Jenna Lotti

I discovered Jenna Lotti with her song “Sad Girls”. I already loved the fact that mental health was important to her and this song proved it. Today she’s releasing another empowering song about another important subject. It’s called “To A Man”, and it’s about the outdated gender assumptions placed on women and the pressure to become a wife and a mother by the age of 30. I don’t think this song has ever been done before and that’s what makes it so special. The lyrics are perfect and it’s probably my favorite Jenna Lotti’s song.

Thank you so much Jenna for this beautiful and poignant song, and thank you for this interview.

“To A Man” is now available worldwide :)

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hi I am Jenna Lotti and I'm an artist based in LA :) I’ve been writing and releasing music for about 10 years now. I'm originally from Boston and moved to LA 4 years ago with my husband. This past June we welcomed a baby boy <3.



"To A Man" is your new single - what's the story/inspiration behind this single? 

 I got the inspiration for this song when I was pregnant with my son. It’s about the outdated gender assumptions placed on women. The pressure to become a wife and a mother by age 30. To immediately “bounce back” after having a baby. The idea that when you turn 30 you’re “old”. On the other hand, men are applauded for just taking their baby out alone, they get more attractive as they age and they get paid more. The unrealistic expectations that are said to women would never be said to men. 



Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it? 

I wrote this song with my friend Michael Blum and he produced it. He is an amazing writer & producer. We started writing it over zoom in November 2020 when I was pregnant. We had written it and sort of forgot about it for a while. Then I was going through some old demos and listened back to it a couple months ago. I was like OMG we need to finish this one it's so special. We ended up re-writing the verses and reworking the chorus a couple times until it felt right. 


What did you feel when writing this song? 

I felt empowered. 

What's your favorite thing about this song? 

My favorite thing about this song is the line “You’d never say that to a man”. When we were writing this one, Michael sang that line while sitting at his piano and we both were like OMG. We were so excited about that line and basically wrote the whole song around it. We kept saying to each other “How has no one written this song yet?”.

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

The artwork is me in a tux sitting on a stool looking masculine. I wanted it to basically say “ I can do whatever a man can do and more.” 

 As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part for me is social media. The constant need to post and create content is exhausting. The best part is the creative process. When you write a good song that you love, that is the best feeling.


What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

Oh gosh I have so many thoughts lol. It is SO HARD to be an artist right now. The industry is changing so fast and honestly, I am having a hard time keeping up. The pressure to constantly put out new music, post on socials everyday, create content, stay relevant, build a fan base, gain new followers on several different apps, go viral if you want people to work with you, it's just all too much. Most days, I wish the internet didn’t exist. It used to be that an artist would put out an album then take some time off to live their life and get inspiration for their next project. Nowadays, you can’t really do that especially if you are an independent artist who is trying to grow. I’m having a really hard time trying to figure out where I fit into this industry. If I could change one thing, I wish TikTok didn’t exist. 



What advice would you give to artists out there? 

I don't even think I have advice at this point because I’ve been doing this for 10 years and still have no idea what I’m doing!


Besides music, what are you passionate about? 

Fashion, Interior Design & mental health.


In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

More kindness & compassion. 


What message do you want to give to anyone struggling with their mental health? 

You’re not alone. Things can and will get better even if they don’t seem like they will. You are not weak if you need help. You don’t have to suffer in silence. I am here for you.

Connect with Jenna:

