Liv Ritchie

Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter/actress Liv Ritchie has recently released her latest single titled “Wake Up”. Co-written with Renee Myers, Rachel Thobodeau and produced by Jared Sciullo and Curt Chambers, the captivating pop single came from a dream where her ex was back in her life.

In addition to writing new music, Ritchie has just been cast in a film starring Nicholas Hoult and Shailene Woodly.

The new single is off her upcoming debut EP, to be released this summer.

“Wake Up” is out now :)

Photo credit: AJ Harpold

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hi! I’m Liv Ritchie! I’m a midwestern girl living in LA pursuing my dreams of singing/songwriting/acting. I was an athlete growing up along with being involved in musical theatre and leading a worship team. When I was 15 years old, I moved to Vancouver, BC and focused on acting in film. This is also when I started to take music seriously. I started making covers and working on my writing skills. I graduated high school a year early and went to college to major in communications and theatre. During My sophomore year, I booked a lead in a film and left to go shoot in Hawaii. I ended up deciding to move to LA after that and pursue music and acting. Now here I am!

What did you grow up listening to? 

My parents would play all sorts of different genres of music. I was mostly inspired by pop, r&b, soul, gospel, and jazz.

Growing up, what were your favorite songs to sing along to? 

Some of my favorites were Feeling Good by Nina Simone, Signed, Sealed, Delivered by Stevie Wonder, and Something Stupid by Frank Sinatra. 

At what point did you know you could sing? 

My mom told me when I was super little I would go into my room and come out saying that I was in my room singing with the angels. So I guess I knew that I loved to sing. I did musical theatre all my life, but would always land those obscure leading roles that sang in weird voices. So I started to think that my voice wasn’t good enough to pursue music professionally. I also was a leader on a praise team in my teen years. It wasn’t until I was 15 and put out a cover of little mix’s wings. It did really well and the band reposted that. Everybody was commenting on how my voice was deep and similar to Perry’s. That definitely gave me the confidence to find my sound and pursue pop music.  

When did you decide to fully become an artist and release your original music? 

I’ve always wanted to do this! It was just about timing and figuring out how. I made a demo to Rihanna’s love on the brain a couple of years ago and sent it to a film producer. He then sent it to a vocal coach who is now a big part of my team. He became a mentor of mine and from there we started the development process of getting in the studio and producing some of my original music! 

Who was the first person to ever believe in you? 

My mom. My mom is my biggest inspiration and support. She has believed in me since day 1 and has taught me the most in my life. 

How would you define Liv Ritchie, the artist? 

I love telling stories and I love listening to stories. Whether it’s through my story, or the music I share, or an interaction I have with someone…my hope is to be a light, an encourager, a literal or figurative shoulder to cry on, a person who can empathize with pain, but also celebrate the joys of life. 

"Wake Up" is your latest single - what's the inspiration behind this song? 

I had this dream where my ex was back in my life and it was perfect. We resolved all of our issues and I thought that he was THE ONE. Then I woke up and realized none of that was real. I wrote that dream out and sent it to my friend and said it wasn’t a nightmare until I woke up. That became the song. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this particular song? 

It started out in my notes on my phone writing out some of the lines from the actual dream, then I flew to Nashville from LA to work with a producer and a couple other songwriters. The producer started coming up with such a dreamy beat and I knew right away. Then we wrote it super quickly. I actually left this song as a demo for awhile. But I had a lot of friends that found this song super relatable and so they convinced me to release it. I went to a studio in LA and rerecorded the vocals and now it’s out! 

What's your favorite thing about this song? 

I find the song comforting in the weirdest way. I still have dreams like this every once in awhile. Sometimes they are with exes, or old friends, or Harry Styles. And then I’ll listen to this song to make me feel better. Plus its so dreamy and makes me want to dance around. 

How do people respond to this song so far? 

I’ve gotten a really good response, which makes my heart so happy. I’ve received a lot of messages about people relating to the song which is all I ever want. 

What can you tell us about your upcoming EP? 

I’m so excited about this project! I poured a lot into these songs. My upcoming EP is a deep dive into 24 consecutive hours as I navigate a relationship at a crossroad. It sheds light on the joys and hardships that come with relationships and the choices you make when everything starts to crumble. 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part is this industry is so unpredictable. There’s a lot of rejection in the beginning stages. You have to make a conscious choice to not find your identity in validation from others, or else you will always feel discouraged. However, the best part is creating art that you are passionate about and getting to share it with others. I love collaborating and the communal aspect that making music offers. I get to tell stories and that is the most fulfilling thing to me! 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

The industry is very interesting right now. In some ways, it’s great for independent artists because we have more outlets to get discovered. But in other ways, it’s now very saturated with everyone trying to make it. It seems like the labels are picking up people only because they have a following and then talent comes second. I would like to see talent come first. It used to be that way. They would develop talented artists and push them. Now they wait until the artist has a built in audience. Understandable. It’s business. It just means independent artists need to adapt. 

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

Live intentionally because life is fleeting.  Love deeply, take care of those around you, and enjoy the little moments in life. Because those always end of being the biggest moments. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

LOVE. Choosing to love unconditionally. Loving each other through our differences. 

What message do you want to deliver to the world?

There is always hope ahead. There is always life ahead. Don’t forget what you’re living for. Your life matters. I hope that I can offer hope, light, and love to those around me and to the people that allow me to share my art with them. 

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