
Indie pop artist Paulina has just released her three-track EP titled everything’s still.

The project is a three-part breakup that explores an emotional storytelling from the initial breakup to the healing process. Self-written, the EP was created with the help of Miami-based producer Sam Merkin.

The title of my EP, ‘everything’s still,’ was inspired by one of my favorite Noah Kahan songs, ‘The View Between Villages. The closing line of the song, ‘and everything’s still,’ really resonated with me. It feels so uplifting, like it’s the moment you can finally breathe again. That’s how making this EP made me feel; I wanted to embody that feeling,” she explains.

everything’s still is now available worldwide !

Photo credit: Elizabeth Spear

Hi Paulina, how are you? What's your story? 

Hi! I'm great, thank you for asking! I was born and raised in Long Island, New York. I went to music school in Miami (Go Canes!) and recently moved to Los Angeles. Music has always been my main passion and it's only gotten stronger over the years. I started writing when I was 13 years old with piano, and started releasing my own music my senior year of college. This is my second EP and it's crazy how fast time flies!

Do you remember your earliest musical memory? 

I don't necessarily remember this since I was basically a baby, but there's an old video my mom found of me holding a microphone and putting on a show for my family. I was probably 3 years old. I've been singing as early as I could speak!

You're about to release your new EP everything's still - how's it like to release this new project? How do you feel? 

I feel relieved, honestly. Like, free. And proud. I've been holding onto this concept and these songs for some time now and it feels amazing to finally get them out and share it. It also feels like the closing of that chapter of my life. Music releases are typically at a delay, so it feels like I'm reliving the emotions I felt while making it, now, months later. It's emotional for sure, but also just reminds me how far I've come, how much has happened since then, and how time heals.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this EP? Who helped you create it? When did you start working on it? 

I wrote these songs by myself, that's usually how I process my emotions. I wrote all 3 close together, in Fall 2023. The concept of "stranger" I actually thought of prior, but revisited it during this time. The others came about super quickly. Once I'm on a roll, I can get a song out fast. I brought it to my friend and producer, Sam Merkin, in Miami, and we did a week-long camp to record them. I really sat with him and made thorough choices for this project. He's a wizard, I'm convinced. He got my vision. Another close friend of mine, Elliot Harper, mixed and mastered the tracks, finishing up the EP. Those are my boys!

What different topics are you talking about on this project? 

Mostly the concept of how people come and go within our lives. It doesn't just have to be in a romantic sense, it could be a family member, a friend, etc. The songs reflect on this idea, and come to terms with it. Lots of questioning, confusion, frustration, but at the end, it feels resolved. At least, to me. 

What did you feel when recording "a song I wrote"? 

There's a lot of storytelling in this one. I felt empowered. It's kind of a mic drop moment. It's a little sassy, and clever, and kind of calls someone out for listening to your music even though they act like they don't care anymore. It's like... you say you don't care, but I know you're listening to my songs! So who's the real winner, you know?

What made you want to release these 3 particular songs as an EP? 

They follow the same storyline, and each brings out a different set of emotions. "stranger" is the initial reaction, filled with anger and confusion. "funny (interlude)" is the reflection, it's slowly finding acceptance and sitting with it. "a song I wrote" is the closure. 

What do you want people to feel when listening to this project? What message do you want to deliver through this project? 

I hope they feel heard - we've all been there! I hope they scream, cry, dance, whatever it is. I hope it brings some closure. It brought me closure - something I had to find myself.

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

It's mature, there's a darkness to it, and a somber tone. It's me leaving behind my innocence and youth in a way, realizing that the world isn't all teddy bears and lollipops (as seen in the background). But it's peaceful. 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part is pushing promotion, not knowing how much of it really sticks. But the best part is hearing feedback from people and the positive response. Sometimes I forget my music is out there for people to listen to, and from time to time, an unexpected person will reach out and say they love my music. It's often someone I never thought would have listened. That's like the best feeling - the best surprise. Warms my heart every time.

How's it like to be a woman in the music industry? What biggest lessons have you learned as a woman in this business? 

I feel like women are killing it right now! So much talent and awesome music. I think the biggest lesson I've learned is how to differentiate who actually values your talent and music, and isn't just reaching out with an ulterior motive. 

What are your thoughts on today's social media? How does it impact your career? 

Social media is crucial today. It's good and bad. It's easier to be seen and get your stuff out there. The exposure is endless, which is great. But at the same time, with so many people able to do it, it makes it harder to stand out. I'm a fan of social media though - it's a way to creatively express yourself. It's fun!

In your opinion, what would make the world a BETTER place? 

If we didn't compare ourselves to others. Everyone has their own beauty and qualities to offer. You don't compare a sunset to a flower - both are beautiful, and they are two very different things. 

What can we expect to hear/see next? 

Hopefully more shows! And lots of collabs. I've been writing for a lot of other artists, I'm super excited about! x

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