Ava Kay

I instantly fell in love with Ava Kay’s new song “Go”. It’s been a minute since I last heard a good ballad like this one, so listening to it feels amazing. The chorus definitely makes me emotional, and the production perfectly enhances the song and the lyrics.

Ava Kay is a beautiful talent and discovering her music already makes 2022 a good year :)

“Go” is now available worldwide !!

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

Hello! My name is Ava Kay, singer-songwriter, producer and film composer. Born and raised in Toronto, Canada. I run my own little studio and I spend most of my days writing music for myself, film and television.

"Go" is your latest single - what's the inspiration behind this single?

The inspiration for Go came from a place of crossroads. I was coming to terms with the end of a relationship that impacted me personally and professionally. The lyrics and the song just came out in this one overwhelming feeling I had, really speaking to myself that I just needed to take those first few steps to move on and everything would be ok. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process? Who helped you create this song?

I wrote and recorded this song in my Toronto studio. Live pianos, vocals, live cello and electronic synths. This song was produced originally by me and Craig McConnell as it was sold to his music production company. So the new production closely mirrors it. I did that because the original song wasn’t available for release, and it had a fan base due to a few placements. So overall it was a very smooth and nice process. 

What did you feel when writing this song?

I was overwhelmed, I had a moment that came over me and the lyrics fell out. I always say I wrote this song because it was what I needed to hear.

What's your favorite thing about "Go"?

Probably that the song resonates with other people in the same way it does for me. When creating music, being so personal and emotional, it can be scary to put it out there. Having a connection with listeners through this song is really a gift. 

What can you tell us about the artwork?

I did a shot grab from the video! Which is out now. I did this because of COVID restrictions in Canada. I also like the shot, I feel like what the song is about. 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part?

The hardest part is picking the right songs, and creating the brand and marketing around it. The best part is probably the opposite of that - you find that perfect song and things start to fall in place around it.

Do you remember a specific time in your life where music made a huge difference?

It happens quite often, as I do write and perform music for myself as much as I do it to share with music listeners out there. It’s cathartic, expressive and healing for me, I often turn to the piano to gain perspective and move on from things. 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry?

I have lots of good thoughts but some things I wish were fairer. Especially when it comes to songwriting pay outs on streaming platforms. If I were just a songwriter, I wouldn’t be able to survive. Because I produce for tv and film, it’s allowed me to create more opportunities, and create a balanced career. The industry definitely makes you need to wear many hats, which in some ways is good, but can also hinder the creative process.

How's the music scene in Toronto? Any artists you'd like to recommend?

The Toronto scene is brilliant, we have incredible artists like the obvious ones like Drake and The Weekend, but also Mustafa the Poet who is undeniable. The talent pool is deep! I really like Charlotte Cardin and Tafari Anthony.

What advice would you give to artists out there?

The road can be long, but have a plan, goals and stay focused. Your path, niche and sound will find a way. Just keep your head down and keep working. 

Besides music, what are you passionate about?

I love to walk, meditate, do yoga, and generally find calm places. I know that doesn’t sound very exciting, but an artist's mind can be hectic, I’m passionate about nurturing my state of mind in healthy ways.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

Compassion, understanding and communication. We are all the same. If everyone on earth simply understood that no one is better than the other, understood that humans aren’t more important than the well being of the earth, I think we’d have more love in this world, and be more healed.

What message do you want to deliver to the world?

Be kind, be thoughtful and do your best. We’re all out here in the same skin trying to live, love and thrive.

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