Eva Snyder

I’ve known Eva Snyder’s music for a little while but this new single “boy, cry” is definitely my favorite. It is vulnerable and relatable. “boy, cry” is her best song yet (in my opinion) and I’m happy to feature her on my blog. I can’t wait to hear what she’s going to offer next. Congrats Eva for writing this heartfelt song and for sharing it with the world. You are beautiful.

“boy, cry” is now available worldwide :)

Hey Eva, how are you? What's your story? 

Hi Virginie! I’m doing well and really excited to share a bit about myself and my music through your community! I grew up in Western Massachusetts, moved to San Francisco for work out of college and then when the pandemic started I moved to Nashville to focus on music.  


"boy cry" is your new single - what's the inspiration behind this single? 

‘boy, cry’ was inspired by a tough breakup…surprise, surprise haha Neither of us wanted to have to do it but we both knew it had to happen.  We were doing long distance and it just wasn’t working out.  We were on the phone for hours saying goodbye and I was a mess of tears and he wasn’t….but I knew he wanted to be and was just holding it in…seemingly for me.  I didn’t write this song until a few years later but when I did, it poured out.  The message is rooted in giving space for men to be emotional if they need to be. 


Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it? 

This song is very special to me because I wrote it by myself and refined it over the course of a year or so until it felt right.  It actually has had multiple lives and was produced by a few people who did an amazing job but the track wasn’t hurting enough…it was too pretty.  I needed the track to hurt, if that makes any sense.  I then brought it to Liam and Aaron Muckala in Nashville, TN who did an incredible job making the track as vulnerable as the lyrics.


What's your favorite thing about this song? 

I love the vulnerability in the lyrics and the song’s innate ability to connect with people.  When I play this song live there’s always somebody or multiple somebody’s crying at the end of it.  I think it’s because we’ve all been there.  Whether it’s mourning a past relationship or allowing yourself to cry for the first time in a while…’boy, cry’ has a way of releasing whatever is being bottled.  It helped me through a breakup and I hope it can help others as well. 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part about being an artist is juggling all of the 35 different jobs you have to do.  I always struggle with the fact that you could write the best song in the whole world and if you don’t market it or have the means to get the song out…nobody will ever know it exists.  Granted, I don’t think I’ve written the best song in the world but I do struggle with balancing everything.  

The best part is easily connecting with people through ways that wouldn’t be possible without music.  I tend to be closed off with new friends and I have a hard time opening up (I’m a 6 on the enneagram scale if that helps clarify anything) but through music…I could drop my ex's name and talk about everything that happened without any hesitation.  

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

Everything will work itself out.  I am a pretty anxious person and I worry about everything.  I’ve had a lot of turbulence in my life whether it’s losing friends, trauma, jobs…you name it. But one thing that has always held true is everything really does work itself out.  I’m working on how to take a step back and trust the universe…a very challenging thing for a head-type 6 but! we’re getting there. 


What message do you want to deliver to the world? 

I don’t necessarily know if I have a singular message to deliver to the world but rather I hope that my music can bridge gaps between relationships and heal people.  Music has done a lot of healing for me and that’s ultimately why I write music…to heal myself.  Most of my most vulnerable songs were written because I needed them to be written to move through trauma.  Releasing those songs feels natural because I know I’m not the only one going through something.  There’s over 7 billion people in this world…if my music can help one person through a tough time…that’s enough. 

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