Danish artist MAGLY has just released her new single “Honesty”.
With the help of Jeppe London and Celine Svanbäck, the singer/songwriter created an empowering record that came after a breakup. The new single is about being honest to your partner and to yourself. “Honesty” feels liberating and powerful. It’s an anthem.

“Honesty” is an anthem and it is out now !!

Photo credit: Agga Studio

Hi MAGLY, how are you? What's your story? 

I'm good thanks!
I grew up in the countryside in Denmark with my mom, dad and big sister.
I was a very silent and shy kid, who always dreamed about the big stages, but didn’t tell anyone before I started writing my own songs and learned how to play the piano, around 16 years old. Before this I was a gymnast on a high level and played the violin.
When I was 16 I did different musicals where I was an actor, singer, and dancer,  and after this my dream got bigger. 

I moved to Norway and got accepted to study at a school called Limpi in Lillehammer, where I studied together with other songwriters, producers, and artists. A full year of learning how to write songs. 

A year later I signed a Publishing deal with Sony Music publishing Scandinavia. And 2 years later I signed a Record deal with a big label and released two singles. Now I'm releasing my next single independently, which I'm super excited about. 

Do you remember your earliest musical memory? 

When I was around 10 I traveled to Northern Norway with my violin team, to play concerts and play with other teams.

What did you grow up listening to?

I was listening to Disney, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and The Kids Eurovision. 

When did you know you could sing? and what does singing make you feel? 

I knew I could sing around 16, when I showed up to an audition and the vocal coach took me under her wing and told me that I had something special.  

When I'm singing I feel free. Free in my mind and my spirit. I feel I can express myself fully, and I don't worry about anything else than just telling my story, and being in the moment. Something that I love and appreciate.

Do you remember a specific time in your life where music made a huge impact? 

When I watched a musical for the first time. I remember the big orchestra, the strings, the horns and the beautiful vocals.
I remember being so touched from just the sound of it.

"Honesty" is your new single - what's the story/inspiration behind this single? 

“Honesty” is my own experience and the sudden ending of what I considered a mutual strong and important relationship. All the promises we made turned into misunderstandings and lies, eventually leading to self-loathing. And this song is my way to regain strength and belief in myself. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it?

“Honesty” started off as a deep conversation with my co-writer and producer Jeppe London and Celine Svanbäck. I opened up about what I was going through at the time. We first started on one idea but decided to delete it and to start over. We talked more, and then Jeppe started playing around on the guitar and we quickly came up with some melodies, and Celine was very quick to come up with the title idea. And in 3-4 hours we had the song. Just playing around and talking. The best way to write a song, I think.

What's your favourite lyric on "Honesty"? 

Even though I felt like a little kid in the moment when you left
I try to tell myself constantly that it’s probably for the best.

What do you want people to feel when listening to this song? What message do you want to deliver? 

I want people to feel free and feel open.  The message should be to always speak the truth and be honest, at least to yourself.

What can you tell us about the music video? What's the inspiration behind it? 

When we wrote Honesty I instantly got scenes in my head, and I created a storyboard with the Video director Louie Angenendt. I wanted an old car, a beautiful sunset and for me to be in the water. I wanted the video to be moving constantly, cuz that’s what the song does. It develops all the time.
I wanted to show that there is beauty in frustration.

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part as an artist is social media. A big part of the artist's life is to create a big fan base. You have to post good content everyday, and to keep people in the loop. And no one can do it for you, because people want your authentic self, and not an employer's view on you.
The best part is to be able to share your story and to connect with people around the world. To be singing live in front of thousands of people, and to feel the support from strangers who suddenly feel like family to you. Just through music.  

Besides music, what are you passionate about? 

I'm passionate about a lot of creative stuff, but taking pictures/videos and baking are my favorite things to do. I love a good cinnamon roll with a good cup of coffee, on the beach. 

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

To trust your gut no matter what. Deep down you know the answer and it’s so much easier to follow it than trying to avoid it.

In your opinion, what would make the world a BETTER place? 

The world would be a BETTER place if we tried to listen to each other, then be better at communicating.

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