Ella Galvin

What a great discovery. Ella Galvin has recently released her debut EP The Way It Goes.

I must admit, this EP is super fun, colorful, dynamic and very authentic. Galvin painted a brilliant first EP that only offers brilliant songs. If I had to pick one favorite song, I would definitely choose “Passing the Time”. It is an ultimate banger.

The Way It Goes is now available everywhere !!

Photo credit: Claire Reynolds

Hi Ella, how are you? What's your story?

Hi! I’m doing well. I’m a singer & songwriter based in New York City. After years of playing in bands, I launched my solo project in 2022. I’ve been working on a lot of new music over the past few years, and I’m very excited to share my debut EP, ‘The Way It Goes.’

You're getting ready to release your debut EP The Way It Goes - how does it feel like to release this first project?

I’m really excited to put out a full body of work instead of just dropping singles. I’ve been lucky to be able to work with so many talented people on this project. I’m really proud of all the work we’ve put into this EP!

What's the inspiration behind this project? What's the story behind each track?

I wrote the songs on this EP over the last few years, and I think they really encapsulate my experience navigating my early twenties in New York City. “Spare Me” and “Don't Look Ahead” are more sad, bittersweet songs, while “Do Not Disturb” reflects the more silly, carefree, and upbeat elements of life. Then, “The Way It Goes,” “Passing The Time” and “Pink Shoes” are empowering tracks about taking control of my life.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process behind this EP? Who helped you create it?

I usually write the lyrics and melody by myself and then come up with a basic demo to share with my producer. That’s how most of the songs from this EP were written, with the exception of “Passing The Time” which I co-wrote with Lady Di Mega Diva.

What did you feel when recording "Spare Me"?

Recording “Spare Me” was a wonderful experience! It's the first track I’ve played guitar on and that felt really great. This song is also one of the more vulnerable songs I’ve ever written. Having it out in the world feels really special!

Any favorite memories from the making of this EP?

I have so many fantastic memories from making the EP. Diana and I had such a fun time writing the lyrics for “Passing the Time” together - we were peeing our pants laughing trying to come up with stuff!

What can you tell us about the artwork?

The artwork for the singles was really fun to work on but the EP cover art was definitely more challenging. With singles, you can choose a color palette and the vibe of the song and go from there, but with the EP cover, I wanted it to encapsulate the project as a whole, which is sort of hopeful and looking towards the future. My photographer Claire Reynolds did a fantastic job :)

What message do you want to deliver through this EP? What do you want people to feel?

I really want people to feel empowered by the songs on the EP. A lot of the songs are about relationships that didn’t end well or didn’t go anywhere at all, and the others are about taking control of your life and making it into something you’re excited to wake up for every day.

What made you want to name your EP The Way It Goes?

This single encapsulates the overall feeling of the entire EP and I think captures the changes of emotions I experienced throughout writing all 6 of the songs. You start to have feelings for someone, but it can never work out? That’s just the way it goes. A carefree relationship where you’re interested to find out more but at the same time not really interested at all? That’s just the way it goes. You’re finally seeing what you’re supposed to see, getting things done by yourself? That’s just the way it goes. You feel stuck in your job? That’s just the way it goes. It worked for everything!

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

It would be the over focus on followers and how it seems like labels only sign artists these days that have a certain amount of followers. It seems like the days of labels helping to build an artist who have potential but have yet to have the exposure are long gone. At this point, it feels like they’re often just taking from artists who have built something completely by themselves.

What do you like the most about being an artist? And what is the hardest part about it?

The artist community is so, so wonderful. I’ve been wanting to do this since I was so young, so I feel super grateful to be working on music and be able to put my art out into the world while working with such amazing people. I think one of the hardest parts has been how long it takes to really start making money from your music. You have to be super patient. Also carrying a bunch of equipment to a gig is always difficult, haha, but I wouldn’t change a thing!

Besides music, what are you passionate about?

I’m really interested in fashion/styling and I love to play cards or any games.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

Female presidents!!!

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far?

My favorite is “if you want something done right do it yourself.” I’ve had to teach myself so many different things because it's cheaper or easier and I find it hard relying on people sometimes. But this has become such an empowering thing because knowing how to do things and not having to rely on other people really helps you out in the long run. You also just learn more about a bunch of things that help you contextualize when things get really specific, like editing a music video or designing a logo.

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