
The first time I heard “Bloom”, I found it very interesting and surprising - in the best possible way. amilost really created something special with this song, I had to feature them on my platform. I’m proud to feature such genuine artists with a clear musicality and authenticity.
amilost is out there creating magic, and “Bloom” is just brilliant !

Stream it now !

Photo credit: @johanlundsten

Hey guys, how are you? What's the story of amilost? 

Hello! We are good, thanks :) 

The story of amilost began out of the ashes of an old project we had back in 2022. We had been working together for quite a few years and the progression of that led us here - and it feels like our truest form yet. We have a similar taste in artists from an early age up until now and have a passion for making beautiful, big soundscapes with euphoric moments. 


"Bloom" is your latest single - what's the inspiration behind this song? How's it like to finally have this song out there? How do people respond to it so far? 

Sigrid came up with the original concept for this song whilst we were driving up to Leicestershire for a writing session with our producer. It was a frosty day and the lyric “waiting for myself to thaw” directed us. During the writing process, we related the idea to self discovery - about breaking free of a stale relationship and gaining control over your own happiness, opening the door to new experiences. Artistically, we’re super excited about this new direction for us - it’s the first time we’ve pushed our sound into a more produced alt-pop sphere and it’s something we’ve both really enjoyed. 

The response to this record has been amazing - so much radio and press support - and the fans have really accepted this new sound! 


Could you describe the songwriting/production process behind this song? When did you start working on it? 

Sigrid: This is the first single we are releasing that we wrote with Mark Elliott and it has been such a fun process. Previously, everything was done in house and although I love the thought of it all being very much a product of our creativity, I feel Mark has been such a great extension to amilost and he has been able to bring a sound out of us that feels completely right and also very exciting and new. We kind of said we wanted to write an upbeat track and it was very easy from there on to get to where the song ended up. 

Ross: As Sigrid said, we started writing and working with a new producer - the first time we’ve really done that. It’s allowed us to push ourselves a bit more, having that extra set of ears and ability! We also just had loads of fun with it and brought individual inspirations to the table. It was a very organic and experimental production process…Even though we’ve got more electronic textures in Bloom, we wanted my parts to feel organic at the same time, so we re-recorded all the drum parts that had originally been sampled, live. We’re still a band at the end of the day and we want to stay true to that! 

We started working on it on one of our first sessions and it all fell into place super organically! 


What did you feel when recording this song? 

Ross: Personally, I felt good vibes. Focusing on making the song groove, so people might want to move to it. 

Sigrid: Even though it’s a bit of a new direction for us, it felt so easy to record this song. It was perhaps at times a little emotional for Sigrid singing it as the lyrics felt so true to her but the song is about feeling good about being single and free and so over all it was incredibly fun to record it!


What's your favorite lyric on "Bloom"? 

‘Draw with my fingertips, I don’t need to be in love’ - because it’s a bit of a hidden message and it feel super liberating to claim it.


When did you know "Bloom" had to be a single? 

Honestly - kind of immediately on our first session, but we were scared with it being so different to our previous EP. We’re really happy we just leant into it! 


What can you tell us about the music video? What's the inspiration behind it? 

We shot the video on a 2 day trip to our label offices in Sweden - they bought this old building with a cinema room in it, which has been converted into a creative space. We spent the full 2 days trying different concepts and it was really fun and creative. There was no ‘blueprint’ as such and just more about capturing the mood of the song. Our director, Johan Lundsten, was amazing and brought so many creative ideas but was also open to all the additional ideas we threw at him! 


What message do you want to deliver through this song? What do you want people to feel when listening to it? 

The beauty of music is that people resonate in different ways. We just hope it brings them joy and good vibes! Or if they’re struggling (in a bad relationship, which was the inspiration for this song), I hope it brings them comfort in the knowledge it will be ok to break free. 

As artists, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

Ross: For me, the best part is connecting with people and performing live. Seeing something you’ve created resonating in real life will never get old. The hardest I’d say is the modern industry situation with social media and always having to be “on” as a content creator (which is so vast) alongside doing everything else relating to making the music.

Sigrid: To me, the best part is connecting with people who resonate with our songs. And also the process of writing the songs and creating our world so to speak. I love playing live as well of course cause that is when you get a real feedback and connection from the people listening. The hardest part is as Ross said to always be “on”. It’s so important to be able to communicate our vision and art but the way the industry is at the moment is a bit of a clash between content creators and musicians and maybe not enough appreciation for both as individual roles.


What's the best thing about being in a duo? 

The lack of red tape. We trust each other implicitly, so decisions are so much quicker to make. 


What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

Ross: Artists are compensated more fairly. There is so much talent out there and lots of artists are struggling to stay afloat and be heard. Spotify is a great platform for discovery, but the compensation has to be higher. 

Sigrid: I agree with the above. I think this includes songwriters, musicians and in general the people who make and perform the music. The music industry has very little regulations when it comes to that because of how competitive it is and it’s creating a big divide between people who can afford to work for free and people who can’t.

Photo credit: Lene Nordfjord

What biggest lessons have you learned since the release of your very first single? 

Ross: Being prepared with everything you need for the release. Things come at you so fast and there are always curve balls and extras to do, so having a great plan and a great team really helps. We’re very lucky in that sense!

Sigrid: Release day is exciting but not many things happens overnight so being prepared for a slow build is important I think. It’s definitely helped having a plan. 


In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

Ross: Without sounding cliche, I think it’s more apparent in the world right now than ever - peace!

Sigrid: I think if everyone worked a bit more on having less of an ego and more empathy, a lot of things would be better. I think having empathy and being able to put yourself in another persons shoes is very important in order to make the world a better place for everyone. If you think of what you can to for someone else rather than what they can do for you I think you’ll be happier too.

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