
Toronto-based artist Laila has just released her brand new single “I Like Girls”, right on time for Pride Month.

With the help of Monica Spiering, Jon Pike and Brandon Pero, the singer/songwriter created an anthemic pop record that celebrates love and freedom. Catchy and colorful, “I Like Girls” will definitely get stuck in your head, and that is a great sign.

Go stream “I Like Girls” now available everywhere, and happy Pride month ! Be proud of who you are.

Photo credit: Tasha Kapunovic

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hi!! I’m Laila and I was born in Ottawa, Ontario. I moved around a lot as a kid (including Dublin, Ireland), before settling into Toronto for most of my life. I credit the long car drives for my love of music: my sisters and I used to harmonize to the Chicks and Jonny Cash songs. I’ve been a performer since I was old enough to talk and walk. I used to put on shows in my grandparent’s living room for my entire family. I started performing in musical theatre when I was 13, started writing songs and singing at open mic in high school, then went to Queen’s University for theatre and film. I got an agent after school and started auditioning for film and TV. In 2019 I started releasing original music under pop duo Your Paris. I am so happy and excited to now be on my solo music journey. 

What did you grow up listening to? 

I grew up listening to The Beatles, Jonny Cash, The Chicks, The Corrs, Coldplay, Sarah McLaughlin, and Nelly Furtado. 

When did you know you had to be an artist and release your original music? 

I’ve kind of always known, but the idea of actually doing it scared me for a while. I used to gravitate more to acting because it felt safer to me to pretend to be someone else. Only in the last few years have I really felt ready to tell my own stories as an artist. And I’m glad I waited, because now I know who I am and what I want to say. 

Who was the first person to ever believe in you? 

Oooo this is a hard one. My immediate family has ALWAYS believed in me, and I feel really grateful for that. Aside from that, the first moment I really remember of feeling wholeheartedly believed in (on a professional level) was when I performed as a lead in “Bare: A Pop Opera” when I was 18. The director Tanisha Taitt really saw something special in me.

"I Like Girls" is your new single - what's the inspiration behind this song? 

Last year I was at a show and ran into another female artist I knew. After some catching up and dancing, she told me that she liked girls, then asked me on a date. The whole situation had me very bajiggitty because 1. it was unexpected, and 2. she’s kind of a superstar. It was such a lovely moment that really sparked my journey towards questioning my sexuality and realizing that I might like girls too. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this song? Who helped you create it? 

When I told my friend and collaborator Monica Spiering this story, and she loved it and suggested we write a song capturing this exciting and magical moment. When I first proposed the chorus hook being “I Like Girls” we both laughed, then freaked out when we realized it actually worked. I brought the first demo to my cowriters and producers Jon Pike and Brandon Pero, and then we really got to work on the song. We intentionally sprinkled some country-pop energy and sounds into the song since that was a huge part of my musical upbringing and it felt right for this tune.   

What did you feel when writing this song? 

It felt like a huge release. I’ve wanted to write about exploring my sexuality for a while, but never knew how to do so. I think this story is very true to where I am right now in my journey. 

What made you want to release "I Like Girls" as a single? 

I was pumped about this song from the first songwriting session. I just knew it had to come out, and I felt ready to do so. When I showed it to my producers, they agreed. It felt very special and meant to be that this song came to fruition right before pride month. 

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

The artwork was shot by my friend and photographer Tasha Kapunovic (@lilspyce). We had so much fun shooting it and wanted to make sure it felt really fun and exciting, so we brought in the “I Like Girls” cake as a prop. My friend/graphic designer Danika Baker-Sohn (@danikabs) designed and edited the cover art. We’ve been working together since 2019 so she has a really great understanding of who I am and what my brand is — she killed it! 

What message do you want to deliver to the LGBTQIA+ community? 

That there is space for you to explore and be excited while you discover how you identify. 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

I think there are a lot of great things coming out of the industry - I’m excited to see genres become less precise and to see artists experimenting between and not feeling limited by them. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

If people practiced more listening and experienced more nature. I think this would create a more understanding and grounded world in which we could more successfully tackle social issues and injustices. 

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

That nobody is going to love everything you do. But it’s important to be yourself unapologetically, because that’s the only way you’ll connect with and resonate with the people who do like you. 

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