Hugo Joyce

After a break from releasing new music, English singer/songwriter Hugo Joyce is back with a brand new promising single titled “False Hope”. Catchy and honest, “False Hope” was produced by Tom Althorpe, Luke Burgoyne and Loric Mathez.

“The song is essentially based on a break up. I was with someone who didn’t feel the same way that I did and it’s about me slowly coming to a realisation that the relationship isn’t sustainable. It’s better to be by yourself than hold onto someone who doesn’t want you. I think the track is extremely positive and almost inspires you to go out and take what you want,” he explains.

“False Hope” marks a new beginning for the London-based artist. Stay tuned for more music this fall !

Photo credit: Jonathon Wykes

Hi Hugo, how are you? What's your story? 

I'm very well thank you! Well I'm Hugo Joyce, a songwriter from North East London and I have just released the first of a string of releases called 'False Hope.'

What did you grow up listening to? 

Elton John was the biggest influence. I used to listen to Elton on my portable CD player before bed thinking I want to write/sing just like him. I also listened to artists like Billy Joel and Phil Collins. 

Do you remember your earliest musical memory? 

Hearing my mum sing and play the piano. Mum was/is a great singer and hearing her sing Carole King has to be one of the first memories for sure. 

When did you know you could sing? 

I always knew I could hold a tune. My mum was a singer so it's in the family. I think in secondary school it really dawned on me when I would jokingly sing and people would be shocked. 

Growing up, what were your favorite songs to sing along to? 

I would have to say Eltons songs, but I also loved a lot of Motown records. 

When did you know it was time for you to be an artist and release your original music? 

I have been writing lyrics from a really early age. However, I first started learning the Jazz Saxophone. So I did that for a while, but as the lyrics came more I wanted to match that to music. To my mums horror I stopped playing the saxophone but began learning the piano. It's then I started to write songs. I never wanted to be an artist, but my friend forced me to do an open mic one evening, which I reluctantly said yes, within 2 months I'm headlining a songwriter showcase and the rest is history. 

What biggest lessons have you learned since the beginning of your career? 

To never compare yourself to others. You have your own journey. 

"False Hope" is your latest single - what's the story/inspiration behind this song? 

It's written about a break up, but really about being in a relationship that is incredibly one sided and realising that it's never going to work. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process behind this song? Who helped you create it?

Myself and my writing partner (Tom Althorpe) were talking to a publisher at the time and I felt we lacked a really hard hitting number. Something with some edge. So I literally sat at the piano and wrote False Hope in like 30 minutes. Sent it to Tom and we got going with it just like that. We have a great team, Tom produced it alongside Loric Mathez, who also played the drums and Luke Burgoyne (Louis Tomlinson). We also had Sebastian Heintz, who is insanely talented on guitars.  Richard Wilkinson (Adele) mixed the track which really put the icing on the cake. 

What did you feel when recording "False Hope"? 

Excitement for sure. This song is one of my favourites, so I remember being really excited when we recorded it as I knew people would like it. 

What's your favorite lyric on "False Hope"? 

'There's a few but I have to say 'You only want me when everyone else leaves' 

How do people respond to this song so far? 

The response has been brilliant. I was worried seeing as I have released a single for a few years but it's been really well received. I'm really excited to keep sharing what I have been working on. 

What do you want people to feel when listening to this song? What message do you want to deliver through this single?

I think really the message is know your worth. If you are not getting the same as what you are giving then it probably isn't right!

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part?

The hardest part has to be motivating yourself to keep going. It's really tough, as there are many lows and many knock backs being an artist. So to keep persevering is really tough sometimes. The best part is creating a piece of music that really relates to people, that makes people feel something. 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

I mean it's tough. It's not just about writing great songs anymore, you have to be able to master the art of social media among many other things. I'm not entirely sure what I would change, but I do miss being able to buy a CD or a record. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a BETTER place?

Being kind. 

What can we expect to hear/see next? 

November I will be releasing my next single. Bit different from False Hope, big emotional number but equally as great. 

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