Chloe Star

It’s always super exciting to support artists who are releasing music for the first time. Chloe Star has a story to tell and I’m sure we can expect to hear a lot of great songs from her this year. Her debut single “Element” is a massive record. With the help of Redd, Wesley Stromberg and Drew Chadwick, the LA-based artist created the perfect debut single.
Go stream ”Element” now available worldwide.

Photo credit: Jordan Keith

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hey! My name is Chloe Star and I am a 25 year old living in Los Angeles. I grew up back and forth between LA and my family's Native American reservation out in San Bernardino. I was definitely living two very different lives when I was younger. I fell in love with music when I was about 10 years old because I felt like it was the only thing that was keeping me motivated to live. I struggled with a lot of mental health and substance abuse at an extremely young age and music was the one thing that kept life worth living. I always felt so out of place, different, depressed, angry, and never really fit in and music was able to quiet my mind. Due to my mental health and substance abuse issues I found myself in a wilderness therapy program when I was 16 years old. I basically got legally kidnapped and taken to the mountains in Georgia for 3 months. It was an extremely life changing experience. After that experience I decided to really take life seriously and to regain purpose. I found that my purpose in life is to take my pain and create art out of it. 

When did you know you had to be an artist and release your original music? 

I never really had a moment of having to be an artist. I felt like I was just born a creative person who is constantly using any form of art to express myself. After writing and recording multiple songs, I felt like I really just had to share my music and story with the world.   

Who was the first person to believe in music? 

My mom was definitely the first person who believed in me. She always supported me and pushed me to be better. She realized that music gave me purpose in this world which was something that I was searching for my whole life. 

"Element" is your debut single - what made you want to release "Element" as your first single? 

I wanted to release “Element” as my first single for this project because it's such a lively song that brings confidence to the listener. Its a great introduction of me, my vibe and definitely sets the tone for what else is to come!  

How does it feel like to release your first song ever? 

I am so excited to release my first song on this project because I have worked so hard and spent countless hours creating something magical. I feel like the past 2 years I really found myself and fully allowed myself to be my true authentic self.  

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it? 

The recording process of the song was so much fun! Everyone in the room was in a solid vibe and the energy was right. It felt like a party that we were creating for the world.  I worked on the song with my producer Redd and writers, Wesley Stromberg and Drew Chadwick. The energy that we felt in the room is the energy you feel in the song.

What did you feel when recording this song?

When recording this song it really did feel like we were creating a party for the world to be a part of at any time of day. The same exact feeling you feel when you listen is truly the exact same vibe that was felt when recording. I felt confidence and bad bitch energy flowing through my bloodstream. 

What's your favorite lyric on "Element"? 

“See them turning heads when we be rolling by Look so pretty make ‘em roll there eyes” -- I love how this line just screams “I don’t give a fuck!” 

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

The photo was shot by the amazing photographer, Jorden Keith. He truly is a magic man with the camera. And the graphic work was done by this designer Spence, I love his style of work and it felt like it accented my sound! 

What message do you want to give through this song? What do you want people to feel when listening to it? 

Feeling fierce, confident, excited about life, not giving a fuck about what other think, living your best life, living everyday like your last.

Do you remember a specific moment in your life where music made a huge impact? 

I was 16 years old at the wilderness treatment program I was sent to. I remember laying in my sleeping bag in the middle of the night, it was pouring rain and thundering. I was really struggling with wanting to live and experience life. One of the staff members would play his guitar and sing Third Eye Blind songs every night. I was always looking forward to him singing every night because it felt like the music was healing my spirit, like I was being held and cradled by the universe. Those moments always reassured me that everything was going to be ok. 

Could you list a few records that influenced the music you are making today? 

Rockstar - Post Malone 

Ball For Me - Post Malone 

Candy - MGK

Vampire - Dominic Fike 

So Done - The Kid LAROI 

Misery Business - Paramore 

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

Always listen to your heart, do the things that make you happy, and live in your true authentic self.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

More love. If we all put our differences aside and accept the fact that we are all here for such a short period of time, I do believe things would be very different. 

What are your goals for 2023? 

My goals for 2023 are to release music all year and hopefully be touring by the end of the year!! 

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