Alexa Cappelli

Alexa Cappelli has just released her new single "Whiplash" and it’s a smash. Co-written with Keegan Bost, Cristopher Stayton and Austin Bianco, the new single is about indecisions in relationships.

“Relationships are so special and I’ve noticed that in my attempts to keep the peace when talking to someone new, I end up trying to create a security blanket through disclaimers. It is partly an unnecessary safety mechanism I’ve developed, because it’s a given that not everything in life works out. I’m still learning that real love is found in taking that risk,” she says.

This song is perfect. Alexa’s vocals are incredible and the pop/rock production is huge. I really hope I will be able to see/hear this song live one day because it deserves a live performance.

I continue to discover new amazing artists every day and Alexa is one of them. Thank you so much for this interview :)

 “Whiplash” is now available worldwide :)

Photo credit: Adam Quinn

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hello! I’m Alexa Cappelli, I’m an independent pop artist from Southern California. I grew up around music and have only fallen more in love with it everyday, from attending an arts school, participating in local and nation wide vocal competitions, to releasing my own original music. 

When did you start writing songs? What made you want to write in the first place? 

The first song I ever wrote was in 5th grade for a reflections project and it was called “Change the World”… haha! I fell in love with it though, in high school in a songwriting class I took! I love telling stories. 

When did you know you could sing? 

My mom signed me up for voice lessons as a kid because I wasn’t much good at anything else, and she noticed I could carry a tune. I’m so grateful for the voice instructors I had early on. I realized I wanted to sing forever when I won 1st place over all age groups in a local competition. 

At what point did you know you had to become an artist and release your original music? 

My senior year of high school I was on The Voice and it taught me that I wanted to do more than just sing, I wanted to impact people with my words. I started to work with a producer on original songs and have been really enjoying the journey of developing my own sound since.

"Whiplash" is your new single - what's the inspiration behind this single? 

One of my friends wanted to try going on double dates together, so I got bumble for the first time in attempts to make that work. All of a sudden I felt like the bachelorette, swiping right just to see what would happen. I think communication is really important so at the beginning of every conversation I found myself giving disclaimers to these guys who I didn’t even know that it “might not work out”, even though that is literally a given with anything in life. I’m still learning that the truest loves are formed through taking those chances. 

When did you start working on "Whiplash"? Could you describe the songwriting/production process? Who helped you create it? 

I was in Nashville for a little show and wrote with some people I had connected with over social media. I walked in with an idea for the sound of a song I’d like to make and a mind swarming with chaos about my love life, and my co-writers (Keegan Bost, Cristopher Stayton, and Austin Bianco) helped me unwind all and turn it into what is probably my most honest song yet. 

What's your favorite thing about this song? 

If you listen to the song in passing, it sounds like an edgy pop song, but if read and really think about the lyrics, they are actually quite sad. Your girl needs some therapy. HA. 

What can you tell us about the music video? 

The music video was directed by Zay Mirigian. We met for boba, listened through the song, and brainstormed some ideas.The video overall is a story of a girl ghosting a guy she met when she walked into a party alone. She eventually ghosts him only to find herself swiping through another episode of indecisiveness, to realize maybe she does want him, when he tries to chase after her. Her friends pull her away because they know she would only hurt him and herself going back and forth. 

What made you want to release "Whiplash" as a single? 

As a human, I really resonate with it right now. There aren’t too many songs about having an avoidant attachment style, and I really think this song encompasses a lot of the struggle that comes with online dating in 2021. 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part about being an artist is staying true to yourself. It could be so easy to see what could be taken as inspiration from another artist and turn it into comparison or a competition. I love getting to do what I do, and making music that is true to me is top priority, even if it’s not the most popular. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

LOVE!  If we just loved and accepted each other as we are, there would be not only less judgment, but more room to grow. Nobody wants to be told what to do, and everyone just wants to be understood. I think we should all lean in when it comes to loving people, especially when they are different from you.

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

I am still learning it, but I want to look back at life and see no regrets. It is way too short to not take chances or to be afraid of getting hurt. It is a given. Be honest, be bold.

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