Ele Ivory

Ele Ivory has a stunning, captivating and magical voice. It is the first thing that caught my attention when listening to her music. Her vocals are incredible.

She recently released her debut album Drama Club Days and it is a beautiful project. I love how piano is so present on this record. It brings a lot of depth and emotions to this album. My favorite song is “Drama Club Days”. It’s such a BEAUTIFUL song. Everything around this song is perfect.

Listening to this whole album felt like watching a movie or an amazing show. This album tells a story from beginning to end. The way how each track perfectly blends together is just brilliant. The instrumentation on this record is mind blowing. Those piano instrumentals make me feel emotional, and I love that haha :)

Drama Club Days is now available :)

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

My name is Ele Ivory & I'm an Indie Folk Pop artist living in Nashville. I grew up heavily involved in the professional musical theater scene of Atlanta but began writing my own songs at age 11. My family is extremely supportive of my career dreams and in high school our family moved to Nashville so I could pursue my artistry. 

You recently released your new album Drama Club Days - what's the inspiration behind this record? 

"Drama Club Days" is inspired by the meeting of my musical theater history with the present drama of our day and age. Personally, I've experienced a lot of heartbreak from friendships and my musical journey over the past couple of years, and obviously the world has experienced deep hurt on a macro level. We're all walking through some tragic days, and my album sheds light on the highs and lows of our shared human experience. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this record? Who helped you create it? 

The songwriting process for "Drama Club Days" involved a lot of days cooped up in my home studio (quarantine last year helped this process along) & my album was produced by the brilliant John Mark Painter in Nashville. I'm grateful for his explorative musical tendencies and how he brought to life the orchestral and dramatic themes of the record. My bandmates Jonah, Dawson, and Ethan played on the entire record and that's so special to me because we've arranged all these songs together. We've played shows together for almost three years now and I'm so grateful for their talent and heart behind their playing. 

What different topics are you talking about on this album? 

Betrayal, the unpredictable nature of life, escapism and dreaming of a life beyond suburbia, overcoming people pleasing in order to find your own voice again, being friendzoned, losing a loved one, and learning to reclaim your own story.  

What did you feel when writing the song "Drama Club Days"? 

Writing is very therapeutic & I definitely had a lot on my mind when writing the title track of the album. I'm a big believer in "friendship forever" and "loyalty forever" so it's heartbreaking to me when someone I deeply trust betrays my friendship. I had just walked through the fraying of several friendships when I wrote this song. I felt confused by the actions of these people I loved and like everything I said or did was misunderstood. "Drama Club Days" was everything I wish I had been given the chance to say. 

What can you tell us about the music video? 

Since the song makes reference to Shakespeare, I wanted to deep dive into the theatrical world. We filmed at the beautiful Palace Theater in Gallatin with props provided by the Nashville Shakespeare Festival. 

What did you learn about yourself after finishing this album? 

I reminded myself of the perseverance that artistry takes & what lengths I'm willing to go to in order to stay true to my vision. I also truly learned the importance of an incredible team of creatives that share your vision and are dedicated to the project as much as you are. 

How do people respond to this album so far? 

The response has been amazing. I'm so grateful to hear stories of how the record is meeting people where they are in their own journey.  

How's it like to release an album in 2021? Any challenges? 

As an indie artist, there are definite challenges and most of them are due to time restrictions. I'm one person making the music, booking the shows, performing the shows, reaching out to press, playlists, blogs, etc. I'm so grateful that 2021 has brought the return of live music! It's been life giving to make face to face connections with people at shows again! And 2021 has also brought so many genuine online connections with curators like yourself. I'm grateful to have found a community of music lovers who genuinely seek out indie artists. It's so encouraging. 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part for me is balancing the industry with the creative. I enjoy both sides but they don't always have the best relationship with each other! The best part is creating special moments at live shows and hearing how my songs impact people in a personal way. I love reading messages from people about how a lyric of mine felt so deeply personal to them.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

Streaming services would be held accountable for paying artists fair wages. 

What biggest lessons have you learned since the beginning of your career? 

No one will fight for my vision more than I'm willing to.  

What advices would you give to artists? 

People will try to box you in, and often it's because it's the safe path. Don't take the safe path. I'd encourage fellow artists to follow their vision and invite other people along for the journey. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

Learning to listen to one another. 

What message do you want to deliver to the world?

Your voice, your story, your life matters. Truly. 

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