Jillian Loux
Jillian Loux has just released her newest single “White Lilies”, which is the first single off of Loux’s upcoming EP, produced by Matt Corby and co-written with Nat Dunn.
“White Lilies” is brilliant. The more the song progresses, the more the song gets better. It’s the kind of songs that you cannot stop listening so much it is captivating. You just don’t want the song to stop, that’s how stunning it is.
Go stream “White Lilies” now !
Photo credit: Rush Varella
Hi Jillian, how are you? Could you please introduce yourself? What's your story?
I'm doing pretty good! My name is Jillian Loux, I'm 18 years old, and I'm from Atlanta georgia. I've lived there all my life, but now I go to the University of Georgia in Athens, which is about an hour out. Growing up I have found I have a passion for storytelling which I express through music, writing, and hopefully cinema as well sense film is currently my major. Navigating the balance of college and music is a little strange but I think im getting the hang of it!
What did you grow up listening to?
I grew up listening to a wide variety of genres because of my parents and the environment I grew up in. I love Opera, Blues, pop, rap, R&B, Soul, Country, Musical theater, Rock ect. Iv never really had a favorite, just an appreciation for all of them which I think has really helped me in my songwriting.
When did you know you could sing? What were your favorite songs to sing along to?
I don't know if there's an exact moment I figured it out. I know that when I was in Pre-k my teacher pulled my parents aside and told them they needed to get me in voice lessons, because all I would do is sing. I guess from that point on I knew that I had a little something going for me. Growing up I would sing a lot of disney i'm not gonna lie. Disney and Adelle have always had my heart.
Do you remember a specific time in your life where music made a huge difference in your life?
I can honestly say it has made a huge difference in all eras of my life. From Pre-K to elementary school, to middle school and high school, music has served as a major element. I think if along the way I had lost sight of music, I would have lost a part of my identity in a sense.
When did you start writing songs? What does songwriting make you feel?
When I was 6 I didn't talk much but you still couldn't shut me up because I was always singing random tunes. I couldn't write much either, I was a little illiterate. But I had piles of notebooks filled with songs. If you saw me out on the playground you'd see me writing in a journal, sounding out the words that I thought sounded pretty together and by the end of the day I'd have a new song to show mom. I think I liked writing songs so much because it felt like it came natural to me, unlike a lot of other things at the time, aka school. Music was also a way for me to process my emotions. I've always pulled from my experiences and when I finish a song I feel like I've just given myself a free therapy session.
Who was the first person to ever believe in you, professionally?
The first person that ever made me feel like I could actually go somewhere with music was my elementary school chorus teacher, Mr Garner. From the beginning he always had a lot of faith in me. He really assured me that I was on the right track when it came to music, and that was just in the second grade. In recent years however, Nat Dunne and Stephen Mcguire have given me what feels like a chance of a lifetime. They signed me in April of 2022 and have since been guiding and preparing me for all of this. They're kind of like my guardian angels.
"White Lilies" is your new single - what's the inspiration behind this song?
When you're in a manipulative relationship and hurting, you feel like you're kinda going crazy for no reason. I guess I wrote this song so that I could evaluate a relationship I was in, and by the end, be able to tell myself, “oh wait I was never crazy, these are all the reasons I feel this way.” In the song I was able to take control of the narrative and take a rather “girl boss” approach with it by claiming not only do I see what this person is doing to me but I'm also quite done with it.
Could you describe to us the songwriting/production process for this song? Who helped you create it?
Around this time last year I went to Australia to write an EP. On the first day of writing Matt Corby started producing a kind of dark and rich sounding beat. Myself, Nat Dunne, and Andy ____ started spitballing ideas for a concept and since that relationship was so fresh on my mind we decided to write about it. We ended up finishing the lyrics that day, I'm pretty sure and I remember feeling so good about it. I think I was actually losing my mind when we heard it back for the first time.
What do you want people to feel when listening to this song? What message do you want to deliver?
I want them to feel empowered. To feel like they can let go of something that's hurting them more than it is helping.
What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?
I'm very grateful that we have the ability to access music from all over the world right at our fingertips. With that being the case however, I hate how easy it is for really good raw talent to get overshadowed. I don't know if there's a way to keep that happening but If I could change anything it'd be that.
Besides music, what are you passionate about?
Aside from music, I'd say I'm pretty passionate about travel. I’ve made a conscious effort to travel outside of the US as much as possible, specifically through study abroad. I think the more you travel the more you learn. It allows you to form different perspectives about the world and its societies. I just recently signed up for a trip to Havana Cuba because I wanted to see my grandmother's homeland. She just passed away this year so I'm excited to understand a piece of her life a little bit better.
In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?
The world could be better in so many ways. If people didn't have bad intentions. If people kept open minds. If we hugged people more. If people didn't litter. If people acknowledged the little things more. If people acknowledged the beauties of the earth more. Its easy for people to feel like they are the center of their universe when in reality we're all living on a giant space rock just trying to get by.
What biggest lessons have you learned this year?
I'm still kind of learning it but a big one is trying not to be too hard on others and especially myself. We all try to be our best selves but sometimes we fall short and that's okay. Life is all about trial and error. If we don't mess up we’ll never learn. Over the past year I've found myself kinda grateful for the hard times because they allow me to overcome my future challenges a little bit better.
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