as ACORN. But you can see where I get ACORN from right? I know that’s crazy to say, but you would be surprised. A lot of people have no idea where ACORN comes from. Long story short, which I’m sure we will dig deeper into throughout this interview, I started my music career in the country music scene under my full name, Alexandria Corn, and since have shifted into the Pop scene under ACORN :)

How would you define ACORN, the artist? 

ACORN is the artist that I never had growing up as a child. A lot of artists come from musical families- that’s not the case for me. In fact, my entire family are the furthest thing from musical (no offense mom and dad). So I had to really find music on my own. I listened to VERY diverse genres everywhere from musical theatre to classic rock. But It was hard for me to find an artist that I felt like told my story; someone whose lyrics I felt like I was living through. That’s kind of where ACORN stemmed. I don’t like to be categorized into one genre. I never have. So, I wanted to branch out and experiment with my voice & story. I say that ACORN is the alter ego to my Country music, but really, she is exactly who I am. 

"Space" is your new single - what's the story/inspiration behind this song? 

I actually did not write “Space.” But two very incredible songwriters did, Khiana Meyer and Tasji Bakman. As soon as I heard the song, I knew that I wanted to cut it.

What's your favorite thing about this song? 

The lyrics to me, are super relatable, and the melody is one of those that makes you bop along to it.

What made you want to release "Space" as a single? 

It’s funny how this happened. I actually was on Instagram one day scrolling through some artists, because I had just moved to Nashville. I came across this girl (Khiana Noel) and I was watching some of her videos. She had posted a video of singing “Space,” saying that she had just written it. A few days later, I was out at breakfast, and my server looked very familiar. I opened up Instagram and asked her if that was her. I know that sounds creepy. We became instant friends & the rest is history. She ended up letting me cut Space as a single. 

Listen to Space on Spotify. ACORN · Song · 2021.

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

My best friend in LA is my photographer, she’s incredible. Her name is Brittany Berggren. She has taken my photos since I was 17 years old. She also designs all of my single covers. For this single in particular, I knew I wanted something “Space” themed. Not because it’s obvious, but because the song has nothing to do with an actual galactic atmosphere. I thought it would be cool. We originally had an astronaut helmet photoshopped on my face. But I wanted to keep the theme a bit more appealing and sexier if you will. 

What's your goal for this single? 

I have yet to get on an editorial playlist. I would love for that to happen. We are also shooting an acoustic video in a few days for the single. I really just want to get it out to as many people that will listen. 

What made you want to go from Country to Pop music? 

During the pandemic, I felt very un-inspired Country music wise. It became difficult for me to write anything that I liked.  I get bored very easily so I constantly have to be trying new things or evolving some how. For me, that was to experiment with my sound. I never wanted to be put in a box anyway, so I thought it would be nice to try something new. I wanted to have fun with it, and not take it too seriously. 

As an artist, what are the biggest struggles? 

To not compare yourself to other artists and where they are at on their journey. With social media nowadays, I think everyone compares themselves. It’s hard not to. But you have to remember that everyone is on their own time and at a different level with their career. 

What appeals you the most about being an artist? 

Having control of my creativity. I can literally do anything I want. Yes, it won’t all be up to the music industry standards or they may not like it, but as an independent artist, I can do whatever I want. I love creating new music for new ears. But, personally, performing is my favorite part. The feeling of performing in front of an audience is incomparable to any other feeling. 

What is the proudest moment of your career so far? 

Playing festivals. I never would of thought that I would have the chance to open up for artists that I grew up listening to. Blake Shelton & Toby Keith to name a few. I was able to play two festivals with them and it was incredible. 

What does music make you feel? 

I start my day and end my day with music. It has helped me through so many difficult times in my life. But it really gives me a sense of nostalgia. Like I have traveled to a different time. It helps me with what I cannot put into words. Humans have so many emotions, and a lot of them, we don’t get in touch with. That’s when music helps me.

What do you want to accomplish professionally and personally? 

I am a fully independent artist. I have been since day 1. I would love to finally have a bit of a team, management, booking. I have alway booked my own shows and festivals with my own relationships that I have created. To me, that is one of my strengths that a lot of artists don’t have. They have relied on someone to do that for them since day 1. So I understand the hard work that goes behind booking. But as my fan base and music grows. I hope to have someone to help me.

What biggest life lessons have you learned in 2020? 

It sounds cliche, but live and love to your fullest. Don’t let the little things stress you out. Take time for yourself and really focus on what your body is telling you. Being stuck home for months, I have reflected on my entire musical career. And I knew I was ready for a change because I wasn’t happy anymore. Really listen to yourself, and don’t do something just because you think the “industry” wants to see that.

What are your goals for 2021? 

On New Year’s day I made a list of goals. One of my biggest ones was to finally get a sponsorship. I had a specific one written down. I am a big energy drinker because coffee sometimes doesn’t cut it for me. My days are very long and hectic. My favorite energy drink is Bang. A few days into 2021, they reached out to me for a sponsorship opportunity! I could not believe it. I now have so many “Bangs” in my fridge- its unreal. Another goal for me, is to really stick to my true self as an artist. When I was younger, I let a lot of industry people pressure me and try to mold me into something I wasn’t. It’s sad because it happens to A LOT of people far too often. You won’t get very far that way, it will come back and bite you.

What message do you want to deliver to the world? 

Be a good human. We need more of them. Don’t let people pressure you for fame & fortune. 

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