Alexa Cappelli

Alexa Cappelli is one of the most exciting artists I’ve ever featured. I’m so proud to feature her once again. When I first heard “Whiplash”, I instantly knew she had something special. Her EP Confused @ 22 is phenomenal. Listening to her is like a breath of fresh air. She writes anthems. She sings relatable songs.

Today she has a new single out. It’s called “Temporary” and it’s another big pop/rock record. Co-written with the wonderful Hannah Trager and produced by Jackson Foote & Ryan Rasmussen, “Temporary” is an empowering record that came after a relationship.

“Temporary” is off her upcoming debut album, to be released very soon. I cannot wait to hear more !

Go stream “Temporary” now !!

Photo credit: Sara Bouwman

Hi Alexa! How are you? What have you been up to since our first interview (on thread.)?

Hellooooo! It feels like a lifetime has gone by, but that is what they warned me about my twenties, (laughs) I’m still making a lot of music, just writing from new lessons and life experiences.

You recently signed with Arista Records - how did things change for you?

Signing has been something I have been excited about for some time, and I am grateful for their voices in the mix, supporting me as I step into this next chapter of life. I’m working on my debut album!

"Temporary" is your new single - what's the story/inspiration behind this new song?

After a long-ish distance fling last summer, I really needed a song that validated my decision to end it because I knew deep down it wasn’t the relationship for me in the long run. There weren’t many I found from my perspective, so I wrote one.

Could you describe the songwriting/production for this song? Who helped you create it?

I wrote “Temporary” with Hannah Trager on her bedroom floor in Nashville with just her guitar and my semi-broken heart. I had cried enough through losing this potential love, and was proud knowing I made the right decision. The song was then produced by Jackson Foote and Ryan Rasmussen. It feels raw and authentic to me, with hard hitting elements I’ve been leaning into more with my recent sound. I like to call it “pop edge.”

When did you start working on it?

December 2021, right in the middle of the holidays. I didn’t realize how much I liked the guy until I was crying on Christmas, where I would sing it to myself in my head to remember that I really do want the kind of love that lasts forever even if it means being uncomfortable in letting go now.

What did you feel when writing this song?

It was liberating, and it was everything I wanted to say. A lot of times I will go back and tweak a line or two on songs if I feel they need it, but this one had virtually no changes from the day it was written.

What's your favorite thing about this single?

How personal it is to my experience. It’s special to me and I feel so empowered listening to it. I really hope it will resonate with people who have felt the same and trusted their gut enough to walk away from something or someone, even if it doesn’t make sense.

What made you want to release "Temporary" as a single?

This was the first song I intended on releasing after my last EP. But, when my previous single, “Could’ve Just Left Me Alone,” gained such demand, I shifted gears and that marked the beginning of a new era. “Temporary” is the perfect single to continue the story I’m writing for this album.

What can you tell us about the visuals for this song?

I actually just sent the music video to my label Arista to get ready for release. I was so happy to get my fans involved for this shoot, where they answered my prompt “What’s love if it’s temporary?” My team and I wrote out their responses and featured them throughout the video. I cried watching it.

What's your goal for this single?

It is wild how exact the timing has been for this song. Down to the week of last year is when I would’ve needed it most. My goal is that it can be there for people learning to let go and comfort them in the challenges it brings. All loss can teach you something.

How's it like to be a woman in the music industry?

I love being a woman. I love how my surrounding team is primarily women. I am constantly encouraged and challenged by them. All sides of this industry can very easily breed comparison. But comparison is a thief and very much not the vibe. I love cheering on my friends who are achieving their goals and inspiring me to keep doing the same with the utmost love and grace.

What advice would you give to women out there?

I believe in God, and that God speaks in so many ways, especially in the gut. Try new things. Stand up for yourself. The kind of people you’ll want to be around are those who listen when you do. Forgive yourself and learn from it when you don’t.

What biggest lessons have you learned since the beginning of your career?

I have learned that “waiting it out” is not always in your best interest. Take a step in any direction, and you’ll be closer to the next. And by you I mean me (laughs).

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