
Photo credit: Oceanna Colgan

Discovering Kenna’s music was such a beautiful surprise. She’s just released her new single “Second Wave” and it’s a song I immediately enjoyed. First of all, when I read that Hadley Kennary co-wrote this song, I knew it was going to be good. I love seeing all these Nashville-based artists collaborating.

After listening to “Second Wave”, I spent some time listening to Kenna’s previous singles and what I love about her is her incredible voice and the vulnerability she delivers in her songs. “Feeling Around In The Dark” is one of these songs. “Second Wave” is also one of these songs. It’s honest, emotional but it’s also hopeful and memorable. Kenna’s music inspires me.

Kenna is a brilliant artist/songwriter and I’m glad I got to discover her and feature her on my blog.

“Second Wave” is available now :)

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hello! My name is Kenna and I’m an Indie/Pop artist living in Nashville, TN. I love creating music from the heart. I moved to Nashville in 2016 after attending Berklee College of Music in Boston. I’ve been here ever since, creating and collaborating and doing my best to figure it all out! 

How would you define Kenna, the artist? 

At this point, I would define Kenna, the artist, in the same way as I would define myself. For a very long time, I thought I had to be a certain way, fit in a specific type of box, have a “look” in order to do the “artist thing”. My breakthrough moment was when I realized that I should stop believing in that lie & just be myself and make music - not force myself to be something I’m not. So, I define myself as someone who loves and lives to create in many forms, who loves connecting with humans, learning and unlearning, who doesn’t take life too seriously and has a passionate love for dogs, good songs and long runs. 

"Second Wave" is your new single - what's the inspiration behind this song? 

"Second Wave” is about learning how to get back up. I’m slowly learning that every experience I have of "failing" leads to growth, life lessons and better prepares me for the next swell. Life comes in seasons, and sometimes we just have to surrender to the moment and dive in. We wrote this song back in May 2020 in the thick of the first wave of COVID19. We kept hearing people use the term "second wave" referring to the virus spiking again in the winter months. I kept thinking about that in relation to my own lived experiences of learning how to cope with something in a better way, the second time around. Taking a step back from any situation normally can give me the important perspective that life will always have highs and lows. 

You wrote this song with Jared Anderson and Hadley Kennary - how was it like to collaborate with them? Could you describe the songwriting/production process? 

I absolutely love working with them! I work with Jared on everything I put out - we’ve been working together on music since about 2012 so our working relationship has really gotten stronger over the years. We work with Hadley super often - she’s such a great compliment to my style, and so talented. We all actually went to school together - that’s how we know each other. Back in May 2020, we got together over Zoom and started the idea from a track start that Jared brought to the write and it inspired the whole song. It’s crazy to think how quickly we all had to pivot when the pandemic first hit. I’ve written all of my songs over Zoom for the last year and I would’ve never thought that would be my reality.

What did you feel when writing this song? 

Writing this song felt like a reminder to myself that even when I lose sight of it, I’ve come a long way. I have learned a lot of lessons from the times I’ve failed and fallen. It’s all a part of the journey. Writing Second Wave made me remember that I can pick it all back up and keep going.

Listen to Second Wave on Spotify. Kenna · Song · 2021.

What do you like the most about this song? 

The part that emotionally touches me the most - lyrically and sonically - is in the bridge where I sing “it’s a cycle for survival but I won’t give up // it’s a cycle for survival and I get back up”, with Hadley’s beautiful background vocals. 

What made you want to release "Second Wave" as a single? 

Well this has actually been my release model for the past 6 months or so! I’ve been releasing 1 song every 4-6 weeks as singles, then I compile them every few months into their own EP. All of the songs I have released are all grouped intentionally together! - this specific EP will be complete in May of this year.

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

My friend, collaborator, photographer and videographer friend, Oceanna Colgan, created this one for me. To me, it signifies waiting in peace for that second wave to come around, knowing that I can dive in and come out okay on the other side. 

What does music make you feel? 

It makes me feel hopeful - that even in the thick of a tough time, I can still get back up and keep going.

What does it mean for you to be an artist? 

It means living authentically. It means being vulnerable and honest even in the face of fear and uncertainty. It means trying to keep my head above water in an industry that makes it easy to get lost. It means persistent and true to myself and trying to be brave while walking into the unknown.  

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

Today’s music industry is WILD. I honestly get so confused by it - and it’s always changing every single day. If I could change one thing, I would wish that artists and writers could get paid more fairly for their work - from streaming services, etc. People want to listen to music and market music but somehow don’t always see the monetary value in it. My hope is for that to change one day. 

Do you remember a specific moment in your life where music made a huge impact? 

There are too many to count. Music has impacted my life in so many profound ways - I wouldn’t be who I am today without it. Through fear, joy, loss, grief, peace, stagnancy & every other emotion I’ve ever experienced, music has been my safe place to land. 

What message do you want to give to LGBTQIA+ communities? 

Phew, so much! It can be so hard to exist in a world that wasn’t made for you. My heart hurts for all the teens and folks kicked out of their homes at a young age for coming out as queer or trans. I send my love to all of you who feel like the outcast of your family or community - please know you are never alone and you are loved. There are people out there who need you and want you in this world. Help is here if you need it. -

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

Above all, it’s so important to be kind to people AND also take no shit. I’ve learned a lot about the importance of having a strong back, a soft front and a brave heart. That really sums it up for me. I’m still learning to be okay with not knowing what comes next. I’m still also learning that no one really knows what they’re doing. We’re all just trying to figure it out and do our best. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

Tearing down the whole system and building something better with more equity. Investment of resources for communities that have been long ignored by our government. Sustainability and investment into keeping our planet alive and well. Recognition of privilege. Giving. Volunteering. Focusing on what women and nonbinary folks have to say! 

Action with love. I could go on and on! I’m definitely missing some stuff but that’s the basis of what I believe. 

What message do you want to deliver to the world? 

There can be beauty in the mess. We may never figure it all out but I hope we can do this together, even if we don’t know what’s next. ️

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