Anna Mae

Nashville-based artist Anna Mae has just released her debut single “Bond Girl”. Inspired by the 007 movies, the alternative-pop single is an empowering anthem for women around the world. Co-written with AJ Pruis and produced by Cason Cooley, “Bond Girl” is efficient, inspiring and catchy.

Mae landed over 150 different placements on major networks and trailers including a Toyota Super Bowl commercial, the movie trailer for On The Basis Of Sex, trailers for The Bachelorette (ABC), as well as, music in Orange Is The New Black (Netflix), Grey’s Anatomy (ABC), and The Bold Type (Freeform).

Currently working on her upcoming album, “Bond Girl” is the first single of this project - available now on all major streaming platforms.

Photo credit: Fadwa Ward

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hi! My name is Anna Mae and I'm an artist based in Nashville, TN. I just hit 10 years of living in Nashville and before that, I had spent my life growing up on a small farm outside of Red Wing, Minnesota. I create alternative pop music that’s mainly centered around inspiring confidence and helping process emotions - both for me and the listeners :) 

What did you grow up listening to? 

I grew up listening to a variety of things - from Coldplay to Katy Perry to The Beatles. 

When did you start writing songs? What made you want to write in the first place? 

I wrote songs for fun when I was super young (with titles like “2+2=4” and “Birdies Birdies, Tweet Tweet” haha) and then in middle school I got an acoustic guitar and started writing a little more seriously, and never stopped. I honestly feel like it’s always been ingrained in me! It’s always felt natural to write - whether that be in the form of music, poetry (when I was younger), or journaling (which I’ve done my whole life.) 

At what point did you know you could sing? 

I’ve always had a desire to sing and so I would sing in school programs when I was really little. My voice wasn’t anything amazing at that point, just a normal little girl singing voice. Haha. And then in middle school I went through my awkward phase (as we all do) and though my dream was to be a singer, I felt so uncomfortable and insecure that I’d literally mouth the words in choir so that kids sitting next to me wouldn’t hear me. And then I guess one day I must’ve sang at home and realized I liked what my “grown-up voice” was starting to sound like. I don’t remember the specific moment, but it must’ve been sometime in 7th or 8th grade. 

When did you decide to be an artist and release your original music? 

In 9th grade I entered our high school talent show and sang a cover of “Breathe (2 am)” by Anna Nalick and won the People’s Choice award that night. I was completely shocked. That was a huge turning point because that’s when I realized that maybe other people would like listening to my voice and so I started recording some of my own songs after that.

What biggest lessons have you learned since the beginning of your career? 

Ooof. Where to begin! I think a big thing I’ve learned this last year is to trust my instincts and the way I’ve been built. I’ve spent a lot of years trying to make the music that other people wanted me to make instead of creating exactly what I have inside of me. So whether that’s in music or anything else, stick with what YOU love and what comes natural to you. 

"Bond Girl" is your debut single - what's the story/inspiration behind this single? 

I grew up watching 007 movies with my family (mainly the Pierce Brosnan ones because those were coming out when I was really little.) I always found the women in it so beautiful, strong, and classy. A couple years ago I was on a hike and the words “Bond Girl” popped into my head. At first it wasn’t a song title to me, it was more of a mantra that encapsulated the same characteristics I mentioned earlier; beautiful, strong, classy. I didn’t turn those words into a song until a full year later and now it’s become this empowering anthem that makes me feel confident when I listen to it or sing it. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? 

I had the title for a little while and then one day I got a few of the lyrics/melodies for the song. I jumped on a zoom session with AJ Pruis and he helped me take it from a few lines and ideas to a full song. Then it moved to the production phase with Cason Cooley. I had made a playlist with other songs I love and told him that I wanted this song (and my upcoming project) to fit in on the playlist while still being its own unique thing. 

How was it like to work with AJ Pruis and Cason Cooley? 

Incredible on all fronts! I’ve only written with AJ twice (including Bond Girl) and I’ve released both songs we’ve written which is very rare. I always appreciate when a cowriter can help me take my idea into a finished song that I truly love and he’s amazing at doing exactly that.

And working with Cason has been a dream. He’s worked with many artists I’ve always looked up to. And it’s the craziest story but he actually works out of his studio next door to my house. I didn’t meet him until after I moved into my place and it’s been insanely serendipitous and so we created this entire project literally next door to my house. What a dream that has been! And with his production, these songs have honestly turned into the music I’ve always dreamt of creating.

What can you tell us about the visuals for the song? 

I’ve always loved vintage styles and so I definitely channeled some vintage 007 aesthetic for “Bond Girl.” A music video is releasing with the track and it’s filled with all things vintage. 

What made you want to release "Bond Girl" as a single? 

I often fall in love with a title before I even write a song. And then the hopes is that when I write the song, it turns out as amazing as I wanted it to. It doesn’t always work that way, I’ll be honest. But for this song, it thankfully did. I loved the title and what it meant to me before it was ever written. Then fell in love with it even more after me and AJ wrote the song.

What can you tell us about your upcoming album? 

It’s my dream come true!!! It’ll be released in 2 parts. I don’t want to give away too much yet, but the whole project revolves around the romance of life. 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

What a big question! I have so many mixed feelings. I love that now it’s so easy for anyone to pursue music. I think that’s awesome. I love that there are so many opportunities for someone to be a “nobody” one day and then have so many successes overnight. It’s hard to pick the one main thing I would change. But I think it would be that everyone would get TRULY equal opportunity in the industry, regardless of gender, race, age, religion, upbringing, financial status, phase of life, or anything else.

What is the proudest moment of your career so far? 

In 2019 one of my songs was used in a Toyota Super Bowl commercial and that was surreal then, and still is now. SO thankful for that. 

What advice would you give to artists? 

Similar to what I mentioned earlier, stick to what YOU love. As an artist, you’re going to work with a lot of people that have opinions on you, on what you’re doing, and how you’re doing it. It’s helpful to get input, but don’t get too much input that you end up creating the product someone else wants you to make. Make what you were created to make :) 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

Many things, but empathy is the first thing that jumped into my brain. When you put yourself in someone else’s shoes, it usually gives you a lot more grace and makes you a whole lot kinder. I can’t imagine how beautiful it would be to see everyone trying to understand each other instead of condemning each other. 

What message do you want to deliver to the world? 

Be confident. I think when we feel confident, we live our healthiest lives and go after the things we are meant to. Plus it makes life a whole lot more fun and beautiful.

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