Following her debut single “The Flood”, singer/songwriter/producer Hounds has just released her second single “sky king”.
Dreamy and captivating, the self-produced single was inspired by the semi-viral internet sensation Richard Russell, a Horizon Air ground service agent who gained notoriety for stealing and eventually crashing an (empty) airplane in 2018. Richard spent his last hours chatting casually to the control tower agents, and attempting barrel rolls. “sky king” offers haunting harmonies, stunning melodies and a cinematic production. A must listen.
The new single will be a part of her debut EP titled If It Must, to be released later this year.
”sky king” is now available everywhere !
Photo credit: Sarah Geisler
Hi there, how are you? What's your story?
Hiya! Doing great, thanks for having me! I’m doing well, the sun just came out just as I sat down for this. I have a bowl of blueberries on my left, and a dog sleeping on my right. Life is good. Let’s get into it!
I grew up kinda just moving all over the place and lived in both Texas and Norway. My sense of home is definitely warped, but I think from that I’ve made a practice of finding home in other things. I’ve always been more of an artistic kid, so my first love was drawing and using my hands to create. I did eventually teach myself how to play guitar and piano, with the help of a couple hours of basic lessons along the way. Now I try not to get too technical, I want my music to stem from a place of emotion rather than theory. I try to Rick Rubin-it.
What did you grow up listening to?
It’s such a hodge-podge of different genres. A lot of Norah Jones, Jack Johnson. Being from Texas, I had a pretty solid country education as well. However, the first artists I really found for myself were The Flaming Lips, Daniel Johnston, M83 and Bon Iver.
When did you start making music?
Funnily enough I didn’t start making my own music until I was in college. I truly didn’t consider it as something I could do. I thought it was reserved for people who had access to big studios and knew a lot of important people. I’m a fan of Grimes’ music and the day I learned that she produces her own stuff, something really clicked for me.
It took me a long time to feel comfortable calling myself a musician. Hounds, my artist project, didn’t exist until last year. It felt right to do it under a different name, to create some distance from myself artistically. There’s a specific feeling rather than a sound I’m chasing, and I’ve made this the arena for that.
Who was the first person to ever believe in you professionally?
I have three people I immediately thought of - my good friends Pauline, Seana and George. I’m quite sensitive when it comes to art and putting something out for public consumption, and they’ve been the strongest compass in navigating that. They mean it when they’re kind, honest when they need to be.
When did you know you had to be an artist and release your original music?
It was never a conscious “Ok, yeah, let’s do this” type of decision. I think I fell into it from this need of making something out of heartbreak and sorrow. I can’t lie, I love to ruminate. Making music allows me to work with pain, look at it a little more closely, and become acquaintances. And then releasing that music comes from a place of curiosity and perhaps a question of “Do you feel it too?” Maybe someone can relate.
"sky king" is your new single - what's the story/inspiration behind this song?
Lately I’ve been stuck thinking a lot about the past. Paths not traveled, outcomes not realized. I suddenly found myself missing someone I felt like I maybe had done wrong by. I don’t know if what happened was right. Simultaneously, a video on TikTok popped up about someone the internet dubbed Sky King. Richard Russell, a ground service agent, stole an empty plane and spent his last hours alive doing barrel rolls and chatting with the guys in the control tower. You can find the whole audio online. Honestly, he seemed like a really cool guy. It’s made me think of purpose, the concept of it, and what drives us to do anything. It’s been rattling around in my brain for weeks.
Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? When did you start working on it?
It all came together rather quickly in the span of January of this year. I produce everything I make, so it was really just me on my own chipping slowly away at this monolith of a song until it felt right. I tend to start by writing on my guitar - it’s just what I always reach for. And I’ve been dying to use my new Telecaster in a song, so I was able to sneak it in at the end there! I am, however, somewhat allergic to drums and percussion. I can’t explain that — but this was a production where it was just so right and necessary to have percussive elements. It was my David & Goliath moment.
Being both an artist & producer, you don’t often have anyone to throw the ball with in the studio. So I use my friends – I send them demos, and they tell me if they felt something while listening. If nobody has any reaction to it, I scrap it or change it. I feel it’s crucial to have some sort of external filter for what’s hitting. This song had a slightly different ending before I sent it out, and now it’s infinitely better.
What made you want to release "sky king" as a single?
This one has a big sound. Big sounds need space to breathe and exist on their own.
What message do you want to deliver through this song? What do you want people to feel when listening to it?
I often write in a stream-of-consciousness “This is what I’m thinking right now” kind of way, and I hope maybe people can relate to my fleeting, silly sentiments. But I want this song to feel like they’re looking at a big sky when they listen. Maybe like they’re in the end credits of something.
What can you tell us about your upcoming EP If It Must?
If It Must is about how pain demands to be felt. I think it sums up everything I’ve learned through hardship. There is no easy way through pain, I’ve come to find. It’s about learning to succumb to that force, and letting it do the work. The only way out is through, truly. That being said, I’m kicking my feet for its release!
You are currently based in Norway - how's the music scene out there? How does it impact your musical career?
The music scene here is pretty interesting. There’s definitely a lot of talent buzzing under the larger currents. There’s something here called ‘Urørt', which is a platform for emerging artists. That’s where my first single got picked up, and it was honestly the craziest and most unexpected thing. It kind of proved to me that I, too, deserve to take up space in the music scene.
Could you list a few records that influenced the music you are making today?
Hell yeah: High Violet by The National, In Rainbows by Radiohead, Stereo Mind Game by Daughter, and quite literally everything from Bon Iver. That stuff makes me feel alive.
What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?
I think a lot about the gender imbalance that exists when it comes to the behind-the-scenes in music. We need more female, non-binary & lgbtq+ producers! I think there’s a lot of potential to be realized if we open up the space for more people to take part, especially those who have historically been given less seats at the table in the music industry.
What biggest life lessons have you learned so far?
I’m lucky that I get to experience all this life. I get to feel happiness, sadness, excitement, pain, joy, love – and all that in my limited time here on Earth. It’s truly a gift that’s so easy to forget.
In your opinion, what would make the world a BETTER place?
I think living feels particularly hard for a lot of people right now. If we all collectively were a little kinder to each other, we’d go a long way. Engage in your local community, talk to your neighbors. Be present with those around you. Share an orange.
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