kate the dreamer

I absolutely LOVE kate the dreamer’s latest single. It’s called “I Don’t Wanna Know You Anymore” and it’s a smash. It’s pop, empowering, inspiring and catchy. The melodies on this song are amazing, especially on the hook, and the production is brilliant. “I Don’t Wanna Know You Anymore” is a big a record, and no one can deny that :)

kate the dreamer is an incredible songwriter/singer/artist and I’m very happy I got to discover her. Her single “Love Again” was on repeat, and I’m sure her new single will have the same impact :)

I’m super excited to hear kate the dreamer’s upcoming EP, but for now, let’s stream “I Don’t Wanna Know You Anymore” on repeat :)

Photo credit: Lauren Nieves

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hi. I'm Katie, the voice behind kate the dreamer. I spent a greater part of my late teens and early twenties in bands, figuring out my sound, finding myself, and trying to understand exactly what role I wanted music to play in my life. It wasn't until I completely gave up on music that the idea of 'kate the dreamer' started. 

In 2019, I had a clear plan of what my life was going to look like. I moved to a new part of CT (where I'm from), my relationship was going really well, and we really started building out our music to create a sound that at the time I thought was exactly what I wanted.

A couple of months later, he broke up with me, our band ended, and I was living in a different town, working a job I hated, constantly reminded of everything I was missing. I lost who I was, I became someone none of my friends or family recognized. I didn't want to pursue music, I just wanted to make it through the day. 

One night I came home after a long night out with friends and sat down at my keyboard and starting writing, I stayed up all night to finish what felt like the first good thing that had happened to me in a while. That was the night I wrote my first single 'Love Again.' It was mine, I didn't know what it was going to look like or how it was going to see the world, but I knew it had to come out. After six months of working and living in CT, I decided I was moving to LA. I needed to start over. I found someone to take over my lease, moved home for a few months, sold most of my belongings, and starting saving money to leave for LA in the top of the year 2020. 

Everything in my life changed when I got to LA, I starting writing with so many more people, I connected with producers and writers, went through a pandemic, and still came out the other side with so much music I was proud of. It still to this day shocks me how much everything started aligning once I made the choice to move.

How would you define kate the dreamer, the artist? 

kate the dreamer is the artist you put on when you are going on a drive down the coast. I want my songs to transport you to a place where you can cry, laugh, scream, dream, all that corny stuff. I want my music to be a safe space for everyone to listen and feel like anything they want is possible.

"i don't wanna know you anymore" is your latest single - what's the inspiration/story behind this song? 

IDWKUA was written over the course of a year. I starting writing it back in March of 2020 when I was angry and finished it in January of 2021. The chorus flew out of me like it belonged to the song. It described everything I was feeling at the time and really moved me through my breakup to a much better place. It helped me find my sound, and most importantly it helped me find myself. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production for this particular song? Who helped you create it? 

I wrote this song over the course of a year. It started off having a completely different chorus that I never really loved. I wrote the verses so quickly, and I always loved them, but sort of forgot about the song over time since the chorus never really hit me. Months later I was looking over my voice notes and immediately had a better hook in mind, it flew out of me in 10 minutes. I had so much pent-up anger towards the situation I was in, I knew I had to get it out somehow. I really feel like this song found me in many ways. 

As far as producing goes, I had a clear vision for this song from the beginning. One of my favorite producers to work with is Nydge (he produced both Love Again and All These Dreams). I told him I wanted the song to have the same energy as "Burning" by Maggie Rogers. He and my other friend Kim V (another talented producer/writer) transformed the song from my acoustic piano into the breakup anthem I was craving. We used pots and pans to create drums and cut my vocal to have a more percussive role in the song. 

What did you feel when writing this song? 

I had a lot of emotions around my past relationship. We had been best friends for 8 years and dated for almost 4 so when it ended I lost not only my boyfriend, but a musical partner, and a best friend. I had written my sad songs, my empowering songs, and this song felt like my anger song. I needed to go through it to fully move on. This song is written by a past me, which feels really good to say at this point in my life. I feel like I was able to get so much of my emotions out through writing and I now am able to focus on other parts of my life that need healing.

At what point did you know you had to release "i don't wanna know you anymore" as a single? 

I remember when I brought the song to Nydge to work on production I wasn't sure how it was going to end up. After we demoed it out and I listened in my car, I played it for my roommates. They all told me it was their favorite song I had ever written, and at that point, I felt the same. It just felt like it was the sound I had been searching for, like I had finally cracked what I wanted 'kate the dreamer' to sound like. I decided that night it had to come out. 

What was the inspiration behind the artwork? 

It feels so dramatic saying this but I changed the cover art on this song 4 times. Everyone tells me it is the least important part of the song (which I'd have to agree most days), but I really wanted this cover to not only capture the essence of the song, but also wanted it to remain within a collective theme of all the other covers I'm creating for my next singles. I solicited the help of my favorite designer and friend Rebecca Reitz, who is one of the most talented graphic designers I know. The photo was taken by one of my favorite humans and photographers, Lauren Nieves. I wanted the image of a dying/burning rose to capture the idea of the death of a relationship. The playfulness of the writing is supposed to capture the essence of 'kate the dreamer' as a brand, playful, whimsical, and floaty. 

What can you tell us about your upcoming EP? 

I have been writing these songs for over two years. They are most certainly an evolution of my sound, who I have grown into, and all feel like different little pieces of my life over the past two years. I've never put out this much music under any project I've been a part of and this one feels extra special because I got to write it through one of the most challenging yet beautiful parts of my life. I got to write some of these songs by myself and others with some of my favorite writers/people that I've ever worked with. I feel lucky and honored that I can share my thoughts through music. 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

Being an independent small artist has a lot of challenges. Waking up and working towards something that doesn't have a clear path can be super challenging when I think about what my future looks like. Every time I have tried to step away from music because it seems too impossible or too hard, I always come back. I can't escape the feeling of writing a song I'm really proud of. 

The best part is getting to live in a world where I can create music with some of my favorite people. Sharing the magic of songwriting with some of my closest friends has been by far my favorite part about living and working in LA. We all understand the pressure that comes with being a songwriter/artist and having their support on my journey has completely changed the way I look at music. 

Who's helping you build your career/artistry? 

I feel like I've had many people help shape who I am over the years. One of my main supporters/mentors has been Brett Hite (1/2 of FRENSHIP). We connected a few years ago when I was a part of another project, but he has been my biggest advocate/support system in this industry. He has helped connect me with some of my closest collaborators now. 

I also feel like my closest friends/collaborators OSTON, JORDYDrew Polovick (1/2 of Friday Pilots Club), and Nigel Hemmye (producer) have been a huge support system and have helped me shape my music into what it is now. They all endlessly build me up, write and produce with me, and have helped me build the confidence to discover my sound in a safe and uplifting environment. I would not be the artist I am today without them. 

Another person who has been a huge help in my success so far has been Shari Fitch (Prescription) and Rachel Wein (Prescription), they both have set me up for success by placing me in sessions with new artists/writers. I am so grateful for their help/support even without being a signed Prescription artist. 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

The music industry used to really scare me. I had it in my head what it looked like for so long, and feel like I was fed a certain narrative of what it was supposed to look like. My thoughts have since changed after meeting some of the people I named above. They have reinstalled my faith in this industry and that it isn't always as shallow as it might appear. 

That being said, if I could change one thing it would be the lack of support streaming services provide artists. As independent artists with little to no money it's hard enough as it is to save enough money to put out music, but it makes it worse knowing that you won't see much money from the streams you do get. It feels a bit defeating at times.

What biggest lessons have you learned since the beginning of your career? 

Building a music career never looks the same for everyone. I think about what my life would have looked like if I had moved out to LA at 23 right out of college. I am a big believer that timing is everything. I wasn't ready at 23 and I wouldn't trade the life I built in CT at the time. I was naive, gullible, and feel for a lot of the bull shit because I wanted it so badly. Moving out to LA at 26 was the best timing for me, I know who I am, I know what I want, and I don't let anyone try to change my opinion of myself. Of course I am working through confidence issues every day - isn't every 20 something though? The journey is all a part of the process. I've learned to speak up for what I want, how to collaborate in a way where I don't loose who I am, what my place is in a room full of talented musicians, and most importantly how to be happy. It sounds so stupid typing that out, but for the longest time I was forcing myself to be happy with the life I had created for myself back East, spoon-feeding myself lies that never really had me fulfilled. I always had this ache in my stomach telling me it wasn't right when I wanted so badly for that to be the truth. I've come a long way since moving to LA and I'm proud of who I'm becoming. Each year feels like I am discovering more and more about myself as an artist, writer, friend, daughter, and collaborator, and it feels really good to be here. 

What advice would you give to young artists? 

My advice to young artists would be to take every session that comes your way. Even if you don't think that it will benefit you, or you wouldn't write well with certain people, take the session anyways. You have no idea who is going to be in the room, what friends you could make, or even what song will come out of it. 

Besides music, what are you passionate about? 

Although music has always been a huge passion of mine I also wanted to move to LA for all the scenery. I love discovering new hikes and exploring around California. On the weekends I hike with 7-8 dogs and it's my time to be completely alone with myself (and a lot of happy dogs). It feels good to explore the fresh air and be in the woods. I also enjoy playing soccer. I played throughout college and found a coed league here that I played in (pre-covid) and I'm hoping it comes back within the year because it was a fun outlet for me. I try to keep a balance on my life cause I know better songs will come out of living out my 20's.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

For me this answer feels so simple and naive, just be kind. If people could let go of the hatred they have towards others and how they perceive people, the world would be a much better place. All hatred stems from fear of the unknown, and this world has given us many reasons to be scared of what's next this past year. You never truly know what someone else is going through. I try to carry myself with kindness, smile at strangers, and always keep in mind that when most people are being angry or mean they are just projecting. Tell the people that you love you LOVE them, call your parents often, and do dumb shit with your friends. 

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