Isabel Pless

I’m a huge fan of storytellers and real songwriters. Isabel Pless is one of them. She’s just released her new song “Call My Own” and it’s about craving independence and about looking forward to having life experiences of your own. With the help of Georgia Parker, the singer/songwriter painted an honest and relatable song.

Isabel Pless is an artist to watch, and I’m proud I got to feature her :)

“Call My Own” is available now :)

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

My name is Isabel, I’m from a small town in Vermont called Jericho, and I’m an independent singer-songwriter. I’m currently a senior studying linguistics at Wellesley college— I thought I was going to be a speech and language pathologist up until last year, but plans have changed quite a bit, and in July I’ll be moving to Nashville to pursue music full time.

When did you start writing songs? What made you want to write in the first place? 

Everything started coming together in middle school! I started guitar lessons and writing poetry when I was in 5th grade and then I put both of those skills together to start writing songs in 7th grade. I was a huge Taylor Swift fan and was really inspired by her when I was young (and I still am now). I found the process very cathartic and creatively stimulating so I kept doing it.

When did you know you could sing? 

I always loved singing, but I was really shy about it. I still get nervous sometimes when I’m performing live. I grew up singing in chorus and singing for fun on my own— it’s just something I genuinely enjoy. I don’t think I was very good when I started, but once you practice a skill, you’re bound to get better.

At what point did you realize that music was more than just a hobby? When did you know you had to become an artist and release your original music? 

Not until I started posting online! I always wrote just for me, but once I started sharing with others and I had people requesting that I release music, I felt confident enough to make the next step and put music on streaming services. I still have a hard time conceptualizing the fact that people listen to the music I make. It's incredible! I’d make music even if I was the only one to ever hear it, but it brings me so much joy to know that others connect with what I make and write.

Who was the first person to ever believe in you? 

My parents have always been my biggest cheerleaders. I’m very inspired by them and they’ve always encouraged me to pursue activities I’m passionate about— music included.

What's the inspiration/story behind your new song "Call My Own"? When did you start working on it? 

I wrote the song alone on my childhood bedroom floor last July. It felt like all of the billionaires were blasting off into space and I was thinking a lot about ownership: what does it mean to own so much that you can go to space and own more? I’m 21, I don’t own a whole lot. I wrote this song about sharing a house and genetics with my family, about craving independence, and about looking forward to having life experiences of my own. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this song? Who helped you create it? 

I met Georgia Parker— who’s based in LA and is a wonderful artist herself— through social media and she really helped bring this song to life. It’s always so magical to take an idea from a bare bones song to a project that conveys so much more meaning through production. The production process was virtual, Georgia and I have never met in person (hopefully we will soon!), but it’s incredible to make music with others even when you’re across the country from each other.

What did you feel when writing this song? 

It’s a very reflective song. I felt like I was looking back on my life thus far while also considering the present. I was a little melancholy because I was considering what I’d lost due to the pandemic (mostly quality time and experiences I could have had with friends and loved ones), but I felt hopeful for the future even if it’s unpredictable.

What's your favorite thing about this song? 

‘Call My Own’ has my favorite bridge that I’ve ever written. I feel like it concisely sums up how I feel about living right now. “I never claimed to be an old soul/ My wisdom comes in turn/ And I think I’ve over-thought every lesson I’ve ever learned” are some of my favorite lines.

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

The photo was taken by my best friend, Liz Pelletier, on a very cold day in Boston this February. I wanted to capture the opening couple lines of the first chorus, “I’ve been reading romance of late/ Hoping I can scrounge some faith” so the artwork is supposed to reflect these lines.

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part, for me, is the business side of the music industry. It’s so difficult to not get wrapped up in numbers, in playlisting, and who’s listening versus who’s not. The best part is being able to share my creations with others and hearing stories about how they can relate to my songs. Shared experience through music is always what I aim for, it’s absolutely astounding.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

Social media has never been more vital to the music industry than right now— especially Tik Tok. It’s really leveled the playing field, especially for someone like me who would have never been able to pursue music if not for the internet (where I can share music from anywhere in the world). That being said, there’s such a strong emphasis put on the fast production of music these days. It’s draining and it’s difficult to explain to fans that making and releasing a song doesn’t, and in fact cannot, happen overnight. This is absolutely a product of constant social media content production and consumption. I wish there was breathing room in the industry for artists to take time with their work and not feel guilty about it.

What's the best advice you've ever received? 

Always tip at least 20%.

What does singing make you feel? 

I’m not good at meditation because I’m not good at sitting still, but when I’m singing I feel like I can push everything else out of my brain. I feel very calm. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

Jeff Bezos using his money to solve climate change. Also, empathy.

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

I’m incredibly hard on myself and sometimes it comes back to bite me in the ass. I’ve been learning that it’s okay to cut yourself some slack while also not compromising the quality of your work or actions. It’s okay to make mistakes: you can’t grow or learn if you don’t slip up every now and then. And it’s okay to take a day off— you don’t need to be productive all the time.

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