Meggie York

Meggie York has just released her new single '“couldn’t be forever” and it has some of the best melodies ever. Produced by 2SCOOPS, the self-written single is about falling in love at a young age and feeling confused by all these feelings.

“Young love can be confusing even if it doesn’t seem that way at the time. It’s hard to make someone else happy if you don’t even know what you want for yourself and your future,” she says.

I rarely get to feature Cincinnati-based artists on my blog but every time I do, I always end up being very impressed by these talents. Meggie York is no exception. She has a unique tone, her songwriting is very special (in the best possible way), she tells real stories and I love hearing that.

“couldn’t be forever” is out now !! :)

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hi everyone reading this! My name is Meggie York and I am a 20 year old singer and songwriter from Cincinnati, Ohio! Ever since I was little, I always loved music and everything to do with it. I would write songs in my bedroom and record singing videos to post on my Instagram page. Once they started getting a little traction (which took a while!), I finally went into the studio to record my first original. I then started getting emails for show bookings and collaborations, and I have been putting 100% into my music ever since. I love the outlet that music gives me, and it is so much fun to create things that myself and others can enjoy!

"couldn't be forever" is your new single - what's the inspiration behind this single? 

I tend to either write about personal struggles in my life, or things that I see people close to me going through. I wrote "couldn't be forever" when I was just trying to let out the thoughts inside my head and needed a way to, so I made those thoughts into a song. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it? 

I wrote "couldn't be forever" alone in my room! I write all of my originals myself because they are very personal to me and I want to be able to make them exactly like what my vision is. I sent the vocals over to my good friend 2SCOOPS, and his production tied the whole song together. He did such an amazing job and I am so excited for others to hear the song we created!

What made you want to release "couldn't be forever" as a single?

This is the first original of mine where I truly feel like I have found my sound. I have experimented with lots of styles but once I wrote this song, I knew that this was the lane that I wanted to go down with my music. 

What lessons have you learned after the release of your debut EP some songs i wrote

After releasing my EP, I learned that I wanted to change my sound a bit. I felt as though I made those songs because I thought other people would like them, and not because I really loved them. I think that they are great songs, but I promised myself that moving forward, I would go with my gut and make more of what I want to make, regardless of others opinions. 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

I feel the music industry today is very focused on "trends" and what sells well, rather than who really puts their heart into their music to tell a story. I see so many "influencers" getting record deals when they don't even sing, just because they have a following. It is frustrating to me when I know so many artists who would be so ecstatic for a record deal, but yet they only seem to take on artists who already have everything built up. 

What is the proudest moment of your career so far? 

My first show has to be my most proud moment, also because it was such a turning point in my career. Cincinnati's iHeartRadio station held an opener contest for their holiday radio show, and I ended up being chosen to open out of hundreds of applicants. I got to perform alongside Why Don't We, Ava Max, Spencer Sutherland, and Jake Miller in front of over 2,000 people. It was such a surreal experience and it really sparked my love for live performing.

What message do you want to deliver to the world? 

I try to spread positivity and kindness everyday, and that is a major motto that I live by. On my social media, I like to think of it as a safe space where people can be themselves, meet other music lovers, and see some positive content rather than something that makes them feel insecure or upset. People should feel as though they can express themselves in whatever ways they want to, knowing that music is the main outlet that I use to express myself. Music should be something that everyone can enjoy, and if just a few people are touched by my music, then I believe that I did my job well. 

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