Alma Grace

Photo credit: Lara Callahan

Mexican-American artist, actress and activist Alma Grace has released her new single “Girl Fight”.

Empowering, anthemic and poignant, “Girl Fight” was inspired by Grace’s favorite Friday story: after her husband Diego Rivera cheated on her, she had an affair with the same woman.

At it’s core, it’s a bi-sexual and feminist anthem that rebels against the trope of women fighting over men,” she writes, “we’re better off standing by each other!” says Grace.

Besides her love for the arts, Alma Grace is also a strong immigration activist.

”Girl Fight” is off her upcoming debut EP FRIDA, to be released on May 5th.

Photo credit: Lara Callahan

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

Hey! I’m Alma Grace and I’m an indie-pop singer-songwriter and actress from New York City. I’m also currently a student at Yale University.

What did you grow up listening to?

I grew up in a bicultural family, so the music I listened to is definitely reflective of that. There were always mariachis at family gatherings or Selena love songs playing. My mom had lived in Texas so she played a lot of Shania Twain while I was growing up.

Growing up, what were your favorite songs to sing along to?

I was a theater kid and my mom has so many home videos of me standing on boxes and singing anything Broadway.

When did you start writing songs? What made you want to write in the first place?

I started writing when I was 16. I had always loved writing fiction and poetry, so writing songs became a natural extension of that.

When did you know you could sing?

My voice has grown a lot over the years, but I’m grateful for my family’s support of that passion from an early age. I probably first started singing in auditions when I was 8, and after that, it was all I ever did––in the shower, on the subway, around the house...

How would you define Alma Grace, the artist?

I’m an artist who really wants to make a difference––whether that’s in releasing music with social and political significance or helping you get over your latest heartbreak. I always write from my most vulnerable and raw place.

"Girl Fight" is the first single from your debut EP FRIDA - what's the story/inspiration behind this single?

After Frida Kahlo’s husband Diego Rivera cheated on her, she had an affair with the same woman. “Girl Fight” imagines this proposition: “tell our mutual friend it has come to an end, we’re better off with each other.”

When did you start working on this single? Could you describe the songwriting/production process? Who helped you create this song?

I started working on this song almost two years ago. It was the first song I wrote from the ‘Frida Kahlo’ project, and I was so excited to be diving into the life of someone who has inspired me so strongly. I wrote the song on the piano, and the first time I heard the demo, I burst into tears. It was one of the first songs I had gotten produced and hearing a creation of my mind come to life for the first time was indescribable. I showed the first draft of the song to my mentor Nisha Asnani, who helped me fine-tune it and brought in Dave Berg in to do the original production. The final production was done by David Ziehr over many Zoom sessions from NYC to Vancouver… it was a labor of love, but we’re all so happy with how it turned out!


What did you feel when writing this song?

I loved embodying this character and getting to express different sides of myself. It was also cathartic––the guy I was seeing at the time had ghosted me for someone new, and turns out, that girl was way hotter than he ever was! I only hope to be half as badass as Frida was when it comes to love.

Listen to Girl Fight on Spotify. Alma Grace · Song · 2021.

What is your goal for this song?

I hope that this song serves as a bisexual and feminist anthem––one that fights against the trope of women fighting over men, and encourages us to stick together.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

I think there should be a stronger pipeline for young people of all backgrounds to get their feet wet in the music industry. From artists to executives, this industry is desperately in need of diversity.

What's your favorite thing about making music?

I feel such a release when I write music –– a level of calm that I can’t seem to find anywhere else in my life. I write because I need to get through my day, my breakup, or my latest identity crisis. The messages I get from friends and strangers telling me how my songs have helped them in some small way also make it all worth it.

You are Mexican-American - how does it impact the music you are making today?

I’ve been writing a lot in both English and Spanish recently –– I love Spanish, and incorporating it into my music feels like a natural expression of my identity. As a member of the second generation, I often feel like my Mexicanness and my Americanness are at war with one another. Music is the one place I can meld them both seamlessly.

Besides music, what are you passionate about?

I’m an actor and I love the practice of bringing other characters to life. I’m also a strong immigration activist and love taking classes on Chicanx/Latinx history and border policy at school.

What advice would you give to women around the world?

Follow your light. Trust that you are special and don’t need to tear down anyone else to get to where you want to go. Help other women along the way!

What message do you want to give to younger generations?

My favorite all-time quote is “leap and the net will appear.” You only have one life––if you have a dream, follow it. Trust that if you lead with passion, your path will show itself in the end.

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far?

Quantity over quality! With art, and really with any endeavor, it’s important to practice and create without judgment. You take care of the quantity, and the creative universe will make sure of the quality.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

I’m a big fan of journaling. I write 3 pages every morning in the style of a “brain dump.” It helps me with my anxieties and fears. I often think that the world would be a much more creative and kind place if people practiced some level of mindfulness and self-care… maybe journaling could save the world! That, and open borders.

What message do you want to deliver to the world?

I hope that my music can help you fall in love with yourself! Loving ourselves is the first step to caring for the people around us and empowering our communities.

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