Kylie Muse

Kylie Muse is a promising talent. As I am typing this, I am listening to all her released singles and I have a few things to say about her music: all her songs are beautifully written, she’s a dope vocalist and why did it take me so long to feature her on my blog? haha

Her latest single “Devil in Disguise” is my favorite Kylie’s song because of its emotion and the vulnerability delivered into the songwriting and the vocals. Songs like these should be remembered for a long time.

Kylie Muse is an artist who writes from the heart and that’s the reason why so many people can relate to her stories. I cannot wait to hear more !

“Devil in Disguise” is now available :)

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

I am a singer songwriter from California. Singing has been my outlet ever since I can remember. It has helped me heal through out my whole life and got me out of a dark place. My dreams have been and will continue to be making great music and hopefully being able to reach a large audience who can also find comfort in my music.

When did you start writing songs?

I have only been writing songs for the past three years and have found a new and deeper love for all elements that go into music.  When you are so invested in the process of music and how it is created, you find a new appreciation for it.

When did you know you could sing?

I always thought I could sing even when I couldn’t. Ever since I was able to talk I would sing. My parents say I came out of the room singing. However, once I hit 7th grade other people started to think I could sing as well. I never stopped singing despite being told to by friends, family, and strangers. And now I’m here. Creating amazing music that I am beyond proud of.

What gave you the confidence to be an artist and release your original music?

It wasn’t something I needed confidence for exactly. This has been what I’ve wanted to do forever. If it was good or bad I was so proud of every single song I’ve ever made. I never got nervous about backlash from people because I knew I was doing what I loved and doing my best to make it a reality.

"Devil in Disguise" is your latest single - what's the inspiration behind this song?

Devil in Disguise is like burning home part two. It can be summarized as falling in love with someone who doesn’t deserve it. However the more personal back story is all about my dad and his journey of falling in love with a bad person. She tore our family apart and caused many hardships for years. He has recently gotten out of that situation after 9 long years.

Could you describe the songwriting/process for this song? Who helped you create it? When did you start working on it?

I wrote this song on a white board. Inspiration struck and I grabbed the closest thing I could write on and got to work. I wrote the first verse in one take along with the chorus. After that I posted it to Tiktok. It seemed like a lot of people related so I decided to finish it. My boyfriend Jack who is also my producer is the genius behind the scenes. He created all the instrumentals and also co writes most of my songs with me. 

What did you feel when writing this song?

This song was very emotional to write. But honestly I was so happy after writing it because I was able to capture what I wanted to say on a beautiful song. That’s the best feeling. Sometimes you have writer block but not with this one. Thats how I knew it was a great song.

What's your favorite thing about this song?

I like the visuals in this song. While writing it I could picture a whole music video and movie like scenario in my head. My writing up until this point has been pretty literal in the sense of its pretty straight forward and couldn’t really be interpreted in a lot of ways. My writing style is slowly becoming a little bit more “free” where you can spin it to relate to a lot of different things.

What made you want to release "Devil in Disguise"?

The fact that people were reaching out to me about this song for months. I wanted to release this song for me but mostly for the people who needed it most. I had so many people message me about how it related to their situation perfectly. So I finished it up and got it out so people didn’t have to feel alone.

What can you tell us about the artwork?

I was at my aunt’s house. She loves photography. She had this HUGE black dress and when I saw it I knew it had to be the cover for this song. So we set up a backdrop and started shooting. It was the second shot we took and BOOM we had it! All done :)

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part?

The hardest part is promotion. As independent artists in current day we are responsible for promoting ourselves. It can suck when you are working your but off and not seeing any results. Especially when it’s a song you love! It can be discouraging and kind of depressing. But you have to understand that it’s apart of the journey and not every song is going to hit. Even when you really believe it will. The best part of being an artist is creating songs that rock. Creating a song from nothing is amazing. Especially when you can get hundreds of thousands of people to hear it. It brings people together. It makes me feel and it helps people heal.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

For me. I don’t look at that I would change about it because I can’t do anything about it right now. So I observe and learn all I can to get as good as I can. There are things about it that I don’t like. Like how labels and people in the industry are looking more at peoples’ follower counts than their talent. People don’t even have to be musically inclined anymore to do music. If you have the following then they will try and teach you music. Instead of the other way around. But it is what it is so i’m rolling with it.

Who's helping you build your career/artistry?

Jack Conway! My boyfriend, producer, and teammate in pretty much everything I do. He has decided to invest in me and believe in me. We work so hard on the music we make and I wouldn’t be able to any of it without him (not well at least). I am so grateful to have him. He himself is a very talented musician. So I’m grateful to get to learn from him every day :)

What's the best advice you've ever received?

Russ once said “Don’t be realistic” be delusional. In this industry confidence is going to take you a long way. There is no time to second guess and care about other peoples’ opinions. If you think it’s dope then its dope.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

People working together instead of against each other. I have found that open mindedness is a rare trait to come across these days. Just because someone doesn’t see things the way you do doesn’t make them wrong and you right. Having knowledge and seeking out other perspectives is only going to strengthen your beliefs. Be openminded. It’s okay to be wrong sometimes.

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far?

That life comes in waves. Some days things are amazing and other days not so much. And that’s okay. We have highs and lows but developing a mindset that can adapt to whatever state you are in is essential. Developing ourself and becoming the best version of yourself is one of the best things you can do in life. Because if you can trust yourself to act accordingly to your situation you always a a sense of safety. If I didn’t like myself or trust myself then I would at all costs try to void hitting “a low” because I wouldn’t know if it’d be able to get out of it. So developing a strong sense of self is super freeing and extremely beneficial.

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