
Jane. What a beautiful discovery. I am amazed by his latest single. Listening to “For You, for Blue” feels like listening to an incredible live performance. Perfectly written/produced/mixed, the song takes us to a beautiful and dreamy place for 4 minutes.

"This song is so special to me. It really is dedicated to the life I’ve built with someone special to me,” he says.

Jane. will be revealing his debut EP What a Wonderful Time To Be Barely Alive, on November 19th.

“For You, for Blue” is now available worldwide.

Photo credit: Bradley J. Calder

Introduce yourself - what's the story of Jane.? 

Jane. came out of my desire to create from the most honest perspective I could. I guess it’s a portal for self expression. It lives somewhere between a band, and a moniker for a singer songwriter, and that gives me some pleasure and some freedom, as typically those things individually represent different ideas.

"For You, For Blue" is your latest single - what's the story/inspiration behind this song? 

The song is really just a musical chronology of my relationship with my fiancé. Our history is the main inspiration. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process? Who helped you create it? 

I started this record alone, wrote everything and recorded demos of the whole album at my studio. This hasn’t been a way I had previously worked but I found it allowed me to really speak from my heart. I also found that doing things slightly unconventionally (out of lack of traditional recording knowledge) yielded some interesting results. I was also able to take time to really complete the idea I had in my head. Once the record felt ready I reached out to my friend and now engineer Peter Labberton who really helped me bring the project to life.

What made you want to release "For You, For Blue" as a single? 

It was the 2nd song I wrote for the project, and to me feels like the center point of my record. Emotionally and sonically really. 

What does songwriting make you feel? 

A lot of things really. When the well is full it’s the greatest thing in my life. When it’s dry it can make me feel useless. It’s painful and cathartic at the same time. It’s this weird beautiful thing I’m so proud to be apart of. 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

Hm I’m not totally sure. There’s many beautiful things about it and many emotionally terrorizing things. Streaming is  a blessing and a curse. Social media same. It’s really how you look at all this. There’s a lot of people in the world who may not have had a chance to be recognized if it wasn’t for these things. But at times you can find it frustrating that people who may have a stronger knack for the marketing side of things seem to have a little advantage over people who may be more focused on the music and creativity. That’s not to say the marketing component isn’t creative or apart of the job, it’s mainly to point out that at times the music feels secondary. 

What advice would you give to artists? 

Keep going, just really keep going. 

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

There’s a few ways to look at things. We tend to jump to conclusions. Accept things quickly. A little thought and stillness offers a lot of insight. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

Clear communication.

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