Mad Welsley

Photo credit: Sammy Hearn

“Working on Me” is my favorite song off Mad Welsley’s debut EP and interviewing her about this particular song made perfectly sense. I’m so glad she released these alternate versions of “Working on Me”, it will give this song more significance and power; and it will receive a lot of love from people, I’m sure of it :) The topic of this song is so important to me. Working on ourselves and eliminating toxic relationships is key. It also took me a long time to figure this out, but everything seems much brighter and easier if you choose to take care of yourself before anything else.

Mad Welsley is a beautiful artist, a great singer and a wonderful songwriter. I can’t wait to hear what she’s going to offer next :)

Stream “Working on Me” and the alternate versions now !! :)

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hi! I’m Mad ☺ I was born in Memphis, TN and grew up in a wildly creative family. I started singing and performing around the age of 5 and pretty much haven’t stopped since. Growing up, I was in various music projects in both Memphis and Nashville and eventually formed the band Stealing Oceans, a 7 piece hip-hop/funk band here in Nashville. After writing and touring for a few years with them, I decided to pursue my solo career in 2017. Several years of me writing for myself and other artists led me to releasing my debut EP “For The Boys I Used To Love” in the fall of 2020. I am currently gearing up for several new releases to come out in 2021, including my mini-ep “Working On Me – Alternate Versions” out on March 4th. 

How would you define Mad Welsley, the artist? 

Mad Welsley is a strong, sassy, no bull-shit pop artist who writes about life experiences and vulnerability. 

You released your debut EP For The Boys I Used to Love last year- how did people respond to this EP? 

The EP had such a great response! It was my first project to release as a solo artist and I think people were really excited about that. Especially after years of me playing and writing in different projects around town. It definitely marked the beginning of a new era for me and everyone could feel that energy surrounding the release.

What's your favorite thing about this EP? 

I have a lot of favorite things about this EP. The first is it being my producers first project to produce for another artist. Jonathon and I had known each other for years and he never considered himself a producer, but I heard what he was doing for our demos and literally begged him for 6 months to take on this project with me. When he finally said yes, we immediately started working and it became very obvious that it was exactly what we were supposed to be doing. My second favorite thing about this project is the concept of every song being written about a different guy in my life and the final song being about focusing on myself. I spent so much time giving my time and energy to people that didn’t deserve it, and I was so exhausted and unhappy. “Working On Me” truly marks a turning point in my life where I realized that in order to keep loving other people, I had to focus my energy on loving myself again.

You've just released alternate versions for your song "Working on Me" - what made you want to release this project? 

I wish I could say that I had some grand plan for this project, but I literally woke up one day wanting to make a stripped down, acoustic version of one of the new songs on the EP. I took a poll on instagram and everyone picked “Working On Me”. I thought it would be a super casual release, but then it evolved into a more produced alternate version, that eventually evolved into me wanting a completely separate dance remix to pair with it. I really had no idea that my small idea would take on such life, but I’m so happy that it did.

Could you tell us a bit more about these alternate versions? Who did you work with? 

“Working On Me (Alternate)” was produced by my producer Jonathon Jircitano. We had originally intended for it to be a stripped down, acoustic version, but we were having too much fun and it turned into a completely different vibe. I like to think of this one as representing the low’s that can come out of actually working on yourself and how difficult that can be sometimes. “Working On Me (I s a a c T a y l o r Remix) was produced by my brother Isaac Taylor. It was actually our very first collaboration together and we did everything remotely, which was also a first for me. I think he perfectly captured the more confident, fun energy of working on yourself and the freedom that comes with it. 

Listen to Working on Me (Alternate Versions) on Spotify. Mad Welsley · Single · 2021 · 3 songs.

What did you feel when writing "Working on Me"? 

I wrote this song with my friends Matt Harris and Chelsea Balan in 2019. I remember I was going through a breakup at the time, had just started therapy, and on my way to our session the melody and lyrics for the verse just popped into my head. When I got there and played them the voice memo I had recorded in my car, the rest of the song just kind of came together. I walked out of that session thinking that I had finally written a song that perfectly described every bit of how I was feeling in the moment, especially the lines “Got a fear of missing out, but when I’m there I’m freaking out”. That is literally me every single time I go out. 

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

The artwork was taken in a bathroom at a local bar on an iphone. Pretty DIY, but I love it even more because of that.  

What advice would you give to anyone struggling with mental health? 

Please ask for help. There is nothing to be ashamed of for needing help from someone else. As much as we would all like to think that we are strong enough to handle everything on our own, there is strength in vulnerability. I spent the majority of my life dealing with depression and anxiety on my own, but all that did was send me down some pretty dark roads in my mind. It’s amazing how quickly talking about it and realizing that you are not alone can pull you out of those places. 

Talk to a friend or therapist, move your body every day, trust the process, give yourself grace, eliminate toxic relationships, sit in the sun. Do all of this you will be on your way back to good mental health. I promise. 

What does singing make you feel? 

When I’m singing, I feel like I’m where I belong. I’ve been singing and performing my whole life and it was always where I felt the most ‘me’. I feel full and complete. It’s my home. 

Why do you make music? What keeps you going? 

I learned at a very young age that I make music because I have to. Songwriting is the only way that I can compartmentalize my feelings and truly express myself. If I didn’t have that outlet I would be one big anxious ball of energy exploding in 100 different directions. Making music gives me my true north. 

As an artist, how's it like to live in a city like Nashville? 

I love Nashville! It’s such a small town and everyone is so supportive of each other, especially in the arts. I’m really not sure if I’ll ever leave here. It’s definitely my home now. 

What's the hardest part about being an artist?

Currently the hardest part about being an artist is not being able to do it full-time. Like so many artists that I know, I have several different jobs to pay my bills. Obviously, the ultimate goal is for my music to become a full time gig for me, but until then, I’ll just keep on hustling.  

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

Honestly, I’m really loving where the music industry is right now. For the first time in a while independent artists are finally getting the recognition that they deserve. There are so many outlets to share your music and so much more acceptance in the industry for artists that create in multiple genres. It’s really freeing knowing that we can create whatever we want and share it with the world when we want to.  

Who's helping you build your artistry/career? 

My friends and family!  It definitely takes a village and I’m forever grateful for all of the people around me that are willing to step in and help me out when I need it. Although I am self-managed at the moment, I absolutely could not do any of this without their help and advice.

What's the best advice you've ever received? 

“If you love it, other people will too.” People will always respond well to something that you’re passionate about, but if you’re not 100% about it, they will see right through you. 

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

No matter how many times your heart gets broken, it’s okay to love again and again and again. Listen to your body and mind. If you need some alone time, honor that. Your friends will understand. Be precious with the people you let into your world. If your energies don’t match, don’t force it. Focus on the people that make you feel your absolute best. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

Acceptance. It shocks me how quick we all are to judge other people and their life choices sometimes. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t guilty of that too sometimes. But if we just accept everyone and their beliefs/opinions, I think the world would be a much happier place. 

What message do you want to deliver to the world? 

No matter what, do your best to stay true to yourself. As long as you’re following your heart and surrounding yourself with positive people, the rest will fall into place. 

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