
When r&b songs include guitar parts, I will immediately fall in love with the record.

Radha has just released her brand new single “Drowning” and it is addictive, mesmerizing and stunning. Radha’s melodies and vocals are flawless. “Drowning” is the perfect r&b record, in my opinion, and it is one of my favorite new releases.

“Drowning” is now available everywhere. Go stream it !

Photo credit: Gabrielle Bower

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

My name is Radha, and I’m a 23 year old R&B singer/songwriter from Boston, MA. I’ve been brought up in a musical environment, with my mother being an Indian Classical Vocalist. She trained me in the classical arts as well, so my oldest experiences with music align with my Indian background. As I got older, I began experimenting in Western genres such as R&B and soul music, and I began to interweave Indian melodic patterns into my music. I’ve since been grateful to gain the opportunity to perform at different venues, luxury properties, hotels, and public areas in the greater Boston area and enjoy writing late night R&B music as a form of self expression. 

When did you start writing songs? What made you want to write in the first place? 

I started writing songs when I was 8 years old. Storytelling through melodies and lyricism captivated me. I loved being able to express my emotions and experiences through the medium of music. I have always been shy and soft spoken, but music has always been an outlet where I feel comfortable expressing myself boldly and candidly. 

When did you know you had to be an artist and release your original music? 

I always knew that I wanted to be an artist and share my passion for music with the world. Even still, taking the concrete step to market and publicize my music was something I was nervous about doing. While I was in college at Boston University, a close friend of mine strongly encouraged me to release and perform my music. His support towards my passion gave me the confidence to share my music with others and I am very grateful to have friends and family that support my pursuit of music.

Who was the first person to ever believe in music? 

My family has always been the biggest supporters of my interest in music. My parents and brother cultivated a strong creative environment within my childhood home and have always supported my performances and passion for songwriting. 

"Drowning" is your new single - what's the inspiration/story behind this song? 

I wrote “Drowning” to express the variety of conflicting emotions I navigate as I fall in love. I tend to keep up a strong exterior in the early stages of a relationship and find it difficult to present myself vulnerably in fear of the pain it may cause me. “Drowning” encompasses this headspace, along with the emotions of passion and euphoria experienced once I’ve let my guard down and opened myself up to experience the depths of love and infatuation. I hope this track resonates with listeners who encounter similar emotions as they fall in love. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it? 

I initially found the beat for this track on an app called “Voisey,” where singers write over a selection of beats. I listened to the beat, which was produced by 6 points, and immediately got inspired to write a verse and a hook on it. From there, I was able to get in touch with the producer and wrote the rest of the song over the following day. The boost of inspiration compelled me to head to the studio and record a concept, which ultimately led to the completion of the track!

What's your favorite lyric on "Drowning"? 

The prehook of the track is my favorite, as the lyrics play with the beat and add texture and rhythm while expressing the emotions of fear and fixation associated with falling in love.

“putting up a guard could you break it down

If you let you in my heart know you’d take it

All I know is I want all of you now”.

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

The image for the cover art was inspired by the feelings associated with falling in too deep and being consumed by another person. In the image, I am pictured lying down and enveloped in blue, a symbol of the ocean surrounding me.

What do you want people to feel when listening to it? 

When listening to the song, I want listeners to reminisce on experiences of infatuation and heartbreak - on moments where you're teetering between running in the opposite direction of love and vulnerability, and cracking yourself open to reveal the deepest parts of yourself to someone. 

Do you remember a specific moment in your life where music made a huge impact? 

In 2012, I moved to India to be with my extended family. As a shy 11 year old, I found it difficult to adjust to a new environment and find a sense of stability in my new routine immediately. Through the process of adapting to a new environment, I was able to find solace and peace in songwriting. Making music was a reliable and powerful outlet for me during this period of uncertainty.

You've been street performing around Boston - what does this experience teach you as a performer? 

I have always loved how spontaneous and raw performing in a public area is. It allows you to connect and express yourself around so many different types of people. As a performer, I find it valuable to practice interacting with the general public while staying grounded and composed - street performing allowed me to strengthen these skills.

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

Music heals the soul, and creating art in times of pain brings one personal fulfillment. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

Approaching others and ourselves with more compassion and softness is something I’d love to help cultivate - I believe doing so would make our world a better place.

What are your goals for 2023? 

Releasing more music, traveling the world, and continuing to share beautiful moments through live performance are definitely some of my goals for 2023.

Connect with Radha:


